I am the King

Chapter 43

Thinking of this, I was a little excited and ran down the mountain in a hurry. I almost ran all the way. At that time, I didn't know whether I was tired or not. I only knew that my brother was in the hands of others!

I just stopped at the foot of the mountain. If there is no accident, Wang Qiang must have come up the mountain from here. I looked around, looking east and West, and there was no good hiding place. Finally, I got an idea and climbed to the tree.

I look far away, only this one chance, missed, then I really can't save Hao long and Zhao Xue! My whole body nerves, are tightly taut, the result I did not expect, this is a full 20 minutes.

I am so tired standing in the tree that I dare not move. Almost all rely on the strength of my arm, grasp the trunk, in order to stabilize the body. I can't support it. Finally, a figure comes slowly from the distance.

This figure, walking that posture is quite disgusting, like dancing, hands in pants pocket, special size, although did not see the face, but I see the walking posture, I also know, this is definitely Wang Qiang!

At that moment, my whole body muscles were tense and my attention was highly focused. I stood in the tree, motionless, in the hands of the harpoon, clutch a little more tightly.

Until Wang Qiang came near, I found that he was listening to music with earphones in his ears.

Ha ha.. I sneer in my heart, looking at Wang Qiang, step by step to the tree. At this moment, my whole body, like a lion waking up, jumped down suddenly!

"I don't care for you!" I roared, I swear, from small to large, I have never burst out of this speed! Almost for a moment, I put my arms around Wang Qiang's neck and directly fell him to the ground!

"Jiang Feng!" Wang Qiang was startled by this sudden action. Before he could react, he had fallen to the ground and his neck was strangled by me! But when he saw clearly that it was me who stopped him, Wang Qiang roared out directly!

"Troublemaker you, call again, I will kill you!" I was completely out of control at that time. The harpoon in my hand was directly on his neck! The sharp point has cut Wang Qiang's neck. Although it is not deep, it is still dripping blood.

Until this moment, Wang Qiang was completely hoodwinked! How can he not feel that he has shed blood!

"Jiang Feng, what are you going to do? If you have something to say, say it well..." Wang Qiang's cold sweat swished down from his forehead. At this time, he didn't dare to move. He said it tremblingly.

"I say you are paralyzed!" I yelled in Wang Qiang's ear, hard punch, directly hit Wang Qiang's chest!

"Poof!" This fist, I tried my best, when the fist fell, Wang Qiang suddenly yelled out!

"Wang Qiang, you can do it. It's a good way to play, eh? I won't say anything when I catch Hao long and Zhao Xue, but what are you doing when you catch Mi Yue? Does Mi Yue have a grudge against you I brow tightly locked, voice incomparably cold.

"I..." Wang Qiang did not dare to look at me and wanted to say anything, but he didn't say it in the end.

"Tell me your special size!" I'm angry all over. I've reached the extreme. The harpoon in my hand, I'll try again!

"I say, I say..." how dare Wang Qiang talk a little nonsense? The sharp edge of the harpoon is against his neck, and he can feel my anger. As long as I make a little effort, he will be completely finished!

"I... I have a good feeling for MI Yue..." Wang Qiang finally said it, and then his voice suddenly raised a few points: "Jiang Feng, you let me go, I will let them let Zhao Xue and Hao long go now!"

"I'll go to you! Call me, now I yelled out and I was so excited!

"OK, ok..." Wang Qiang's face was very pale. He slowly took out the phone from his pocket, dialed it directly and pressed the amplifying key: "scar, now you take everyone and leave the cave."

"Master Wang, are you sure? We're leaving? And someone came to save the three of them? " Over the phone, there's the sound of scar.

"Don't ask so much nonsense, I'll let you go!" Wang Qiang yelled out, not in a hurry. Wang Qiang has already said so, scar still dares to say what, hastily promise to come out.

Then Wang Qiang hung up. Until this time, I just long breath.

"Wang Qiang, let me tell you. What's the matter with you? Come to me and move the people around me. Do you understand? " I stare at Wang Qiang and say it.

Wang Qiang's head is like pounding garlic, nodding repeatedly.

"This matter, how to do." I grabbed Wang Qiang's hair, looked at him and asked him.

"Jiang Feng... I... I have let them leave, what else do you want..." Wang Qiang was shaking all over, looking at me in fear.

"What else do you want? That night, you asked someone to block Zhao Xue. Today, you arrested her and my brother. You are special. Is that too much? " My face showed bursts of sneer, but this smile, in Wang Qiang's eyes, is so creepy!

"I... what do you want? I promise I won't move you in the future. I'll give you another 10000 yuan, and it's over, OK?" Wang Qiang gawked at me and finally said it.

"Plop!" To tell you the truth, Wang Qiang said this, I am a little excited! Ten thousand, ten thousand! What concept? Ten thousand yuan may be nothing to Wang Qiang, but for me, it's life-saving money!

I still owe Hao long money! Although it hurts to talk about money between brothers, Hao long doesn't intend to let me return it. But being a man, you have at least a little bottom line. Can we not pay back the money!

I also believe that if I ask Wang Qiang to pay now, he will call me. But he will not move me and Zhao Xue, and Hao long? I don't believe it!

"You're lying to children here? Don't worry about you! " I looked at Wang Qiang and cried out. As a result, Wang Qiang thought that I was short of money, and suddenly he said, "twenty thousand!"

"Go away!"

Thirty thousand

"Thirty thousand dollars, you..."

"Fifty thousand!" See me still did not speak, Wang Qiang thoroughly anxious. But he didn't know that I didn't speak, I was speechless! Nima, this rich man is different. 50000... 50000!

"I..." Wang Qiang looked at my dull appearance, sweat brush down, also don't know what he thought, suddenly called out: "I give you 50000, no longer trouble you, in addition, I give you a Shenli pill!"

"Shenli pill?" What is Shenli pill? Is it a kind of drug abuse? Like ecstasy?

"Shenli pill is used by my father to protect my life. It can improve my speed and strength in a short time, and make people feel no pain. The effect lasts for half an hour. If you take Shenli pill, you can beat ten strong men with your figure Wang Qiang explained in a hurry.

"I'll go to you!" At that time, I almost didn't give him a slap to fool the child? My figure, any adult, can climb down for me! Ten more? What about dreams?

"If you have something like this, why don't you eat it?" I said it with a sneer. If Wang Qiang has one, why should I beat him like a grandson?

"After taking the Shenli pill, it will take a minute for it to take effect. Really, I didn't cheat you. If I cheat you, I'm your son! " Wang Qiang was really anxious and yelled at me.

I brow lock, driven by strong curiosity, I still nodded: "take it out, I see." With that, I took the harpoon away a little.

At this time, Wang Qiang took out a small box from his pocket and handed it to me.

I put the small box in my pocket and asked Wang Qiang to turn the money around. Then I beat him hard on the back of the head, knocked him unconscious and ran to the cave quickly!

Anyway, I didn't believe that Shenli pill had that effect at that time. I quickly ran to the cave. When I stepped into the cave, I saw Hao long, Zhao Xue and Mi Yue in a coma at first sight.

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