I am the King

Chapter 249

"Jiang Yue, my special troupe is your ancestor!" At that moment, I just like crazy general, suddenly roared out!

"Ha ha, scold, scold at will, you are dying." Zhu Wei coldly said to me: "I will let you even have no chance to admit defeat."

Zhu Wei laughs and shakes his spear a few times. He turns his head and looks at Zhao Xue: "beauty, we are all competitors, and we don't have to lie. I can see that you want to kill Jiang Feng, too. I have a good idea. Let's join hands to kill Jiang Feng and this fool Shanhe. And then the five of us will fight again, OK? "

Zhu Wei laughs and looks at Zhao Xue. Really, how I wish Zhao Xue shook her head at that time, how I wish Zhao Xue could stand beside me at that time, how I wish!

But the result, let me collapse. Standing opposite me, Zhao Xue nodded gently: "no problem."

When Zhao Xue said these three words, I have been completely hoodwinked! An unprecedented anger, crazy gathered in my body!

My eyes were fixed on the five people opposite me. Zhao Xue, Zhu Wei, Wang Hua. These three people are in the middle stage of xuanjie. Qi Wen and Qi Wu are brothers. It's the early stage of xuanjie.

Five people, the whole five people, looking at me and the river! But at this time of the mountains and rivers, pale face, has to insist, and I, just a yellow stage!

"What to do, brother Qin, what to do!" Under the challenge arena, Hao long fell down in a cold sweat. He was completely flustered and asked Qin Xiong.

Qin Xiong, however, has no expression on his face. He always looks at Zhao Xue on the stage. His teeth seem to be bitten to pieces: "unexpectedly, Zhao Xue is like this. The first time I saw Zhao Xue, I still felt that she was very good. Unexpectedly, she was such a person. "

"Now there's no other way. As a lunatic, he will not step down. Remember later, as long as the madman is a little dangerous, paralyzed, and can't care about the rules of the game, all rush up to me and save the madman! " Qin Xiong murmured and said it to more than 400 brothers.

My brothers, nodding their heads one by one, agreed one after another. However, my parents, at this time, have cried out and kept shouting for their son to come down quickly, but how can I hear them!

My eyes, now full of hatred, hatred!

I really did not dream that at this time, next to me, the seriously injured mountain and river suddenly roared out: "let me see, let me see who dares to move my brother Feng!"

With that, the mountain and river rushed out and went straight to Zhu Wei!

"Dashan, come back!" I almost cry out, this time rush up, and look for death what difference! But when I called out, it was too late. Five people on the opposite side were afraid when they saw that the mountains and rivers were gone. One by one, they showed their joking eyes, waved their weapons and cut directly at the mountains and rivers!

"Hehe, you are beyond your capacity!" Zhu Wei sneered, the next moment, I can clearly see, behind Zhu Wei, suddenly out of a fire! This fire ball is only the size of a palm, but it only blinks. It quickly expands into a fireball with a diameter of half a meter!

"The light of the sun, give me strength, kill me!" At this moment, Zhu Wei's whole body just floated up and stopped at a height of about two meters from the ground. The huge fireball stopped in front of him and smashed into the mountains and rivers!

"Hoo The fireball instantly brought a gust of wind. At that time, the whole Rainbow Square, all the people, were stunned, and their eyes were incredible! Rao is in front of the audience a few rows, can also feel the temperature of the fireball, if hit by this fireball, I'm afraid the body of steel will be melted!

"Dashan!" I scream desperately, and I'm really anxious. The Phoenix blood crazy knife is shaking violently in my hand. I try my best to run to the side of the mountain and river, but there's still a distance between me and the mountain and river, so it's too late!

"No! No My throat seems to be blocked by something. I can't say a word! The mountains and rivers in front of me, which have the meaning of dodging the fireball, barehanded, still forward!

Not to mention that Shanhe has been seriously injured now, even if Shanhe is not injured, he is not Zhu Wei's opponent. After all, Zhu Wei was in the middle of the xuanjie period. Mountains and rivers are only in the early stage of xuanjie! But Shanhe doesn't dodge at all!

"Ah At that moment, I was going crazy! See that diameter half meter fireball, directly hit the mountain river body! Just blink of an eye, the whole body of mountains and rivers, has been lit by fire!

"Dashan, Dashan!" I kept shouting, face has no half of the blood, suddenly rushed to the side of the river!

At this time, the mountain and river has become a fireman, all over the body is fire, flames up more than two meters, I was really desperate, completely desperate! But the next moment, what I never dreamed of was that Shanhe suddenly cried out and saw that the fire all over Shanhe was instantly extinguished. Then, Shanhe didn't know where to take out a knife and stabbed it directly at the nearest Xuehua!

"Puchi!" Really, not to mention that Xuehua didn't expect that even me, Zhao Xue and the audience on and off the stage didn't expect that Shanhe could stab Xuehua's chest in the face of the fierce attack!

Xuehua didn't dodge at all, because he thought that Shanhe would die here if he was hit by the fireball. How could he have thought that Shanhe still had the strength to attack himself!

At that time, the knife went into Xuehua's chest. When it was pulled out, blood was flying! Learning Hua's body, suddenly back a few steps, directly roar out!

"I don't care for you!" Hua shouts, kicks on the mountain and river, covers his chest tightly!

The mountain and river were directly kicked by this kick and fell in front of me. However, when I saw the appearance of the mountains and rivers again, my tears finally couldn't be controlled. Wow, I started to cry!

"Dashan!" I squatted in front of the mountains and rivers, tightly embrace him in my arms!

At this time, the mountains and rivers have completely lost all their strength. His face, like the face of a dead man, is very white and very white. There is no blood on his face. His hair and clothes have been burnt by the fire. There was blood all over. At this time, he did not move, but still with a smile on his face.

"Brother Feng, I can still do it"

"What can you do, Dashan? Are you stupid? Are you stupid?" My tears flowed down from my eyes and fell on Dashan's face. At that moment, I really vowed that if the mountains and rivers could survive, I would take care of him all my life and protect him all my life!

Who said Shanhe silly, Shanhe and normal people are not the same, but in my heart, who special code also can't compare with Shanhe! He said he wanted to protect me. Now for me, he was beaten like this. Even if Shanhe knew that he couldn't hold on, he gave him a knife to death!

"Brother Feng... Let's... Let's go home... You said... You wanted to take me back to KTV, you said... You wanted to take me to get to know the brothers, brother Feng, and quit the competition quickly..." Shanhe stammered, saying every word, Shanhe seemed to have tried his best.

"Fengge... I can't hold on, I want to see your brothers for the last time. From small to big, no one wants to play with me. Fengge... In my life, I have no regrets. The only thing I regret is that I met you so late." Shanhe's voice is very small, and it's about to collapse. Judging from the current situation of Shanhe, I'm afraid it won't last long. Even though Shanhe is the strength of the early xuanjie, such injuries can make Shanhe persist for an hour at most.

"Don't worry, Dashan. It's OK, it's ok.. "my tears, like a broken pearl, can't stop at all. I sobbed and said to Shanhe, close to his ear:" Dashan, it's OK, you'll be ok.. "

"Brother Feng... Don't... Don't worry about me..."

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