I am the King

Chapter 349

"I really have no grudge against you, but I have grudge against Jiang Feng. ha-ha! Ha ha ha Cao Fei kept laughing: "all the people who have relations with Jiang Feng, I can tell you very clearly, you all want to die!"

At this moment, Cao Fei, like crazy, rushed to Qin Xiong!

"You... Who the hell are you?" Qin Xiong clenched his fists tightly. Rao is such a well-informed person as Qin Xiong. At this time, he is also in a cold sweat. Qin Xiong is really in the city, and he is very busy. But he is facing a group of practitioners, a group of practitioners like crazy!

"My name is Cao Fei, boy, remember my name, ha ha, ha ha!" Cao Fei looked up at the sky and laughed: "of course, it's useless for you to remember my name. Just remember. Your mistake is to know Jiang Feng!" Cao Fei mercilessly said, the next moment, Cao Fei whole person as crazy general, direct roar out!

"All members of the Jiang family, kill me, kill me!"

"Hoo When Cao Fei's voice fell, everyone moved, and saw thousands of people in the Jiang family, just like the tide, pouring directly into the camp of Xiongfeng Gang! One by one from the clothes inside, pulled out the spirit weapon, began the crazy killing!

"Brothers, we Xiongfeng Gang have no counsellors. Kill me, kill me!" At that moment, Qin Xiong really couldn't control himself. He was deceiving people too much. It was deceiving people too much!

Just blink of an eye time, both sides, more than 2000 people, so fight together!

Cao Fei's smile, that expression, it is extremely excited! In front of Cao Fei, there are mountains and rivers nearly two meters high. Shanhe stares at Cao Fei, and they fight a bloody battle directly!

Cao Fei and Shanhe are both the strength of the later stage of xuanjie. If they really fight, I'm afraid no one is afraid of anyone. But to tell you the truth, in terms of strength, Cao Fei is better than Shanhe. Because of nothing else, Cao Fei grew up in the Jiang family. He learned a lot about the secrets of the family. There are more cards than rivers and mountains. So when they first played, they didn't win or lose.

It is estimated that it will take at least an hour for Shanhe's disadvantage to show. Although the mountains and rivers can hold Cao Fei, the brothers of Xiongfeng gang can't bear it at all!

Yes, there are more than 1000 people on both sides. But you know, the 1000 people of the Jiang family are all practitioners! The people of Jiang's family rush into the camp of Xiongfeng gang. It's really a wolf into the sheep! Although Cao Fei was restrained, my brothers fell into a dilemma. It was a one-sided massacre. In an instant, seven or eight brothers screamed. They were directly beaten by the people of the Jiang family. They vomited blood and fell to the ground. They did not know whether they were alive or dead!

There were only four people present, not moving. Not in the war. That's Chen Yuanyuan, Jiangshui, Honghai, Huanghai.

That's right. Before I closed my door to practice, I had told green boy to protect my parents. As for the yellow and red children, I told them to listen to Qin Xiong.

Now the two sides are directly fighting, Qin Xiong is about to collapse at that time. Looking at the brothers who fell to the ground in a short moment, Qin Xiong's intention to kill is everywhere!

I gave the antidote to Qin Xiong. Qin Xiong can use his powers now, but Qin Xiong can't return to heaven! Qin Xiong's strength today is only in the middle of the xuanjie period, and the former Qin Xiong was only in the early stage of the xuanjie period. At this stage, Qin Xiong can't use his powers. Suddenly, he gets the antidote, and Qin Xiong is promoted to another level. Although Qin Xiong can cross the level of fighting, but in the face of so many powers, Qin Xiong's face is powerless!

"What are you two doing? Kill, kill me!" Qin Xiong's voice, already completely hoarse, yelled at the red and yellow children!

Red boy and yellow boy heard Qin Xiong's words. How dare they disobey them? At that time, with a roar, they summoned long guns one after another and rushed directly into the camp of the Jiang family. In a flash, seven or eight members of the Jiang family died under the gun of red child and yellow child!

"Red boy, yellow boy, what are you doing?" Finally, at that moment, Cao Fei, who was fighting with Jianghe, also felt something was wrong. Finally, he found the red boy and the yellow boy, and immediately called out!

You know, the red child and the Yellow child are the strong ones in the later stage of xuanjie! Although the two strong men in the later stage of xuanjie can't fight against more than 1000 practitioners, to tell the truth, all practitioners below xuanjie can be stabbed to death with one shot!

Can Cao Fei not be in a hurry? These two men's participation in the battle has a great influence on his side!

"Chen Yuanyuan, Xiaoshui, you two are still watching. Aren't you afraid that the patriarch will blame you?" At this moment, Cao Fei fiercely waved the spirit weapon in his hand, pushed back the mountain and river, and yelled at Chen Yuanyuan and the river!

However, Chen Yuanyuan and Jiang Shui, as if they had not heard Cao Fei speak, still stood not far away. This, can really give Cao Fei gas to die, these two women, is really toward Jiang Feng!

Cao Fei clenched his fist tightly, and soon he was fighting with the mountains and rivers again! However, with the passage of time, our disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger. Although Huang and Hong have killed a lot of people in the Jiang family, our brothers are still suffering too much in the overall situation!

Just five or six minutes, the members of Xiongfeng Gang fell to the ground, and there were as many as two or three hundred people! If we go on like this, our brothers on this side will be really over, really over!

"Ha ha, die, die for me!" Cao Fei roared, while Shan he didn't pay attention, he grabbed the two Xiong Feng Gang brothers and hit them on the chest. At that time, he saw the two men scream, and then he was blown away by Cao Fei's fist!

"Stop it!" Shanhe is biting his teeth and yelling. At that moment, his anger has reached the peak! Shanhe can't help it, really can't help his anger! Growing up, I didn't have a friend. I didn't know how I lived until now. Everyone looked down on me and bullied me. However, it was not until he met Jiang Feng that Shanhe knew what life was, what friends were and what brothers were!

In just a few days, Shanhe has become familiar with the brothers of Xiongfeng Gang, and everyone is especially good to Shanhe. After all, everyone knows that although Shanhe is a little silly, Shanhe is really a good choice to be a brother. Shanhe is honest and simple. Shanhe especially likes to spend time with his brothers. However, Shanhe watched with his own eyes these brothers who lived together day and night fall down one by one. He didn't know whether they were alive or dead. The anger hidden in Shanhe's heart finally surged up crazily!

"I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you!" Mountains and rivers keep roaring, in the hands of the machete, straight at Cao Fei smashed in the past!

The next moment, I saw Shanhe's body, suddenly burst out a strong light, and then, a huge noise, so from the side of Shanhe! At the same time, the whole people roar out, the original nearly two meters of body, even crazy soaring up!

"Do you want to get out of here, get out of here!" Shanhe's eyes are red. It's just a breath time. Shanhe's body has soared to more than ten meters!

This skill was also used in the youth powers competition, but now it is more powerful than last time! At that moment, almost everyone was stunned and couldn't help looking at the mountains and rivers. See that rise to more than ten meters of the body, did not even stop the meaning, continue to grow!

"This... This..."

"This fool, really have two sons..." members of the Jiang family, one by one looking at the mountains and rivers, have been stunned, have called out.

Shanhe's body, has been up to 25 meters, just stopped, at that moment, Shanhe holding a machete, looking down, like a giant, into a dwarf country in general!

"I'll kill you, I'll kill you!" The mountains and rivers kept roaring, the huge machete, cutting directly at Cao Fei!

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