I am the King

Chapter 33

But only a second, Zhao Xi quickly stood up from me, did not speak. However, Zhao Degang on one side was angry. He pointed to the driver and yelled out: "can you drive? How many students are in the car? Can you afford to have an accident?"

"Not... Director Zhao, don't blame me, you see..." the driver was also flustered. Hearing Zhao Degang's blame, he explained flurriedly and pointed to the front.

At that time, all the students in the bus stood up. Sure enough, in front of the bus, there were three people, two men and one woman. The two men were all in their thirties. One of them fell to the ground with blood all over his legs and a big pool of blood on the ground. The other two stood beside him with anxious faces. These three people kept waving to the bus.

"Open the door and see what happened to them." Zhao Degang frowned and said that the driver didn't dare to follow. He quickly opened the door.

At this time, the three men staggered to the door. It was not until this time that I could see the three men clearly. One of them is a beard, all over his face.

The woman, on the other hand, was wearing a scarf and covered half of her face. However, I can see that this woman has a good figure and beautiful eyes. She is probably a beautiful girl.

The last one, with blood all over his face, was the one who was injured.

The beard looked very anxious. When the bus door was opened, it yelled out: "fellow students, are you students of experimental high school? Our three brothers and sisters are from other places. I didn't expect that they were robbed in the daytime. My third brother fought with the gangster and was tied up by the gangster. Can you take us to the hospital? Quick, it's important to save people!"

"Wow With these words, the inside of the car suddenly exploded, and these students quickly stood up to watch the excitement. However, at this time, Zhao Degang showed his authority again. He pointed to these students and yelled, "what are you looking at? Do you know how to respect people?"

"Hoo..." Zhao Degang said that those students who dare to watch the excitement sit down one after another. Zhao Degang's face full of pride, as if to frighten students, it seems that he is more powerful, turned to look at the beard: "then you hurry up, hurry up."

"Director Zhao!" However, as soon as the sound of Zhao Degang's words fell, I stood up and locked my brows tightly: "isn't that good? I think it's better to let them take another car. "

"What are you talking about?" Sure enough, after hearing this, Zhao Degang exploded and pointed at me and roared out: "you can't give up your seat for me, but this life is in front of you, and you don't save it?! What are you? What did your parents teach you? Have you ever been taught to be kind? "

Zhao Degang yelled at me, and the students in the whole carriage were also chattering.

I look like earth color, tightly clench fist: "director Zhao, I advise you, still don't say so early, I repeat, don't let them get on the bus." This time, my tone is a little stiff, not that I install the wall, but that I really feel something wrong! First of all, it's not hard to see that none of these three people have clean faces. One had a beard, one had a neck, and one had a bloody face, which blocked his face.

In addition, the injured one was obviously injured in his leg, but how could his face be covered with blood? Do you mean to cover your face?

Finally, if the three of them are in a hurry to go to the hospital, why don't they stop a taxi or a private car, which can be faster, so they have to stop a bus! What's more, the three of them said they were from other places. How could they know that we were students of experimental high school?

The more I think about it, the more I feel that something is wrong. As for where I feel something is wrong, I can't say what I guess, because I'm afraid I guess wrong. Make people laugh. These three people really make me frown. In a hurry, I could only shout out again: "don't let them get on, don't let them!"

"Don't let them in? Is this your car? If you don't want to go to summer camp, get out of here as soon as possible! " Zhao Degang was also said by me, full of anger, pointed at me and scolded. He turned around and looked at the three people, and cried out with his beard: "you three, get on the bus, just as we passed the hospital."

"Good, good... Thank you, I for my third brother, for my second sister, thank you, thank you.." the facial expression moved, quickly to help the injured, to the car. Until this time, Zhao Degang also began to say: "you students, don't know what's going on. In this case, they even ignore it, and don't know how your parents taught you."

"Is your third brother's injury OK?" While criticizing these students, Zhao Degang looked at his beard and said it.

Whisker nodded: "it's OK, thank you, really thank you, really..."

"It's OK. What do you call it?" Zhao Degang looked at the beard and asked.

"My name is not easy to remember. Just call me a beard. This is my second sister, Xiao Han. The injured one is my third brother, Xiao Feng. " The beard said carelessly, looking around from time to time.

After the three of them came up, the bus started slowly. Zhao Degang is still reluctant, pointing at me and shouting out: "I say you are a student, are you sick? Didn't you see anyone hurt? Is it so hard to give me a seat? "

"If you want to give up your seat and find someone else, I will not." I coldly said: "our class more than 60 people, why give up my seat? I didn't ask the three of them to come up I didn't give Zhao Degang any face. I just hummed it out.

At that time, Zhao Degang's face was hard to see! At this time, Xiao Han waved his hand, and then issued a sweet voice: "it's OK, we just stand."

"Why?" Xiao Han's voice fell, and immediately I was stunned. Not only me, but the eyes of the whole class looked at Xiao Han.

Among these three people, the most attractive one is Xiao Han. Although she was wearing a scarf to cover her face, she could feel that the girl was really beautiful and in good shape.

These are not important, the most important thing is that this woman's voice, it is exciting! Sweet can't, like the sound of nature in general! Almost immediately, Xiao Han became the focus of all the students!

"I... I'm ok... Just stand up..." at this time, Xiao Feng, who was injured, trembled and said, one hand covering his leg, but even though he said so, he still sat on the ground.

The vehicle starts slowly, more than ten buses shuttle in Wanhai city. Indeed, we will pass by the city hospital when we go to Bishui villa. We Wanhai city hospital, almost to the suburbs. But to be honest, the medical facilities there are very good.

As the bus speeds up all the way out of the city, there are fewer people and cars, and the speed of the bus also speeds up. However, along the way, Zhao Degang has been talking with Xiao Han. It's disgusting. I can clearly see that Xiao Han is not willing to talk to him, but Zhao Degang's mouth seems to be closed.

"What robbers have you met? Dare you rob in broad daylight? Are they robbing money?" Zhao Degang looks at Xiao Han and asks.

"It's robbing money. We are all from other places. It's not easy for us to earn some money. How can we be robbed by them. So my third brother is fighting to protect our money. " Xiao Han said to Zhao Degang.

"Nothing! Just protect the money. As for the medical expenses of your third brother, don't worry. I can replace the school and ask the students to organize a donation to your brother. " Zhao Degang waved his hand and said it with a smile.

what the fuck! Is that what he said? Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Degang's voice fell, there was even more discussion in the car. If you pity others, you can donate money yourself. What are you doing with the students?

But at this moment, Xiao Han, who was beside Zhao Degang, suddenly showed a trace of evil smile, and then a Black Dagger appeared in her hand! The next moment, that cold dagger, so frame in Zhao Degang's neck!

"Yes? Well, thank you very much. Ha ha, stop the car for me

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