I am the King

Chapter 253

Xuanyuan fire listen to Xuanyuan water words, eyebrows are tightly locked, indeed, at this moment that Jiangfeng, has been very weak!

At this time, my hands back in the back, which has a little bit of blood on my face, ah, the wound on my body, is also getting bigger and bigger, blood brush down, my fist, tightly clenched together, a crazy weak feeling, swept my whole body!

"Plop!" Finally, my body slowly back, back a full seven or eight steps, just staggering steady body shape, unwilling to look at the front of Zhao Xue and Zhu Wei!

"Qi Wenqi Wu, eliminated, ranked fourth and fifth in the competition!" The host's words came from the microphone again!

"Ha ha, you're in the top three. Ha ha!" Zhu Wei looked at me with a smile and said, "what? And now you want to resist? "

"Hoo..." at that moment, I breathed out a long breath. Really, if a person who didn't know what was going on looked at me, then I was like a beggar at this time.

I'm still staring at Zhao Xue, with a touch of despair in my eyes. Zhao Xue is still expressionless, using iceberg beauty to describe her, it is more appropriate. Zhao Xue looked at me dully, like a cat looking at a mouse, smiling, full of sarcasm.

This... This is really not my old sister, this, this is really not the one who sat at my table for two years. This seems to be a stranger

"Brother, don't wait, announce the end of the game, don't wait, wait any longer, fight again, brother!" Xuanyuan water kept shouting, his face was full of anxiety: "brother, you think about it, what's the situation now, the top ten, only these three people left. If there is another accident, even if the last one is left to win the championship, then our losses will be quite heavy! "

"Especially Jiang Feng, if he goes on fighting again, he will have to die. Jiang Feng's character now is impossible to admit defeat. Brother, go on stage quickly and stop them!" Xuanyuan water kept shaking Xuanyuan fire's arm, kept shouting.

However, xuanyuanhuo had no facial expression from the beginning to the end. Finally, at this time, he slowly said: "Xiaoshui, stop making noise. You can say that this competition is not held by us. This competition is from all over the country. Wanhai city is just a sub competition field, which has been held for more than 500 times and has suffered heavy casualties. It's very appropriate to use these four words to describe it. Indeed, these players of this session are really strong, unexpectedly strong. But we can't break the rules of the game

"Brother, it must break the rules. What was the reason for holding this competition? Don't you just want to select tough players? These three people can't be injured again! "

"Wait... Wait... I'll think about it." Xuanyuan fire waved his hands and said it to Xuanyuan water. After half a minute's silence, he still breathed a sigh of relief: "forget it, we'd better follow the rules. After all, we have to abide by the rules of the game."

"Big brother..."

"Come on, stop it." Xuanyuan fire interrupts Xuanyuan water's words and looks at the challenge arena without expression. However, at this moment, these two people are not the only ones looking at me. Almost all the eyes of the audience are focused on me!

"What? Shabi, you're very good. Haha, in the later stage of Huang Jie, you can be in the top three. Indeed, you're very good, but what about you now? " Zhu Wei looked at me with a smile: "now, release another skill for me? Ha ha, have you been evacuated? No strength, right? Ha ha, do you want to give up

Zhu Wei kept talking, took square steps, and came to me a little bit, and finally stopped five meters in front of me: "boy, I tell you, my sister-in-law said, today, I must kill you."

"Ha ha... Come on then." My voice is already very weak, but I'm also laughing. To tell you the truth, I didn't expect that the star chop has such great power. I didn't expect that the star chop can consume so much power!

Originally I was very angry, but after I released the star chop, I didn't have any strength. Now I, even standing is a problem!

"Come on? Ha ha, of course I'm coming. Why? At this time, are you still scaring me? " Zhu Wei had already laughed and blossomed. His long gun pointed at me. Behind him, the white lion also showed his excited eyes.

"I never scare people. If you want to kill me, you come. " I light say, the body stands straight. Looking at Zhu Wei coldly.

"Ha ha, you are a real cow. Ha ha, you are a real cow!" At this moment, Zhu Wei burst out laughing. At the same time, the long gun in his hand stabbed me hard!

"Then you'll die for me!" Zhu Wei almost squeezed this sentence out of his teeth. I can feel that at that time, all the audience seemed to hold their breath. Zhou Bingna on the stage stood up all at once!

"Troublemaker you, who dares to move him, my Xiong Feng Gang killed his whole family!"

"You're paralyzed, cut it off!"

However, at that moment, the audience suddenly burst out with shouts of surprise. At the front of the challenge arena, there were more than 400 strong men, all of whom were angry. Headed by Qin Xiong, more than 400 people took out machetes from their pockets and rushed directly to the challenge arena!

"Brother Qin, don't move!" At this moment, I yelled out. I don't know why I yelled. I only know that my voice at that time was completely hoarse. Qin Xiong, who was about to walk to the edge of the challenge arena, suddenly stood there! Look at me unbelievably!

"Brother Qin, don't move." I called out again, my voice is not big, but at this moment, my body strength, all wrapped in my voice line, the whole audience can hear clearly!

"Zhu Wei, aren't you going to kill me?" I laughed back and looked at him coldly: "didn't your sister-in-law beat my father, too?"

Speaking of this, my face became very cold: "I'm standing here today. I want to see how you, Zhu Wei, killed me!"

"Troublemaker you, you want to die!" Zhu Wei was completely angered by what I said. At that moment, I saw his long gun suddenly dance a flower of gun. Then, a lotus flower composed of air appeared in front of Zhu Wei!

"Lotus gun!" Zhu Wei almost roared out, the next moment, the lotus, then flew to me!

You are paralyzed. Even if I die here today, I will not surrender!

"Kill I cry desperately, in the hand Phoenix blood crazy knife, mercilessly cut on the lotus flower! However, when my crazy knife touched the lotus, the lotus suddenly exploded!

"Boom!" That huge fluctuation, forced my back again and again! I can't control my body at all!

But before I could stabilize my body, Zhu Wei in front of me, the swing of his long gun, was faster and faster. At the same time, lotus flowers were flying to me, more than ten of them!

"Ha ha, die, die for me!" Zhu Wei's disgusting laughter, a little bit of forced me back!

"Ah I roared wildly and danced wildly with knives in my hands, but the fluctuation of the lotus explosion was getting bigger and bigger. At the beginning, I could resist it, but later, I felt more and more unbearable!

"Boom! Boom! Boom


I kept back, finally, a huge lotus flower, in my chest, directly burst open, it is this moment, my mouth blood gushing, the body suddenly flew out!

"Ah I yelled in the air, flew seven or eight meters, and finally landed heavily on the ground! This time, I almost broke my rib!

"Click!" I seem to have heard the sound of their own bone crack, the huge pain, swept my whole body, the whole body up and down!

"Ha ha, come on, get up. You get up, don't you? Ha ha, today I want to torture you a little bit Zhu Wei is still roaring!

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