I am the King

Chapter 2406

Although the magic night master has been taught by himself, he has already pushed the power of the gods and demons to the extreme and deployed these powerful magic arrays around the purgatory Island, but Cheng Ran is still a little worried, because this time the Zen sect is going out, but the Ming king himself is here.

"Purgatory island... Since we know Zen is coming, why don't we come out and have a good fight?" At this time, the already unbearable master of true karma is also roaring out and floating in the air. At this moment, he carries the breath of Buddhism and drinks towards the archipelago. For a moment, when the voice of the master of true karma comes out, the void trembles.

"Ha ha, master Zhenye, your Zen sect is powerful. Our purgatory island is just a group of sinful people. How can we dare to fight with you?" As soon as the real estate master's voice fell, ye Guhong's cold laughter came out of the array.


Hearing ye Guhong's words, the venerable Zhenye's face immediately became angry and said, "since you know the power of Zen, why do you still steal Ming Wang's eye from the ruins of the Buddha kingdom? What's more, he killed his beloved disciples. Do you think about the consequences? "

"Hum, master Zhenye, it's useless to say less. At that time, our alliance was just that your Zen intended to use our purgatory island. When we help you to steal the Ming King's eye from Tantric, will your Zen really let many strong people of our purgatory Island return to the mortal realm? I'm afraid it won't be... "Hearing the words of Zhenye, ye Guhong's voice rang out again.


Suddenly, hearing ye Guhong's retort, the real estate master was immediately dumbfounded.

"Ha ha, don't say anything. Master Zhenye, cut the crap. If you want to win back the eye of Ming king and destroy our purgatory Island, you'd better break the magic magic magic array deployed by our island leader first." Looking at the real estate master, ye Guhong was surprised and sneered again.

"Ha ha, it's interesting to think that by virtue of this magic magic array, you want to keep us out?" At this moment, the silent king of Ming, hearing ye Guhong's provocation, immediately laughed coldly.

"King Ming, you don't need to do this array. Let me do it." Hear the words of the king of Ming, next to the old woman also she has long been eager to try, at the moment to hold back said.

Seeing that the venerable mother-in-law also offered to attack, the Zen king immediately nodded.

"Elder Liubu, follow me."

With the consent of the Ming king, the venerable poyeshe immediately gave a loud drink. The next second, her figure also roared out. Then, when her figure rushed to the sky of purgatory Island, with the changes of her fingerprints, she saw that her hands and palms were bursting out with golden Buddha power.


At this moment, under the greeting of poyeshe, in the Zen camp, the elders of the six departments rush out one after another. At the moment of rush out, the elders of the six departments also urge their respective Buddhist power to rush out one after another.


"Chi Chi..."

Suddenly, under the explosion of the venerable poyeshe and the elders of the six departments, in the void around the purgatory Island, between the heaven and the earth, there were bursts of tremors. With the impact of Buddhism, it was like a golden thunder, and then they bombarded the huge magic array around the purgatory island.


All of a sudden, with the impact of these Zen elders and poyeshe's Buddhist power, you can see a bright energy roar, which is also exploding on the array around purgatory island

And with the impact of the powerful Buddhist power, although the breath is extremely shocking, after the collapse of the breath, you can see the huge magic magic array. Although there are some slight cracks, they are not completely broken

"Damn, there is more than one array..."

At this moment, the venerable poyeshe, who was suspended in the void, saw the slight cracks in the array in front of him. At the same time, with the blessing of another powerful array, those cracks quickly recovered. Obviously, at this moment, around the purgatory Island, the huge magic magic array was superimposed by several huge arrays, The old lady also gave up the venerable to scold secretly immediately.

"Ha ha, this is the legendary woman who also gives up her respect? It is said that your strength is the weakest of the three great masters of Zen. Now it seems that if so, ha ha ha, with your strength, don't come out to make a fool of yourself... "

At this moment, I saw the huge array in front of me. There were waves. The next moment, the scene inside the purgatory island also emerged. I saw that in that array, in the purgatory Island, there were hundreds of strong men, and there were several figures in the center, One of them was ye Guhong, who made sarcastic remarks to the venerable woman. Beside ye Guhong were seven charming women.

Among the seven charming women, the one in the middle, dressed in black tights, showed her graceful figure without any concealment, and looked extremely cool. It was magic night.

"Son of a bitch, he despised me..." at the moment, he saw the magic night master, ye Guhong, and many strong men in purgatory Island, showing their figure. The woman also gave up the master to be stunned, and then she gave a roar.

"Po Yeshe, don't fall into the trap. They want to deliberately irritate you. Don't lose your mind. I'll help you..." at this moment, seeing that Po Yeshe was ridiculed, the real estate master also took a deep breath. After shouting a word, he quickly roared out.


At this moment, accompanied by the explosion of Zhenye Zun, we can see a piece of golden awn shot out from his whole body. At the next moment, with the explosion of a mantra of Zhenye Zun, there was a violent tremor in the surrounding void. Immediately after that, Zhenye Zun urged the mantra to rush towards the huge magic magic array in front of him.

At this moment, with the addition of Zhenye Zun, Zen's attack on purgatory island is also a complete explosion. Suddenly, under the leadership of Zhenye Zun and poyeshe, the elders of Liubu are also extremely cooperative. With the bombardment of Buddhist power, the huge magic magic array also gives off intense roars.

Seeing the scene in front of me, not only the magic night demon defending on purgatory Island, but also Cheng ran, who is quietly floating beside the Ming king of Zen. At this moment, there is a faint sense of tension in his heart... If this continues, the magic magic magic array will be defeated by Zen. At that time, the Zen strongmen will be killed in one fell swoop, and purgatory island is almost hard to resist.

What should I do?

At this moment, looking at the scene in front of him, Cheng Ran is very anxious.

"Thank you, Lord of the underworld. It's not good."

At this time, an elder in charge of the Zen Court seemed to receive a signal. His face suddenly changed, and he called to the king of Ming.

"What's the matter? Such a panic? " Hearing the elder's cry, King Ming frowned.

"There's a message from the court that... It's said that while we're attacking purgatory Island, the king of Falun of the secret sect, with two great masters, is taking over the court of Zen." The elder's face was extremely shocked, and now he said.



"The king of Tantric Falun... Has all come out?"

Suddenly, hearing the elder's words, many powerful people floating around the Ming king of Zen changed their faces. At the moment, these powerful people of Zen did not expect that the news of the secret sect would be so smart. If the Zen court was occupied, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Son of a bitch, how does Tantric school know we are going to attack purgatory island? Hoo... Two venerable, elder Liubu, listen to the order, you continue to attack the purgatory Island, and I will return to the court for support. " At the moment, the Ming king of Zen was also extremely angry, but in addition to anger, he quickly calmed down his mood, and then he urged his breath and issued a command.

"King Ming, you can't go back alone. You are facing the two great masters of Falun king and Tantric school."

"Why don't we all go back to support."


At this moment, hearing the king's order, the venerable poyeshe and the venerable Zhenye, as well as the six elders, immediately stopped their attack on the purgatory island array in front of them, and returned one by one to the surrounding of the king. They all looked very complicated.

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