I am the King

Chapter 2367

"How are you, elder martial brother? What did master say? "

After Cheng ran came out, peanut came up and asked.

Although peanut is not a disciple of Zen, it is also a disciple of Zen. Therefore, peanut has always been very proud of her brother's being a disciple of Zen. Therefore, peanut has always been concerned about the relationship between nameless and Zen.

"Oh, nothing. Master is going to shut up."

Looking at peanut urgent appearance, Cheng ran light said.

"Shut up? Well, why shut up? " Peanut was stunned, a little puzzled, because the Zen master, gifted, every time he returned to the Zen court, he would practice very hard, but rarely shut up.

Looking at peanut's puzzled expression, Cheng ran smiles and tells us that the Zen master is bewitched by the magic master.

"Hum, it turned out to be the hateful master of magical method, but master is so strong that he will be OK!" Hearing Cheng ran talking about the master of the magic method, peanut's face suddenly changed, and then said fiercely.


Hearing peanut say so, Cheng ran nodded like a sign. At the moment, Cheng Ran's heart is full of five elements.

"By the way, elder martial brother, Zen martial arts meeting will start soon. Shall we join in the fun?" Looking at Cheng ran some absent-minded, peanut can't help opening, dark between, showing a bit of excitement impulse.

"Chan Wu Fa Hui?" Cheng ran was stunned.

"Yes, why did you forget, elder martial brother?" Looking at Cheng Ran's confusion, peanut immediately said: "you asked me last night, that is, the strength test held by our Zen sect. Through this test, those external disciples will be able to become internal disciples, once every five years. Have you forgotten? "

"Well! That's the business of the waizhuan disciples. What are we going to do? " Hearing peanut's words, Cheng ran was a little bit dispirited.

"Elder martial brother, is your head broken? How come it's like a different person to come back from 100000 mountains? Has it changed even his character after walking around the gate of hell? " Looking at Cheng Ran's appearance, peanut frowned, but soon relieved to say: "just, anyway, we don't participate, we don't join in the fun!"

With that, peanut and Cheng ran walked towards their Zen room. But halfway through, peanut muttered, "but elder martial brother, although we didn't attend the previous two Zen martial arts meetings, you've always been concerned about them."


Hearing peanuts muttering, Cheng ran immediately ponders, and soon catches something from nameless memory. At the same time, Cheng ran also thought of something.

"Is this Buddhist Martial Arts Association divided into ordinary field and elite field? The ordinary field is a competition between the external disciples, and the elite field is a competition between the close disciples? " Thinking of something, Cheng ran turns to peanut and asks.

"Yes, elder martial brother, do you want to see it? It's estimated that the ordinary competition has already started, while the elite competition will wait for a while. However, Shifu doesn't approve of our participation in the competition. You forget that you wanted to participate in the competition five years ago. As a result, Shifu reprimanded you and gave up. "

Hear Cheng Ran's words, peanut immediately gushes on.

And after peanut remind, Cheng ran also immediately from nameless memory, recalled what.

Although the Zen master is the first of the three great masters of Zen, and he is also a disciple of the legend level of Zen. Although he is a little aloof, he is very low-key in dealing with people and things in Zen. To put it bluntly, this Zen martial arts association is a meeting ceremony set up by Zen to let the disciples improve their own strength through the competition.

But the Zen master did not care about such a Dharma meeting, and even ordered his disciples not to participate, because the Zen master felt that the understanding of Buddhism's secret arts needed the understanding of the state of mind, rather than relying on the situation of force.

However, the disciple of Zen master nameless is a competitive master. Although he listened to the will of Zen master nameless did not participate in the elite competition of Zen Martial Arts Association, nameless would watch it with peanut in the previous two sessions of Zen Martial Arts Association.

So when peanut just pulled Cheng ran to watch, Cheng ran just refused, peanut immediately some doubt.

But now recalled these, Cheng ran immediately turned his body, the corners of his mouth raised a smile and said: "go, have a look."

"Ha ha, I know that you must be impatient, elder martial brother. Just now, when the master came to you, did he tell you not to attend? That's why you don't want to see it!" See Cheng ran turn around, peanut also came to interest, can't help but guess said.

"Ha ha, eh!" Cheng ran doesn't deny or admit peanut's words, because Cheng ran knows that his vague attitude at the moment can dispel peanut's doubts about himself.

Soon, Cheng ran and peanut came to the common ground of the Zen Martial Arts Association. In the open space before the big point, a huge challenge arena was placed there, surrounded by Zen disciples, that is, ordinary disciples without shaving.

At the moment, Cheng ran and peanut's experience immediately attracted the attention of those ordinary disciples, but in these eyes, most of them were the ordinary disciples, who envied the inner disciples.

But for those envious eyes, Cheng ran did not have the slightest emotional fluctuations, the slightest inner satisfaction and pride, but unspeakable calm.

After going through so many things, Cheng ran knows that you should not easily rely on what you see in front of you to measure a person. Perhaps, among these ordinary disciples, there will be a king of Zen.

However, in his mind, Cheng Ran's goal is not to watch these ordinary games, but to cross the ordinary games with peanut and walk towards the training square next door.

After arriving at the elite arena, seeing the huge challenge arena and the fierce breath from those inner disciples around, Cheng ran felt different.

However, after Cheng Ran's arrival, those inner disciples naturally looked different from those ordinary disciples. Most of them nodded politely to Cheng ran, obviously because of Cheng Ran's status as a disciple of Zen!

But there were also a few hostile eyes.

"Elder martial brother, it's wuze."

Similarly, peanut is also felt that a few bad eyes, immediately whispered to Cheng ran said.

"Zen Buddhism is a disciple of King Ming? The guy who has occupied the champion of Zen Martial Arts Association twice in a row, wuze Hearing peanut's words, Cheng ran looks at those bad eyes. At the same time, relying on the nameless memory, Cheng ran immediately sees the identity of the other party. In those bad eyes, the first one, who is about the same age as himself, is the inner disciple of the nameless peer, and also the personal disciple of Buddha Zunming king.

The master of Esoteric Buddhism is the Falun king, and the master of Zen Buddhism is the Buddha Zunming king.

As a disciple of Buddha Zunming king, his strength is very strong, needless to say.

Moreover, with his own identity, this wuze is also extremely arrogant, even for the disciples of Zen.

It is said that wuze and nameless have nothing to do with each other. However, in previous sessions of Zen martial arts meetings, wuze won the championship in succession, while nameless, who is the disciple of Zen, has never participated. In wuze's heart, who is also competitive, nameless does not participate is a sign of cowardice.

And a cowardly guy, even relying on his master's name, showed a very arrogant appearance among many Zen disciples, which made wuze even more uncomfortable, so wuze has always hated nameless.

"No name younger martial brother, come to watch this session of Zen martial arts association again!"

"Yes, it is. What's the point?"

"Ha ha, as the first of the three great masters, the pro apprentice doesn't even participate in a Zen Martial Arts Association. Are you afraid?"

"Who knows? It's said that I participated in the exploration of the secret place of the Buddha Kingdom and was ambushed. Not only that, but I almost didn't come back. I think I was scared out of my wits, ha ha!"

Suddenly, as Cheng ran ponders over these memories, wuze and the several inner disciples around him all speak one after another. They all belittle the nameless.

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