I am the King

Chapter 41

"Well..." at that time, Zhao Xi didn't react at all. She was startled by me. But just as she was about to move, Zhao Xi found that her whole body had been firmly pinched by me, and her lips had been blocked by me!

"Hiss!" At that moment, I was numb. Really, I seem to kiss in a piece of ice, the cool feeling, let me feel like an electric shock!

Zhao Xi, who was held tightly by me, was still struggling, but I didn't mean to let go? The soft body, back and forth in my arms rub, I was completely out of control, enjoy the kiss!

"Hiss!" That soft feeling, let me a burst of abdominal pain!

"Oh..." Zhao Qian was still shouting, but her mouth was blocked by me, and she couldn't make a sound at all!

But I didn't think of it. At that moment, a few shrieks sounded like that!

"Ah! Ah

Huh?! Just blink of an eye time, I cold sweat rolling down! I suddenly released Zhao Xi! Ears almost stand up!

Those screams, obviously from the top of the mountain, are exactly where the girls in our class are! Moreover, it's not just a girl screaming, at least five or six screams!

What is going on? I'm clenching my fists. What are these girls screaming about? Did you see the snake again? No, how can there be snakes on the top of the mountain? Is... Is something wrong?!

I am all over inexplicable a tremor, a thick foreboding, crazy rush to my heart! After those screams, there was no sound and no sound!

I slowly look at Zhao Qian, at this time Zhao Qian, there is no blood on her face, sweat on her forehead, bite her lower lip tightly, a little afraid to look at me.

"You... You..." Zhao Xi's voice trembled, but she didn't say anything in the end. I brow lock, a pull up Zhao Xi, quickly rushed to the top of the mountain!

"Come on, let's go. Is something wrong with them? How can there be a few screams?" I yelled and ran with Zhao Xi.

Zhao Xi was originally slow, and the mountain road was not easy to walk, so she almost fell down in the middle of the way. I didn't care about her. Madder, what's the matter! No accident early, no accident late, just this time! Special size!

I scolded a sentence in my heart, just saw what could happen with Zhao Xi! Interrupted again! In my heart that call a displeasure, although I want to taste Zhao Xi's taste, but I now, more worried about Zhao Xue have no matter!

I took Zhao Xi and ran all the way, but when I was about to reach the top of the mountain, my whole body trembled!

I don't care about you! At that moment, I almost burst out! I can't control my body at all! I'm like a puppet, staring at the picture in front of me. Clench your fists!

Zhao Xi and I were hiding under a big tree. You can just see the students at the top of the mountain. However, what came to my eyes were more than ten strong men in black clothes! These strong men are all wearing uniform clothes, holding steel pipes in their hands, and a few with knives. These strong men, the girls in our class, surrounded, full of evil smile. Of course, among the girls, there is another boy, Hao long.

Hum! At that moment, my head was buzzing!

Sure enough, I don't like you! I'm gasping. I don't need to know that these people are definitely from Wang Qiang!

My eyes are very cold, staring in front of me. However, Zhao Xi behind me was completely flustered and was about to rush up. At that time, I had a headache and responded very quickly. I pulled her over and covered her mouth directly!

"Don't talk!" I growled and said it in Zhao Xi's ear. I put one hand around her shoulder and they hid behind the tree completely.

Now Zhao Xi rushes up. What's the difference between that and seeking death? Now all the boys in our class are catching prey at the foot of the mountain. Here, there are only two men, Hao long and I!

However, in this case, even if all the boys in our class come back, what can we do? Although there are only more than ten strong men, who are they? With tattoos and muscles, he is a real social person, similar to the person Yao Qin was looking for that day.

And in their hands, they are all armed. If there is a fight, no one in our class dares to fight!

I took a deep breath and looked at the scene in front of me. It's not hard to see that among the strong men, the leader had a scar seven or eight centimeters long on his face, like a centipede lying on his face. It looks really scary. Some timid girls, at this time, have cried out. Just experienced a robbery, and now surrounded by so many people!

I can see that scar man walked around my classmates for several times. Look at this, look at that, his brow is more and more wrinkled. Finally, he stopped beside Hao long.

"So many girls, you're the only one who's comfortable?" Scar man chuckled and put out his hand to slap Hao long on the face. Although it wasn't a slap in the face, it was also a heavy slap.

I can feel Hao Long's anger, not to mention Hao long. Even when I saw this picture, I wanted to tear the scar man! Can Hao long not be angry when he is beaten in front of all the girls in the class!

But what about anger? He is not a child, he knows, this kind of situation as long as a move, I am afraid that the group of strong Hamilton will rush up!

"Can you deal with so many girls? Huh? Ha ha, come on, I'll make you cool today Scar man roars, pulls Hao long aside, and then puts his eyes on MI Yue.

"Stains stains, this girl, really lovely ah, come on." While saying this, scar man shows a smile again and drags Mi Yue to Hao Long's side. The next moment, his eyes, directly locked in Zhao Xue's body!

"Shua!" It's just the blink of an eye, my heart is like a knife! The whole person's blood seems to be boiling!

Scar man looks up and down at Zhao Qian, his face glows with excitement. Finally, his eyes stop at Zhao Xue's chest, and his nose seems to be bleeding.

"This chick is good, too. She's so sexy. Stains, this figure.. "scar man saliva to flow out, pulling Zhao Xue's arm, will she pulled to the side of rice month. It's not until this time that scar man's eyes turn around Hao long, Zhao Xi and Mi Yue.

"Which school are you from? Who brought you here? " Scar man looks at Hao long and asks.

"We are from experimental high school. Our school all come to this summer camp, not only our class." Hao long says it to scar man.

At this time, the scar man suddenly laughed and pointed to the fire: "you come to the summer camp, who let you make a fire on the mountain? Do you know you're going to burn the mountain? "

Did I go to you! When scar man said this, I scolded him hundreds of times in my heart! Who are you fooling? There are not even any plants and trees on the mountain. The place where we burn fire is an open space. Besides, there is no wind in the weather. How can we burn the mountain? This is obviously making excuses and finding fault!

Sure enough, after saying this, the scar man continued to sneer: "this mountain belongs to me. Is it too much for you to set fire on this mountain?"

"We don't know." Hao long was silent for a while, but he still said it. Hao long was really helpless. Do you still need to think about it? These people are definitely from Wang Qiang!

"I don't know? If you don't know, you will shirk the responsibility? It must be impossible, I tell you, you wait, this matter, no one can run away! With so many people in your class, someone has to resist this responsibility. I think the three of you are good. You three should resist this responsibility! " At that moment, scar man suddenly laughed and looked at the strong men behind him: "give me three of them away!"

"Wow Speaking of this, the strong men immediately surrounded Mi Yue, Hao long and Zhao Xi.

"What do you mean, this is your mountain, we just apologize!" Hao Long's face was full of anger and yelled out.

"Less nonsense, take it away for me!"

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