Just me? How is that possible? I licked my lips. Is Zhao Xi just like me? Being serious with others?

I wonder in my heart, in a twinkling of an eye become very excited! Zhao Xi sent me her photos. Many of her photos will not be saved in this computer, right?! ha-ha! I thought in my heart, I quickly reduced QQ and began to search in her computer.

But after searching for a few minutes, nothing was found. But when I hit and hit by mistake and turned on the video player, I was stunned!

To tell you the truth, I never dreamed of it at that time! In that video player, there are more than ten adult movies!

what the fuck! I look at the computer screen, has been completely hoodwinked! This... This Zhao Xi unexpectedly sees this kind of thing?

I gulped down my saliva. As expected, Zhao Xi must be lonely after her husband died!

I took a deep breath, turned off the video player, pretended to have done nothing and stood by the computer. I think Zhao Xi is coming back. If you see me poking her computer, I'm sure I'll be useless.

Sure enough, within two minutes, the door of the office was suddenly pushed open. Zhao Qian came straight at me with a straight face: "Jiang Feng, call your parents."

With that, Zhao Qian took out her mobile phone and handed it to me: "do you want to call yourself or me?"

"You..." I stare at Zhao Xi, burst of anger in my body! Call my family again?! Only I know how sad my parents are these days! I don't have much money at home. Although it is a normal family, but parents work all year round, the body is not very good. I know how tired my parents are for me to study.

If I do make a mistake, call my parents, OK. But what happened to my special size? Why does monitor Wang Qiang sleep all right, I sleep all right? For what?

"I don't fight." At that moment, I really can't control myself. I have to call my family again and again. It doesn't matter that my parents call me. What I fear most is that my parents cry! I will never forget the expression of hating iron but not steel!

"You don't fight? Will you pay the tuition and miscellaneous fees? You're the only one in the class who didn't hand it in! " Hearing this, Zhao Qian, who was in front of me, suddenly called out and sat on the sofa, putting her left leg on top of her right leg. Long legs, so show in front of my eyes.

"My parents are not at home. Wait for me two days, and I'll pay for it. " I took a long breath and said it lightly. Now I really have no other way. I spent all the tuition and miscellaneous fees to go to the bar. How can I have money. We have to borrow some from Hao long first. Hao Long's family is still rich. He should have saved a lot of pocket money.

"Two days? I'm waiting for you. Who's waiting for me? Can the school wait for me? I have to pay this afternoon. In addition, I also want to call your parents and go to sleep in class. That's what you go to school for? " Zhao Xi coldly said to me: "what are you? Is it easy for us to be teachers? If we give lectures on the stage every day, how would you like to sleep in class? "

"What happened to sleep?" I tightly clenched my fist. To tell you the truth, Zhao Xi scolded me almost every day during this period, but I never stood up. But today, I really can't stand it!

"What happened to sleep? What's up? what you think? Are you right to sleep in class? " Zhao Xi yelled at me and stood up from the sofa. Wearing high heels, she was almost as tall as me. I was very close to her and could even feel her breathing.

"I don't care, but I just want to ask why you don't say anything when Wang Qiang goes to bed in class. When I go to bed in class, you scold me like this? Why? " I gnawed my teeth and said these words, but the momentum was still pressed down by Zhao Xi. I lowered my head and said discontentedly.

"I didn't see Wang Qiang sleeping in class." But I never thought that when I said this, Zhao Xi suddenly sneered.

"Hum!" At that moment, I really have completely collapsed! Didn't you see that? Special size of Wang Qiang and my seat, just across a few tables! See me sleeping, don't you see him sleeping? Is there any more funny joke in the world?

"Don't talk back to me, I tell you, Jiang Feng. This is the school, not your home. This time, I'll spare you. Next time, you don't have to read it. Just go home. " Zhao Xi yelled at me. To tell you the truth, I have a lot of anger in my heart, which is about to explode!

This is obviously aimed at me! Because I didn't give her a seat on the bus! My heart tightly together, really special grievance. At that time, I was just an ordinary student, which experienced these. Zhao Xi, like this, can only make the anger in my heart bigger and bigger.

"Get out of here!" Zhao Xi pointed to the door and yelled at me. His face was full of anger! I clenched my teeth and went out a little bit and closed the door. Just out of the office, I hit the wall with a hard punch. I used all my strength with this punch, as if I could vent my anger. At that time, the whole fist was bloody!

"Bang!" This loud noise made many students turn their heads to look at me. Some of my classmates, when they saw me like this, were smiling. They know that I must have been trained by Zhao Xi.

I like lost soul, slowly back to class. By this time, the class is over. As soon as I got to the class, a group of people gathered around me. Hao long walked in the front, put his arm on my shoulder, and said with a smile: "what's the matter, madman, let that girl teach me again?"

My name is Jiang Feng. Hao long used to call me crazy.

I have no choice but to shake my head. The group of people who surround me are all classmates who usually play with us. However, Hao Long's voice has just dropped. In the next moment, Hao Long's face has changed!

"I'm sorry for you. How can I fix it?" Hao long, who was smiling just now, saw the blood dripping on my hand and roared out. His face turned pale. He raised my hand and said, "what's the matter?"

To be honest, I was really moved in my heart at that time. I can pat my chest and say, Hao long, is really my best brother.

When we were young, we went to the game hall together. Later, we went to the Internet bar together. We had good things to share with each other. I can't imagine the days without Hao long. I have many friends, but Hao long is the only one who can be called a brother. Seeing Hao Long's face suddenly changed, my heart was warm.

"Nothing." I held back tears, squeezed out a smile and said it. Until this time, the students beside him just laughed: "I know you are OK! By the way, lunatic, are you going to the bar tomorrow? The women in the bar are so attractive. The dancing style is "dirty"

"Forget it. I'm out of money." I took a long breath and said it. Last time I went to the bar, I took them with me. I spent my tuition and other expenses. How can I have money now?

"Yo? Did you go to the bar? When? " As a result, when I was about to go to my seat, there was a sweet sound next to me, and then I smelled a fragrance. What appeared in front of me was a sweet smiling face, which was Zhao Xue.

Zhao Xue is my deskmate. As I said before, it was because I wanted to send her a red envelope that it was sent to Zhao Xi.

At this time, Zhao Xue was wearing a pair of black tights. I'm wearing sneakers. The upper body is white half sleeve, dress is very simple, but look particularly sexy. Especially the waves in front of her chest propped up the white half sleeves.

As soon as I saw Zhao Xue coming, Hao long, who was by my side, turned around and left. Hao long told me more than once that Zhao Xue is not as pure as she seems.

"I went there the other day." I said to Zhao Xue, I still have a good feeling for Zhao Xue. Among my classmates, I feel that Zhao Xue is the most beautiful. Even if Zhao Xue is compared with Zhao Xi, the head teacher, I don't feel much worse. However, Zhao Qian has more mature charm than Zhao Xue.

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