I am the King

Chapter 255

If Jiang Feng wants to kill Zhao Xue, I'm afraid it's easy to kill Zhao Xue and Zhu Weiquan!

But now, Zhu Wei is dead and Zhao Xue is still alive. What does it mean? Jiang Feng released Zhao Xue! Such behavior, of course, let the audience applaud from the heart!

Yes, in fact, I am. I really crazy, I really can't help it, but in the end, I didn't hurt Zhao Xue. Because I found that I can't do it, I really can't do it.

However, even the ordinary audience knows that I let Zhao Xue go on purpose. How can Zhao Xue not know? Yes, I just want to prove to Zhao Xue that I don't want to hurt her. I feel that when I do this, Zhao Xue should understand. Zhao Xue should listen to my explanation!

"Ha ha, good, good! Zhu Wei, eliminated, won the third place in the young powers competition At this time, the host slowly stepped onto the challenge arena, and all the leaders in the challenge arena, including Zhou Bingna, also stepped up.

"OK, now I announce that I won the second place of Wanhai District in this young powers competition, which is the beauty next to me, Zhao Xue! The winner of the young powers competition in Wanhai district is Jiang.. "

"Wait a minute!" However, the host's voice did not fall, at this time, standing on one side, scared by the scene just now, Zhao Xue, suddenly cried out!

"Well?" This sentence fell, not to mention the audience, even Xuanyuan fire and Xuanyuan water, are suddenly a Leng!

"Miss Zhao Xue, what else do you have to say?" The host is interrupted by Zhao Xue and looks at Zhao Xue with incomprehensible face. I asked.

"I just want to know, why am I second?" Zhao Xue sneered and stared at me and asked. To tell you the truth, Zhao Xue said this sentence, my head is buzzing!

I never dreamed that Zhao Xue had reached such a point! I could have killed her. I could have! But I didn't have the heart to start. I'm afraid the audience can see what's going on? I've lost all my strength now. Zhao Xue didn't admit that the champion was me?!

"Lying trough, how can this woman do this? Five beat one. Just now Jiang Feng spared her life. Now Zhao Xue still wants to compete with Jiang Feng for the first place?"

"Yes, this woman really can't understand. How can you be more shameless than me? "

"Jiang Feng must have collapsed now, right? A dozen five, now has expended all the strength, I see that Jiang Feng, now even stand all the effort, Zhao Xue turned over and did not recognize people

"Mad, if I were Jiang Feng, I would have killed Zhao Xue together just now!"

At that moment, the masses below had fallen out, one by one shouting at the challenge arena, obviously excited!

Even Xuanyuan water and Xuanyuan fire are brow locked!

"Girl, just now Jiang Feng could kill you, but he did..." the host said to Zhao Xue. But just now, Zhao Xuedun interrupted the host by waving her hand.

"Can you kill me? But he didn't kill me. I'm sorry, and I didn't surrender. " Zhao Xue looked around the crowd coldly: "excuse me, why should I be the second? Well

"You..." at this moment, Xuanyuan water can't help it any more. It's going to rush to the mountain, but it's stopped by Xuanyuan fire.

"Girl, you can't be like this, can you?" Xuanyuan fire takes a deep breath and says it to Zhao Xue.

"Be a man? What does it have to do with being a man? I just want to ask, are there any rules in this arena? Now I'm standing here, and I don't give up. Why am I second? Why is he first? " Speaking of this, Zhao Xue suddenly pointed to me: "you say, right?"

"What do you want to do?" I can see, Xuanyuan fire the whole person has some angry, directed at Zhao Xue not angry said: "do you when the first? First of all, do you feel at ease? "

"Why don't I feel at ease? Now, I just want to follow the process of the game. Neither of us has given up, right? Well, the two of us, fight to the death Zhao Xue stares at me, almost yells out: "if you win, then I die here, if I win, then you die here!"

"Fart! How can Jiang Feng have strength now? "

"That is, the woman looks beautiful. How can she do things like this?"

The masses below can no longer control their anger and blame Zhao Xue one after another. However, at this time, the host also had no way, slowly directed Xuanyuan fire to ask the eyes.

At that moment, Xuanyuan fire breathed out a long breath, with an obvious expression of helplessness. The rolling voice, full of domineering, spread all over the Rainbow Square: "yes, according to the truth, Miss Zhao Xue is really right. Jiang Feng little brother, you give up. I dare to represent the young powers competition. I promise you that although you have won the second place, you also have the same reward as the champion


"Ha ha, brother Qin, do you hear me?"

"Paralyzed, crazy, really big cow wall!"

When the Xuanyuan fire voice fell that moment, the stage suddenly rang out intense applause! Undoubtedly, such a result has satisfied these audiences. However, when the cheers were overwhelming, Zhao Xue beside me suddenly sneered, and three short words came out from her mouth, making the whole audience silent again: "why?"

"Why does he give up when he says he's lost?" Zhao Xue coldly looked at xuanyuanhuo: "elder, you are older than me, and your strength is also strong. I call you elder, but what you do needs to satisfy others? See? Before, Qi Wen and Qi Wu wanted to admit defeat, but they were killed by him with one skill. Later, Zhu Wei wanted to admit defeat. He had no chance to admit defeat, so he was cut to pieces. "

"Now he said he'd give up? Did I promise? Don't you have to shoot the ground three times to admit defeat? OK, admit defeat. Let him shoot the ground three times. As long as he finishes shooting three times, I have nothing to say. But before he finishes shooting the ground three times, I'll kill him. Don't blame me Speaking of this, Zhao Xue's face, suddenly smile.

It is also these words that make the whole audience's expression condense again!

Zhao Xue's idea is very simple. She wants Jiang Feng's life! Indeed, even I have to admit, now I, even the special code of breathing are difficult! Zhao Xue was almost unhurt from the beginning to the end. With Zhao xuexuan's strength in the middle stage, I'm afraid that when I shoot three shots on the ground, it's easy to kill me!

"Girl, when you do everything, leave a line?" Xuanyuan fire eyes, firmly in Zhao Xue's body: "you do absolutely, what's good for you?"

"Ha ha, it's good for me. You don't have to worry. I just want to ask why other people have to abide by the rules, but Jiang Feng doesn't abide by them." Zhao Xue smiles and looks around the audience and the leaders: "is this the rule of the game?"

"You.." xuanyuanhuo was said by Zhao Xue. For a moment, he was speechless. Not only xuanyuanhuo, but everyone was stunned. Although such words caused everyone's public indignation, it had to be said that Zhao Xue's words were reasonable.

For a moment, the whole arena fell into a very quiet, no one can match Zhao Xue's words. However, when I heard Zhao Xue's words, my heart sank completely.

"Sister... I... finally, I'll call you sister. You really want to kill me. " At that moment, I breathed a long sigh of relief, and the voice of despair came out of my mouth. I don't know what I thought at that time, all the anger has been pressed in my heart, I feel uncomfortable, I feel terrible!

My voice is not big, but at that time, the whole Rainbow Square, I'm afraid you can hear clearly! No one speaks, all eyes are focused on me!

"Yes." Zhao Xue almost squeezed this word out of her teeth. It is also this word, let me rush, a mouthful of blood, directly from the mouth out!

"Jiang Feng!" Zhou Bingna, who has been standing behind me, also responds at this time!

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