I am the King

Chapter 272

But at the same time, Jiang Yue, who was beside the old man, finally showed her excited eyes and immediately made a bow to the old man with a respectful face!

"Three elders." Jiang Yue called out to the old man and nodded slightly: "thank you for saving my life!"

"Ha ha, good, good." The three elders waved their hands and laughed at Jiang Yue: "don't be afraid. Don't be afraid of

Slot! At that time, I was so angry that I jumped up. Who is the old man who is called the third elder? What's wrong?

"Child, you also calm down, why kill each other?" The three elders looked at me stupidly and asked: "everything goes backwards, the sea and the sky."

"At your age, you are still too impulsive. Impulsivity can't solve the problem, you know? You're a little boy now. If you want to join the Jiang family, you're going to lose your temper. Do you know that? Children, when things happen in the future, we should learn to be patient. " The old man said to me, "if you don't learn to bear, can you do it?"

"I can't stand her paralysis!" At that moment, my whole body suddenly roared out. I really couldn't control my emotions. I now understand that this old man is the elder of the Jiang family. He is probably the Third Elder among the elders, so Jiang Yue calls him the third elder.

But no matter who you are, you will be saved when you are saved by Jiang Yue, but I still don't give up. At that time, I was angry and ran up: "can you bear it? Can you bear to have someone kill your wife? Can you bear to be touched by your parents? I can't stand it

"What if you can't stand it?" At this time, the three elders sneered: "now that Jiang Yue has been saved by me, what can you do? If you want to kill her, then try it! "

Speaking of this, on the face of the three elders, there was no blood color at last. They looked at me coldly and roared out.

"You..." also don't know is too angry, or injury is too heavy, at this moment, I vomit out a mouthful of blood! He stepped back and almost fell to the ground!

"Apprentice!" However, seeing me like this, xianfengzi was also in a hurry. He suddenly cried out and came directly to me. Looking at the three elders coldly, he was surprised.

"Three elders of the Jiang family?" Xianfengzi took a deep breath and said to the three elders, "are you going too far?"

"Xianfengzi, ha ha, there is no blood in the world. I've been looking up to you for a long time." But the three elders, as if they hadn't heard the words of xianfengzi, arched their hands to xianfengzi: "I didn't expect xianfengzi, who was so surprised at the storm, would be so impulsive now for a younger generation."

"Cut the crap and get out of here!" At that moment, xianfengzi was angry all over, and there was an air of hegemony in his eyes. At that time, I could see that the three elders trembled all over and stared at xianfengzi: "xianfengzi, you're not a small voice."

"Ha ha, I don't want to see you. If I see you again, don't blame me for being rude!" The three elders sneered, and then the old body jumped directly and dragged Jiang Yue to the sky!

"Jiang Yue, my special troupe is your ancestor! Give me brother Qin's antidote! Give it to me On the ground, I was still yelling and roaring, but the three elders didn't want to talk to me at all. They didn't even look back and flew away with Jiang Yue.

"Shifu... For... Why... Let them go..." my face was not reconciled. The old man, Jiang Yue, Zhu Dali and Zhu Xin all ran away, all ran away!

"Don't think about it. Go and see your parents first." The fairy breeze son wry smile a, hurled me to say. It was not until this time that I remembered. At that time, I didn't know what was going on. My tears came down and rushed directly to my parents' arms. My parents were also emotional. Three members of my family hugged each other and wept.

However, my mother was even more sad to cry. I don't know how. My mother took Mi Yue and four people cried in front of more than 200000 people.

There was no sound in the ring. Everyone was staring at the four of us. One by one, their faces were dull.

"Ha ha, what a touching picture! Let's give our applause to wish their family happiness forever At this time, the host is also a laugh, with a microphone voice, voice down, suddenly the whole stadium are out of enduring applause!

"Wow..." the applause was thunderous, which made me feel a little embarrassed. My family separated slowly. I bowed to the audience and showed a smile.

"Well, little brother Jiang Feng, now let's start the award ceremony." The host said to me. But I shook my head. The rolling voice, with my whole body strength, spread all over the stadium: "no, sorry host, now, I want to send my brothers to the hospital. I'd rather give up my reward. "

Speaking of that, I'm relieved. But this sentence surprised everyone present!


"Brother Jiang Feng, are you sure?" The host looked at me and asked, "do you want to give up your reward?"

"Madman, are you crazy? It's none of your business here! " Qin Xiong howled out: "special size, make trouble for me!"

"Brother Qin! How can you make me feel at ease to receive awards here? Look at these brothers, look at them! " I yelled out, my eyes were red, and I rushed to the challenge arena!

"Madman, don't be so fussy. We and brother Qin can make arrangements for these brothers. You don't have to worry. You go on stage to receive the prize. " Hao long also stepped forward and yelled at me.


"What are you? Don't talk nonsense. You're going to piss me off. I'm worried about your IQ. Are you sick? " Qin Xiong gave me a lecture, but it can be seen that Qin Xiong was not really angry with me. I listen to Qin Xiong's words, my heart is warm.

"Paralyzed, don't talk nonsense, hurry to accept the prize for me, slot, and then special nonsense, later don't call me brother Qin." Qin Xiong said it to me, and then we brothers began to send those injured brothers to the hospital.

I looked at Qin Xiong's back, tears, finally is not fighting down the flow.

But I still slowly walked back to the center of the challenge arena. When the host saw me coming back, he just laughed: "OK, this is really twists and turns. Ha ha, brother Jiang Feng, with your strength, you deserve to be the first one!"

"It's a reward for each of you. If you are not 25 years old in three years, you can take part in our young powers competition. Ha ha, please leave first. Zhao Xue, brother Jiang Feng, you two don't go yet. " The supporter said to Zhao Xue and me. Yes, the people in the challenge arena, Zhao Xue and I, didn't get any rewards.

The players didn't leave the arena until the host's voice fell. At this time, the host gave me a faint smile: "brother Jiang Feng, Miss Zhao Xue. First of all, congratulations on your winning the champion and runner up of this year's young powers competition. I applaud you from the bottom of my heart. Wanhai city is blessed with two young heroes like you. "

"Especially brother Jiang Feng, the strength you have shown is beyond all our imagination!" The host burst out laughing: "the strength you showed has been unanimously affirmed by our leaders. Although Miss Zhao Xue does not have such wonderful strength as the Jiang Feng brothers, on behalf of all the staff of our youth powers competition, I sincerely invite you to our headquarters. The champion and runner up of the powers competition in various places will gather in the headquarters. You're going to get a big surprise. " The host gave me a smile.

"I don't..." I was just about to say that I won't go, paralyzed. My brothers don't know how the injury is. How can I walk around? I want to stay in Wanhai city with them. But before I could speak, I saw Qin Xiong below

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