I am the King

Chapter 264

With my own strength, I fight five people! What's the concept? I'm just in the late yellow stage! The most important is Zhao Xue.

"Hoo..." I take a long breath, now think of Zhao Xue, I still feel a little uncomfortable.

"Master, you... You... You and I... My other master know each other?" Lying trough, I don't know how I said these words, I feel extremely embarrassed. It's so awkward to say that.

"You're talking about the Dragon God of war, dragon Yuanzi?" The fairy breeze son stupidly looks at me, the facial expression on the face, I also can't describe, seem to be a little angry.

I know. Xianfengzi may blame me in his heart. Because xianfengzi and longyuanzi don't know at all. I have two masters.

"Well..." I looked at xianfengzi like this, quickly lowered his head and hummed softly.

But I was also shocked! Dragon Warrior? Wocao, did I hear it right? This is the nickname of longyuanzi, the God of war? In fact, I don't know what the world is. But since I came into contact with the powers, I know that the martial arts in the TV series and novels I saw before are almost the same as the powers.

I remember a TV play in which the hero is Guo Jing. It's like the legend of a shooting hero. There are Eastern evils, Western poisons, southern emperors and Northern beggars in it. This is the nickname.

In the novel, I'm afraid that those who are slightly famous in the world have a name.

But... My heart is shaking, the God of war? This name is a little too domineering, isn't it? What's more, I can still remember the first time I saw longyuanzi. Longyuanzi was a fortune teller for my father. I can't associate longyuanzi with the name of the God of war! Long Yuanzi, the leader of the beggars' sect

"I have to ask you about it, Xiao Feng. You've been worshipped by me. How can you get in touch with long Yuanzi again? Do you know the relationship between us? "

At this time, xianfengzi said it to me, and the expression on his face was obviously not right.

I gave a wry smile, and my palm was full of sweat: "Shifu... I... in fact, I first worshipped long Yuanzi as my teacher. Later, because I followed my two elder martial sisters, I met you by mistake. I was afraid you would kill me. That's why I recognized you as Shifu."

At that time, I couldn't control myself. I confessed to xianfengzi and told him the whole story, including how I got to know longyuanzi and how I became a teacher. But I didn't say the trigger that longyuanzi gave me, one of the twelve day commandments.

Twelve days of caution, my father told me that as long as we gather together, we will be invincible and command the heroes. I have two in my hand now, the Dragon trigger and the eagle trigger. The flying eagle finger was given to me by my father. I have two fingers. But it's Dragon Yuanzi who gave it to me. It's the headmaster's ring of the Dragon sect. Of course, I never wear them. I just carry them with me.

I think I'm going to point the Dragon at this matter and talk to xianfengzi. I think xianfengzi will be very angry, because I can feel that the relationship between xianfengzi and longyuanzi is not very good, especially xianfengzi. Before xianfengzi went to save me, the words he said to longyuanzi in the arena were full of hostility.

I have been talking to xianfengzi for nearly half an hour. Xianfengzi just breathed out a long breath.

"So it is." The fairy breeze son lightly says: "so say, you worship under my door, still be forced.."

"It's not Shifu..." when I heard that xianfengzi's tone was wrong, I quickly said: "Shifu, don't think about it. I really want to thank you, Shifu..."

"Ha ha, don't be nervous." Xianfengzi touched my head: "apprentice, Shifu doesn't mean to blame you. To tell you the truth, you worship under my door, I'm too happy. In time, you will become a great weapon! At that time, you say you are xianfengzi's Apprentice. How proud I am? "

Xianfengzi laughed: "apprentice, don't break your relationship with longyuanzi. If it's broken, it'll make me look like a chicken with a small stomach. "

"Hoo..." when I heard xianfengzi say that, I was immediately happy. If xianfengzi asked me to break the relationship between master and apprentice with longyuanzi, wouldn't it be too difficult for me to do it

"Master... Do you have any grudge against master long Yuanzi?" I thought for a long time, still can't help the curiosity in the heart, asked out.

"It's not just revenge, it's a great one." But I didn't expect that, at that moment, xianfengzi's eyes suddenly became very cold: "forget it, don't mention that old man first."

"Apprentice, master wants to give you something." Xianfengzi looked at me and said it slowly. Then, xianfengzi put his hand into his pocket and took out a finger.

fuck! At this moment, my eyes have been straight! At that time, could I not be shocked? I looked at xianfengzi stupidly, and the finger in her hand, trembling like an electric shock!

One of the twelve day commandments! I feel a blank in my head. This finger is obviously one of the 12 day commandments! As like as two peas, the size and shape of the fingers are exactly the same as the dragon and the ring.

But the pattern painted on this finger is neither a dragon nor a flying eagle. It's a black snake. And in my hand. The Dragon finger is white and the eagle finger is purple.

My father and I said, twelve days, a total of 12 colors. They are: red, orange, yellow, green, green, blue, purple, black, white, gray, color and transparent.

This finger must be black.

"This is the only treasure I've ever treasured in my life. It's called tianmang ring. It's one of the Twelve Commandments. " Xianfengzi said patiently to me, "apprentice, do you know what twelve day commandment is?"

I was surprised, how can I not know, I now have two hands inside, plus xianfengzi give me this, I have a total of three! But I still shook my head.

Then xianfengzi told me about the twelve day precepts. It's similar to what my father said. They all said that as long as we collect the twelve day precepts, we can command the heroes. inspire awe throughout the country.

"Remember to save this finger with your life, you know?" The fairy breeze son finishes saying, immediately serious looking at me, blunt me to say. I nodded numbly. Long Yuanzi gave me the wild dragon ring, and my father gave me the flying eagle ring. They all told me that I should keep it with my life. I'm really puzzled. I've been carrying wild dragon ring and flying eagle ring in my pocket for so long, and I haven't found any difference between the two rings. Why is everyone holding a broken ring as a treasure?

"Apprentice, in addition, I tell you that the old fool longyuanzi probably has a wild dragon ring in his hand. Although longyuanzi claims that the wild dragon finger has long been lost, with my understanding of the God of war of the wild dragon, I'm afraid that this finger is still in longyuanzi's hands. You should try your best to get it from him. You know what? " On the face of the fairy breeze son, peeped out a silk chilly.

At that time, I didn't know how to talk with xianfengzi. In fact, longyuanzi had already handed over the dragon ring to me!

"OK, apprentice.. take good care of yourself, go to bed early, tomorrow morning, we will go to Wanhai city..." xianfengzi said to me lightly.

At that time, how could I fall asleep? I asked xianfengzi, "master, tell me what happened with master longyuanzi."

"Hoo... Hoo..." when I finished saying this, I could clearly feel that xianfengzi stopped for a while, and then it was a long sigh of relief: "it's OK to tell you. It's just that I haven't mentioned these things for a long time. "

Speaking of this, xianfengzi took a look at me and took another sip of tea: "that long Yuanzi and I have been enemies for many years. Many people in the river and lake know that."

"Long Yuanzi should be the leader of the wild dragon sect. He is known as the God of war of the wild dragon. These four words were originally famous in the world. And my name is Wanli no blood. " Xianfengzi gave me a faint smile.

"Thousands of miles without blood..." I said in my heart: "master, how did this name come from? What does that mean

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