I am the King

Chapter 230

Almost for a moment, my whole right arm was completely numb! That feeling, I will never forget, as if that arm is not my control in general! My tiger's mouth, under the fierce impact, has been blood flying down!

"Ah I snorted. At that time, I couldn't control my body at all. I retreated four or five steps, and then I stabilized myself!

what?! I was stunned, completely stunned! I looked at Qian Bao inconceivably, but at this time, Qian Bao was also looking at me. My eyes are locked on me. People around, hearing the loud noise, also stopped their actions one after another and focused on me and Qian Bao!

It was only then that the situation became clear. There were more than 100 people on our side, but now there are only 60 people left to stand! However, there were more than 30 people who were helped by money. Now there are more than 20 people who can stand!

Qian Bao and I stood in the middle of each other and looked at each other. However, in my heart, has set off a storm! I really can't believe the scene in front of me. It's true!

How can Qian Bao be so strong! How is that possible? Qin Xiong does not say, before Qian Bao, is only Huang Jie's later strength? Even if Qian Bao's strength has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years, I'm afraid it's not so strong now, right? Even if he has reached the pre xuanjie stage. I'm in the late stage of Huang Jie now, and I can't be so much worse than him!

I can feel that Qian Bao's strength in front of me has definitely exceeded the previous stage of xuanjie!

No, No.. My heart seems to be beating a drum, still looking at Qian Bao. But at this time, Qian Bao's face finally showed a sneer: "where are these students from? Is this where you should be? Get out of here. "

The voice of Qian Bao is extremely cold. I couldn't help shaking. At that time, I quickly stabilized my mood: "if I don't go away?"

"Don't you go away? Are you looking for death? " Qian Bao looked at me with a smile on her face and said, "another one to die?"

"Qian Bao, I don't want to say anything else. There are only more than 20 people left in your current Qian Gang. We are not difficult for you, we go, you do not stop. In the future, we will not let the well run into the river. "

"You fart!" But my voice has not yet fallen, Qian Bao in front of me, as crazy in general, suddenly howled out!

"Are you a troublemaker? Are you the Xiongfeng Gang? You've just killed the big circle gang. Are you confident? Troublemaker you, come to our money to help pick things, I'm really used to you, how long, no one dares to install wall with me, you think 200 people, cow wall? Now, if you're a little baby, do you want to go? " Qian Bao looked at me coldly. At this moment, the corner of his mouth rose slightly: "little doll, I don't know who you are, but I just fought with me. I feel your skill is good. You should be in the later stage of the Yellow stage? "

"At a young age, it's incredible to have such strength." Qian Bao was staring at me all the time and said, "I don't know what's the relationship between you and Qin Xiong, and I don't want to know. I just want to ask you, do you want to join our money Gang?"

"Joined you, a wall!" My eyes have turned red with a roar! Because I can see that Xinlong, Wan guangtou and Hao long are already scarred! If I don't come, I'm afraid we brothers will all die here! How can Qian Bao be so powerful that he can beat more than 100 people with one person's strength?! I can't even think about it!

"Ha ha, I have character, ha ha, but I like it." Qian Bao looked at me with a smile: "doll, I ask you, you follow Qin Xiong, what can Qin Xiong give you? As long as you join our money help, I will let you, below one person and above ten thousand people! I let you have endless money, I let you experience the life of the upper class! If you don't join, you and Qin Xiong will die for me Speaking of this, Qian Bao's eyes are full of killing intention!

"I'll ask you for the last time whether you want to join the money gang or not." Qian Bao looked at me with a sneer, his voice has become strange.

"Ha ha..." at that moment, I also laughed and waved to Qian Bao: "it's not impossible to join you. But you have to promise me a condition

"What conditions?" I can see that Qian Bao showed excited eyes at that time, and his body came towards me a little bit!

It's almost a breath. Hao long, Xin long, Qin Xiong and others take a breath!

Only Qian Bao, with a smile on his face, walked up to me and looked at me with great interest: "what's the condition? Ha ha, just mention it. Don't worry. As long as I can satisfy you, I'll try my best to satisfy it. After you join us, you can eat what you want and spicy in the future."

"My condition is... To... Kill you!" At that moment, I suddenly roared out. At the same time, the blue sickle in my hand was crazily raised and cut directly on Qian Bao's head!

"Don't you?" Qian Bao's whole body is full of killing intention, and his head is slightly crooked. His reaction is also quite rapid. Before my sickle falls on his head, he directly hides it, but I'm not defeated. I cut it heavily on his shoulder! Blood gushes like a fountain!

"Ah With a pig like scream, Qian Bao's face turned pale and his body almost jumped up! Look at me with a resentful face!

"Troublemaker you, move my brother, come on, come on!" I keep waving my sickle like crazy. In fact, I know in my heart that I can't beat Qian Bao, but I still don't give up. Brother, if you want to die, you will die together!

"You..." but I never dreamed that Qian Bao didn't attack me. Instead, he chose to dodge. The whole room, people on both sides, were leaning against the corner. Only Qian Bao was swimming around. I followed Qian Bao closely. I wondered why Qian Bao didn't attack!

"Boy, you are forcing me. I have never fought back. I sincerely invite you. Don't force me! " Qian Bao is almost the words squeezed out of his teeth, howling at me. I don't seem to hear Qian Bao's words. All I know is that Qin Xiong is going to die now!

Qin Xiong was seriously injured. If he had been put in the past, he might have been able to carry it down with his strength. But now Qin Xiong is a normal person. If he doesn't go to the hospital again, he will be completely finished! I must be defeated by Qian Bao, even if I die here!

I was red eyed. To be honest, I thought Qian Bao was really letting me and wanted me to join the money Gang, so he didn't fight back. But what I didn't expect was that Qian Bao still didn't have any intention to fight after me!

This time, I found something wrong, not only me, Qin Xiong, but also them. What's going on? Just now, Qian Bao was so fierce that he was just like a man in charge of everything. How can he be so useless now and be chased and beaten by others!

I also wonder in my heart, but I was already desperate at that time, which can take care of so much!

"Don't you?" My scythe fell directly on Qian Bao's back!

"Ouch!" Money leopard suddenly cried out, the voice, it is heartbreaking, a bright red blood, so appear in the money leopard's back above! All of a sudden the blood seeped on his clothes!

According to reason, Qian Bao should be angry at this time, right? But what I didn't expect is that Qian Bao is still running! And I can also feel that Qian Bao's breath seems to have weakened a lot!

"Die for me!" I kept roaring, and the sickle fell on Qian Bao!

"Ah! Ah Qian Bao screamed desperately. It was obvious that he was about to collapse. At this time, he couldn't help it. He began to shake and dodge, but I was so quick with my eyes that I kicked Qian Bao in the stomach!

"Poof!" Qian Bao vomited blood directly from his mouth. He staggered for more than ten steps and finally sat down on the ground!

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