I am the King

Chapter 31

I was a little worried. I went to find Hao long. Last night in the hotel, after I rescued Zhao Xue, I left the hotel. I don't know what kind of fight the two groups had.

Hao long said that last night, there were not many people Yao Qin was looking for who were injured, but Wang Qiang, who were almost all injured and hospitalized. But Yao Qin settled the matter and told me not to worry.

I feel relieved after listening. It is estimated that Wang Qiang was also beaten and hospitalized. This day passed like this. Zhao Xue asked me several times whether I knew Jiang song. What can I say? I can only say I don't know.

I asked Zhao Xue how to inquire about this person, but Zhao Xue did not tell me. She will not know that her savior, Jiang song, is actually me.

Zhao Qian announced that a two-day summer camp will be held tomorrow. Everyone will gather at the school gate at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning. The whole third grade must have all the members, including the class teachers, the director and the principal. Of course, the summer camp can't go in vain. Every student who participates in the summer camp must pay 500 yuan.

This is a typical case of money digging... Every student knows it. Does it cost 500 yuan to go to the summer camp? It's like robbing money! But none of the students complained. Because I'm a senior in high school. I'm too nervous to study. It's hard to go out and relax. It's not taking up Saturdays and Sundays. 500 yuan is absolutely worth it!

So when Zhao Xi talked about it, all the students were very excited.

"The place we are going to is blue water villa. You should have heard of it. It is located on the edge of Wanhai city. Some students may have heard of it." Zhao said to the crowd, "since it's summer camp, we just go to eat, drink and have fun, but we can't be out of order, you know?"

"I know!" These students have promised, one by one to hear play, are not excited.

"In addition, in order to protect the environment, no students can bring their own food. Otherwise, it's too hard to clean up the pulp Zhao Qian didn't forget to give a few words of advice, and then she left school. But I didn't go until all the students in the class left. Because Zhao Xue and I are at the same table, I'm stuck outside, and Zhao Xue can't walk.

"Come on, brother, what are you doing here?" Zhao Xue said it to me and looked around. All the people in the class had gone, and the whole classroom was just me and Zhao Xue. No, the whole corridor is probably just the two of us.

"Sister, don't go to the summer camp tomorrow." I said it to Zhao Xue.

"Why?" Zhao Xue's face was full of doubts: "Mr. Zhao said that all the staff must come together."

"Big dog fart!" I yelled: "if I have something to do, do I have to go? Don't go, sister

My heart is a little trembling. Zhao Xi and I said before that the place where we are going to go to summer camp, namely Bishui villa, is the property of Wang Qiang's father and Wang Bishui. Although Wang Qiang is in hospital now, tomorrow, Wang Qiang will go to the summer camp with us. When he arrives at his father's site, Wang Qiang will definitely be more arrogant! If it's bad for Zhao Xue again, I really can't accept it.

"Well, your sister, I'm not short of the 500 yuan. Don't worry. By the way, I'll tell you, if you ask someone, there's a Jiang song in our school, who is also in our grade. Ask him which class he is in Zhao Xue patted me on the shoulder, moved the table away and walked out directly from me.

I gave a wry smile: "sister, you can't do it today! I feel like I'm going to have a nosebleed. No, I'm going to summer camp tomorrow. I have to find a chance to have a relationship with Zhao Xi!

I'm so excited. I've been single for 18 years. I've always solved my own physiological problems. I'm excited to think that I'm going to have a relationship with a woman for the first time! And the woman I have a relationship with is my head teacher! The best beauty!

ha-ha! I laughed evil in my heart. Tomorrow is definitely a good opportunity! But now I'm also worried. I want to use the secrets of Zhao Xi and Zhao Degang to threaten Zhao Xi. I don't know if she will agree.

I have completely forgotten that the place to go tomorrow is Wang Qiang's father's territory.

That night, I spent in my imagination. This sleep, especially sweet.

The next morning, I took 600 yuan from my mother and went to school. In fact, when I thought about it later, it was really pitiful. If you go to the summer camp, you have to pay 500. Besides the money given to the school, I only have 100 yuan in pocket money these two days... Two days

Until the school gate, I saw dozens of buses parked at the gate, from class one in three years to class fifteen in three years, and each class was neatly arranged. I easily found my own class and stood behind Hao long.

"Dalong, I owe you money. You can wait." I thought for a long time, but I told Hao long. Although I know Hao long is not in a hurry, I am in a hurry! No matter how good a brother is, he can't stay in debt for such a long time.

"Screw you!" Sure enough, when I finished saying this, Hao long scolded: "what do you always mention about that little money?"

Hao long said angrily. After saying this, he looked around and found that no one paid attention to us. Then he crept up and said, "madman, I want to talk to you about something."

"What's the matter?" I asked Hao long curiously, but he said something, and I was speechless.

"I'll tell you, yesterday I met another gourmet! Ha ha, you can't imagine that Kung Fu! Mad, I'm so happy. After that, she gave me two thousand yuan more Hao long said to me with a smile.

"Trough!" Dogs can't spit out Ivory! I rolled my eyes and ignored Hao long, but an idea rose in my heart. To tell you the truth, now many people don't do wine accompaniment. They are afraid of being known by acquaintances and talking behind their backs. Wine company is really money making. And to tell you the truth, every day I listen to Hao long say that when I meet all kinds of best products, I am also excited!

I can change my face now. If I make a special handsome mask, can I be a star and ask someone to make an appointment?!

Thinking of this, I am very excited! In other words, if I am particularly handsome, let alone to do wine company, even if I have an appointment with someone, how many beauties are willing to have a relationship with me?

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