I am the King

Chapter 278

In addition, I think Jiang Feng's girlfriend Mi Yue is good, and Jiang Feng's brother's daughter-in-law, called Xincai, is good. You take Mi Yue and Xincai, and you three, sleep with me once? "

"You..." at that moment, Jiang Yue was almost nauseous! At this time, the three elders surrounded themselves by the wall, and from him came the smell of nausea. Looking at the three elders, Jiang Yue almost collapsed!

"Three elder... Can you get up first?" Jiang Yue said to the three elders and pushed them away. The three elders looked at Jiang Yue with bursts of smiles on their faces.

"Elder three, I'm sorry, I have a husband. Thank you for your help for such a long time. If you want miyue and Xincai, it's easy. I'll catch them for you. I can't When Jiang Yue said this, her voice suddenly turned cold: "elder three, if you miss me, then we have to break the contact."

"Oh, no, No." The three elders heard Jiang Yue's words and quickly called out: "ha ha, OK, Xiao Yue, I was joking with you just now. How can I miss you. Ha ha, but I really want Jiang Yue and Xincai, otherwise, would you help me catch them? As you know, as an elder of the family, I can't leave the family at will. Unlike you, you can leave at will with the permission of the patriarch. "

When Jiang Yue heard this, she felt sick. Looking at the old man in his sixties, Jiang Yue clenched her fists tightly. This old man is really speechless. He is in his sixties and still cares about women. Can he?

Jiang Yue scolded in her heart, but she still looked at the three elders: "three elders, no problem, you can rest assured that MI Yue and Xincai, I can definitely bring them here, and have fun with you. But, MI Yue, I know, who is the new color? Why haven't I heard of it? "

"Jiang Feng has a brother named Xinlong. This new color is the woman of Xinlong. When I went to save you, I found this little beauty by accident. It's so beautiful. I tried my best to find out her name is Xincai." The three elders laughed and said: "Xiaoyue, as long as you bring these two women to me, it's easy to say. Ha ha, everything is easy to say!"

"Don't worry, elder three, I will." Jiang Yue also laughs. However, after saying this, Jiang Yue's face is a little more serious: "but elder three, I'm ahead of you. It's absolutely no problem to help you catch these two women. But elder three, you can see that Jiang Feng is just a madman. If you didn't rescue me in time, I would have died by Jiang Feng's knife. " Jiang Yue said to the three elders.

"And as you can see, the relationship between Jiang Feng and Mi Yue is quite good. It doesn't matter if I catch the new color, but if I catch Mi Yue, I'm afraid Jiang Feng knows that he will really work hard with me. In this way, I really can't bear it." Jiang Yue takes a deep breath and says it slowly.

"Ha ha, Xiaoyue, Xiaoyue, you are still young." The three elders looked at Mi Yue and said with a faint smile: "Jiang Feng is really an evil talent. With the strength of Huang Jie's later stage, he can exert such a strong power. But just now, didn't you hear the patriarch say. The patriarch has asked Chen Yuanyuan to find Jiang Feng, and he wants Jiang Feng to return to his family quickly. "

Speaking of this, the eyes of the three elders suddenly locked, and there was a faint chill: "no matter what ability Jiang Feng has, what kind of character he is, I can only say that it's a dragon, he has to lie for me, it's a tiger, he has to dish for me!"

At that moment, the three elders were as crazy as they were, and their eyes were red: "in the Jiang family, it's not his turn to be a rough boy. If he dares to move you, I'll kill him."

The three elders looked at Jiang Yue with a smile and said it. At this moment, Jiang Yue breathed out a long breath and squeezed a smile on her face: "elder three, if you say that, Xiaoyue will be relieved. In two days, I will definitely bring Mi Yue to you for entertainment."

"Ha ha, good, good!" The three elders burst out laughing, but after laughing for a while, their eyes tightened: "but Xiaoyue, there's one thing I want to tell you."

"What's the matter, elder three?" Jiang Yue looks at the three elders puzzled and asks them out. The three elders smile: "after you capture Mi Yue and Xincai, you should remember one thing. You can't say that I let you capture them. You know what? "

"No problem, elder three. I will never say it. Don't worry." Jiang Yue said lightly, but she was thinking, anyway, you can cure Jiang Feng, what am I afraid of.

Two people have their own small 99, coincidentally smile out.

But how could I know these things! On the other side, we have been waiting for a long time on tiewangying. Yes, tiewangying is very fast, but it's a long distance from Wanhai city to Tongshan city!

Finally, I bent down and looked down. The tall buildings on the ground had disappeared. Instead, they were endless grasslands. After flying over the grasslands, they were endless mountains.

"It's almost there. Do you see the city ahead?" On the iron King eagle, the host patted my shoulder and said it to me. I snorted and looked in the direction of the host.

Sure enough, there is a town not far from us. At this time, the flying height of iron King eagle is not so high. I can clearly see that the town is really big. If I have to express myself, I'm afraid this town is equivalent to ten thousand cities.

Yeah, it's really that big. But what makes me speechless is that in such a big town, there are no high-rise buildings or advanced scientific instruments. Some of them are just bungalows, the highest and the highest, that is, the second section building. Moreover, the second section building in this town is not a building with ceramic tiles and wall powder as in a metropolis, but an ancient teahouse in a TV play. It's made of wood.

"That town is Tongshan city. How big is it?" The host looked at me and said it with a smile.

"It's really big..." I said it as if I was talking to myself, and my eyes fell on the town: "but this copper mountain city seems to be very backward."

"Ha ha!" My words immediately made the host laugh: "of course, you think, otherwise, how could it be called Tongshan city instead of Tongshan city? Ha ha

"In fact, in Tongshan City, it's really backward. Even people there don't use mobile phones. Of course, some people use mobile phones, but there are fewer people using them." The host explained to me: "this is the difference between Tongshan city and those big cities outside. Moreover, ancient towns like Tongshan city are generally ruined by tourists. But Tongshan city is different. No matter who you are, you can't easily enter Tongshan city. Some people want to visit Tongshan city. That's impossible. "

"Why? Does Tongshan want to be so backward? " I had no choice but to ask the host.

"It's really backward." Host light said: "but Jiangfeng brother, you still can't understand Tongshan City, this city, although it is backward, but in Tongshan City, how many strong, you know? You should be from the Jiang family, right? Your Jiang family is just one of dozens of families in Tongshan city. "

"It's not that Tongshan city doesn't want to develop, it's just that people in Tongshan city don't want to develop. People here don't like money, they just like to improve their strength. If you think about it, as long as you have strength, don't you want as much money as you want? "

"Indeed..." I said with a bitter smile. I was shocked. My father told me before that our Jiang family is big, really big, but the host said that the Jiang family is just one of dozens of families in Tongshan city!

How can I not be shocked!

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