I am the King

Chapter 288

I have been completely speechless, and quickly walked through the first row of bookshelves. After passing by, I have a general understanding of what the so-called "miscellaneous category" is. This miscellaneous category has skill books and some useless books. There are also some power books. The so-called power book is like the power of transfiguration.

I looked at the titles of those books and felt interested, so I opened them directly and looked at them for a while. But most titles don't interest me. Gradually, I began to focus on the skills book. Yes, this "miscellaneous category" really let me down. I might as well choose a skill book.

One more skill, at least one more means to protect one's life. Like in the young powers competition, I have thunder finger and star chop. These two skills are my powerful maces when they are released. Don't say my opponent is afraid. When I release them, I am afraid myself!

I thought, slowly go to the second row of bookshelves.

[hundred fold boxing]

[seventy two Zen legs]

[Sanyang Kaitai]

When I looked at the titles of these books, I shook my head and couldn't raise half of my interest. Paralysis, I was already in a hurry, can I not? How long do I have altogether? It's taken me nearly ten minutes!

"Hoo..." I felt my eyes ache. Looking at the secret books, I was more and more disappointed. I began to speed up my reading.

With the passage of time, the sweat on my forehead, it is more and more, more and more big, gradually my clothes to wet. But in this moment, in a corner of the eighth row, a brand-new, white book came into my eyes!


Metamorphosis?! I was shocked and slowly took out the book. Open it carefully.

In my heart, I was really excited at that time. Metamorphosis? This book, obviously, is not a skill book. It should be a power book. There is a big difference between skill books and ability books. Skill book is a means of attack. And the power book is a power, something that others can't do. For example, transvestition.

Is it the seventy-two changes of monkey king in journey to the west?

Lying trough, if so, I'll be a cow! Ha ha, I will change. Who is my opponent in the world?

I was very excited. Finally, I slowly opened the book, but when I saw the first sentence of the book, my brow was tightly locked.

"This book was studied by the ancients. It's an art of change. It makes people turn pale! This book can change 36 kinds of things in the world! "

Thirty six?! That's the change of Zhu Bajie in legend! According to legend, both monkey king and Zhu Bajie are disciples of Bodhi. However, the monkey king will change 72 times. Pig eight precepts, is the evil will change 36.

Thirty six changes are OK. Is there really the art of change? Can change people into mosquitoes, goshawks and so on?

My heart is more and more full of doubt, continue to look down.

"The art of change is not legendary. It can make people enlarge, shrink, or even change into a fish. The real art of change is true in the world, but it is not so magical. "

"The art of change in this book can make a person become a goshawk, a mosquito, an ant... But the releaser himself will die forever."

I'll go to you! See this, I really almost didn't tear this book, paralyzed, delay me so long, this special code is teasing me? I know what this book means. It means, if you don't want to be a person. Then you can become a monkey, and then you will be a monkey, and you can't go back.

Lying trough, really special delay my time! I thought, put this book back. However, in this moment, the mysterious voice continued to ring!

"In ten minutes, you will be teleported out of the treasure house."

"Hoo..." really, when I heard this voice, I was about to despair

Ten minutes. The last ten minutes? My face looks like a bitter gourd. Don't worry, I haven't finished my selection!

My palms are full of sweat, in the heart that is called a unwilling. But I can't delay any longer. I'm going on. After walking three or four rows of bookshelves in a row, I didn't see a suitable book. However, at this time, my whole body trembled, and a book in front of me caught my eye again.

[golden bell cover]

Golden bell jar? These three words are famous in the unique martial arts. I always watch TV dramas. This skill should come from Shaolin Temple. It's said that those who learn the golden bell jar are invulnerable!

Ha ha, just you! I was surprised, although I still want to find a better book, but time does not wait. When I picked up the book, the old voice came out again!

"Distance transmission, last three minutes!"

Three minutes, three minutes. I was very anxious. I kept looking at the book while holding it in my hand. Maybe in the last three minutes, I can find a better one? This is the idea in my heart. Of course, if I can't find the best secret script, I'll take this golden bell jar, at least.

With a smile, I couldn't stop looking around these bookshelves, and my eyes were obviously dull. I walk and walk, and I feel like my head is going to explode. When I was at school, I didn't study very hard. I felt headache when I saw books. Now I have to choose from so many books. It's really killing me

In addition, Zhou Bingna called me just now. I was in a bad mood. Now I'm even more upset and special. I always think of MI Yue and Xincai in my heart. Can I not be upset!

So my attention, simply can't completely concentrate, can only slowly look at each book. In the last three minutes, I saw many books that interested me, but I still didn't put down the golden bell cover.

I have to say that these three words are really charming. Golden bell cover, if it is really invulnerable, then I'm really a bull! ha-ha!

As time went on, I almost gave up. If not, I'll have to take this book with me.

I thought in my heart, sure enough, in this moment, that mysterious voice, once again through all directions, into my ears, the voice shook me all over: "countdown one minute, one minute later, on time transmission! Fifty nine, fifty eight, fifty seven

I listen to the sound of the countdown, I am even more excited, no, take advantage of this last minute, I still have to see! I bit my teeth and went on.

However, I really, I did not dream of, in this moment, my whole body, like an electric shock in general shaking!

In my upper left corner, there is a book with yellow cover. It seems that it has been for some years. This book immediately attracted my eyes!

Really, at that time, I didn't know what was going on. My eyes were wide open. This book seemed to have a magical power, calling me. I couldn't help being attracted by it!

I can clearly see, in this book, impressively wrote a few big words, especially eye-catching.

[weapon refiner, beginner to master, five in one!]

Nima... What's the title? I shook my head. It was the first time I saw such a long title. I don't know why I'm so interested in this book, but I'm really shocked to see the three words of "master of weapons"!

Smelter, I don't know what it means. I can only understand it by my own ideas. Can weapon refiners produce weapons by themselves?

I can't help asking, but in this room, I'm the only one. Where do I know to go? No one told me!

At that moment, I shook my hands and took off the book. Really, I was afraid that if I shook my hands, the book would be torn up by me. This book is too broken, isn't it? How can it be broken to this point?

I gave a wry smile, just about to open to see, the result of this moment, that mysterious voice

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