I am the King

Chapter 307

Every day, Cao Fei looks down on this and that. He feels like an old man. Besides, there are many people who flatter him. Do you know? " Chen Yuanyuan's two cheeks are bulging up, like a little goldfish, which is called a cute: "the most important thing is that Cao Fei, and Cao Fei's younger brothers, are domineering in the family. No one dares to provoke them."

"The most, the most irritating thing is that Cao Fei actually likes my sister!" Chen Yuanyuan muttered: "in this family, there are too many people who like my sister Jiangshui. Cao Fei is the one who chases my sister fiercely. I'm so angry. If my sister is with Cao Fei, I'll be the first to disagree! Although my sister and I are not of the same father and mother, I used to call her sister when I was a child. Our feelings are better than our own sisters! "

"Ha ha, that kind of person, don't pay any attention to him, he is a devil." I waved my hand and said to Chen Yuanyuan.

Chen Yuanyuan nodded heavily: "yes, so, Jiang Feng, you don't have to care about him too much. He's just a clown. It's useless for you to take care of him. Hee hee, by the way, tell me what secrets you have. I like to hear secrets best. I've told you all about my sister today! "

"Ha ha, yes, I don't care about Cao Fei." I laughed, said it, and chatted with Chen Yuanyuan. I immediately felt that I was in a better mood. At that time, I also laughed: "OK, now that you have told me a secret, I will tell you a secret too!"

"Hee hee, really? Come on Chen Yuanyuan, like a child, was excited when he heard that I wanted to tell her the secret. He took off his high-heeled shoes and sat cross legged on my bed, smiling at me.

"Ha ha, in fact, when I came here today, I saw the three elders on the mountain..." I said to Chen Yuanyuan and told her how I met the three elders and the woman. But I didn't show her the video. After all, it's not suitable for children. I really feel that Chen Yuanyuan is as pure as a piece of white paper. I don't want those dirty videos to smear her.

But after listening to me, Chen Yuanyuan was silly at that time: "and this?"

"Ha ha, yeah, shocked? Before you don't say, three elder originally lustful ah, this has what shock.. "I said to Chen Yuanyuan.

"No, you don't know. Meiguang town is so big that everyone knows who. I just want to know who can do that with the three elders on the back mountain." speaking of this, Chen Yuanyuan's face is a bit shy, and his little face is very ruddy and lovely.

"Ha ha, who knows? Don't think about it. What does that old man do?" I waved my hand and said to Chen Yuanyuan.

Chen Yuanyuan smiles and nods. That night, I talked to her for a long time, until four or five o'clock in the morning, Chen Yuanyuan just left. It's almost dawn outside, so I sent it back to Chen Yuanyuan. Chen Yuanyuan's room is close to mine. It's only half a minute's walk.

"Hee hee, come and play with me when it's boring." Chen Yuanyuan said to me and got into the room.

I said goodbye to Chen Yuanyuan and left. Originally I was going to go back to my room, but after thinking about it, I still didn't go back. No, I have to find out which room Jiang Yue lives in first. I'm in a hurry. I'll kill her while she's sleeping tonight!

In my heart, I thought, walking forward slowly, at this time, the sky is not so dark, but in the Jiang family, there are still many people on patrol. They asked me who I was when they saw me. At the end of the day, I simply hung the sign that the River gave me.

It took me about ten minutes to walk in this way. My speed was very fast, and I almost walked around the Jiang family. Finally, I shivered all over. Not far away, I saw a room which was almost the same size as my room. On the top of the room, there was the name of Jiang Yue. But at this moment, Jiang Yue's room is still on!

It's here. I laughed in my heart. Originally, I planned to kill Jiang Yue in a few days, but to tell you the truth, I really can't wait. I slowly approached Jiang Yue's room. Finally, in front of her room, I stopped. In this copper mountain city, all the rooms were like wooden houses in TV dramas and costume movies.

However, the windows of this house are not pasted with paper, but with a layer of unknown materials. So there's no way to see the inside of the house like in the TV series, if you dip in some saliva and poke through a layer of paper.

I slowly squatted in front of Jiang Yue's door. Since the light was on, it proved that Jiang Yue didn't sleep.

I thought that I could hear Jiang Yue's voice, but I didn't expect that in this moment, from Jiang Yue's room, there was a burst of laughter: "Xiao Yue, I didn't expect that when I had dinner tonight, I didn't come back, so funny things happened."

Shua! I suddenly all over a quiver, this voice, is not exactly three elder?

Elder three, is he in Jiang Yue's room? Nima, I feel that my world outlook is going to be destroyed. Can these three elders have an affair with Jiang Yue? Because just now Chen Yuanyuan told me that Jiang Yue has a good relationship with the three elders. But no matter how good the relationship is, it can't be so late. It's still in Jiang Yue's room.

"Ha ha, yes, elder three, you don't know. Cao Fei almost beat Jiang Feng. Ha ha." Jiang Yue also laughed and said to the three elders.

At that time, I almost vomited blood. It was obvious that this month, Jiang Yue told the three elders about me.

The three elders seem to have heard the funniest words in the world and keep laughing: "I tell you, Xiaoyue, that Jiang Feng is not clean up. Come on, let's not talk about him. Xiaoyue, what have I told you to do? "

"Three elder, what's the matter? Is it to catch Zhou Bingna?" Jiang Yue says to three elder.

But for a moment, I was dripping with cold sweat!

what?! Are these three elders going to catch Zhou Bingna? fuck! At that time, I really wanted to rush in and kill the three elders! Troughs you, an old wall head, every day want to catch this want to catch that, you catch others, I can't control. But you also want to catch rice month, but also catch new color, now also want to catch Zhou Bingna, trough you, how do you so cheap?

I can't control it in my heart. Really, for the first time, I feel that a person can be so cheap!

"It's not that." But at this time, the three elders also said: "of course, you have to catch Zhou Bingna as soon as possible, I really want to experience the taste of Zhou Bingna, ha ha."

Speaking of this, the three elders immediately laughed out: "but before catching Zhou Bingna, there is one thing I have told you to do, that is, I asked you to investigate an ancient tomb, have you found out?"

"Elder three, I have found out." At this time, Zhou Bingna said: "if there is no accident, in a week's time, there will be an ancient tomb in the back mountain of Meiguang town."

"Ha ha, a week, a week." The three elders kept saying, with a smile on his face: "Xiaoyue, it is estimated that in a week, everyone will gather on the mountain behind us, and there will be countless strong people at that time. You remember, Xiaoyue, this ancient tomb, we have to go in. "

"Elder three, why? It's just an ancient tomb. I don't know how many ancient tombs come to this world every day. Is this ancient tomb the graveyard of the most powerful one? " Jiang Yue's face is full of questions. She asks the three elders.

At that moment, the three elders nodded slowly: "yes, if I guess correctly, this ancient tomb must be the tomb of a super strong man, but I really don't know whose tomb it is. I only know that there is a big treasure in this tomb."

"What a baby!" For a moment, Jiang Yue was aroused and asked.

"One of the Twelve Commandments."

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