I am the King

Chapter 46

At that time, I had forgotten the time, the place and everything.

Su Yan slowly collapsed. No one knows that there is an unknown scene on this barren mountain.


"Hoo..." I took a long breath, took out a cigarette from my pocket, lit it and took a deep breath. In the smoke, I can see the side of Su Yan, still staring at me, I don't know what is in her eyes, her tears, has been dry. She's been staring at me like a puppet.

I didn't pay attention to Su Yan either. Su Yan clenched his lower lip tightly. After dressing, tears appeared in his eyes again. He walked away slowly. After walking for nearly 50 meters, Su Yan suddenly yelled out: "I don't care who you are. Remember, I hate you, I hate you!"

This sentence, Su Yan almost cried out! As the voice fell, she ran away crying.

I sat on the ground for a long time, until I put out my cigarette. I've just been sober.

I... i... what did I do just now? I'm dizzy and pale.

Sweat, drop from my forehead, at that moment, I was shaking all over! I... am I still human... Jiang Feng, are you still human!

Why didn't I control it just now! Ah!

"Bang!" At that moment, I suddenly raised my fist and hit the ground hard! Just for a moment, a sharp pain came from my fist! In the twinkling of an eye, my whole hand has been dripping with blood!

I still used to be that Jiangfeng... I'm still... My heart is beating, this moment, I slowly take off the mask on my face, revealing my original appearance

If you want to have a figure and a face, not to mention those of the same age, even if we students, seeing Su Yan, think she is a goddess to the letter.

But if you think about it, it's true. I've been in experimental high school for more than two years, and I haven't seen or heard about Su Yan's relationship with anyone.

I... I'm at a loss. I've desecrated the goddess in the eyes of many people, but now I'm so flustered. More and more smoke around, behind the fire, still burning.

I put my clothes in the fire. If Su Yan calls the police and I take off my mask, she doesn't know me, but if I wear clothes, she will recognize me. At that moment, I slowly stood up from the ground, desperately shouting out!


My voice has been extremely hoarse, as if like this, can vent my feelings in general! I was in situ for more than ten minutes, and finally I ran down the mountain quickly!

Anyway, save Hao long first! I ran all the way, until this time, I can't care whether I'm tired or not. Along the way, I've been thinking about what happened just now. To tell you the truth, I'm still very excited. Before me, even those indecent movies, books, I have not seen much. Recalling Su Yan's appearance just now, she was really charming. Although she had a relationship with me reluctantly, she was still very charming later.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel guilty! I want to slap myself in the face!

"Hoo..." I don't know how long I've been running. I just stopped at the foot of the mountain. It's a mess in my head.

If you can, can you make su Yan like me? At that moment, this idea suddenly appeared in my mind.

I can be responsible for her, I can protect her and make up for my mistakes. Is that ok? I ran again, thinking. I feel OK, but, I take off the mask, not to mention the appearance, identity, my age, so much younger than Su Yan, will she like me?

Secondly, her appearance, to put it mildly, is comparable to those stars. I'm not ugly, but better than normal people. In any way, to be honest, I don't deserve Su Yan.

Let's talk about it later. At that time, I couldn't care so much. After running for a long time, I finally arrived at the blue water villa.

It's so far away from Bishui villa that I can see rows of students standing in the villa, with the head teachers of each class standing in front.

"Miss Zhao!" I am far away, yelled out, finally lost all the strength, a butt sitting on the ground!

However, at this time, our classmates also found me, and then, including Zhao Xi, all the people in our class, almost did not run to me and surrounded me directly! Although I was bare at this time, no one laughed at me.

"Jiang Feng!"


I could hear the anxious shouts, and Zhao Qian squatted in front of me: "how about..."

"We've found them. Hurry to some people and go with me to get them back." I gasped, and suddenly many boys called out: "I'll go, I'll go!"

"No, one boy, two girls." I waved my hand and said it. After all, Zhao Xue and Mi Yue are two people. It's not proper to let the boys carry them back. As I said this, I looked around. All the teachers and students are here, but I am looking for Su Yan. But still not found.

I picked a boy and two girls and ran up the mountain. To tell you the truth, I was very tired at that time, but I was worried about Hao long and Zhao Xue, and I didn't care whether I was tired or not. Running all the way to the cave, I completely collapsed.

At this time, in front of the cave, the fire I lit is burning more and more vigorously. Several of us put out the fire first. After that, we went into the cave. Hao long and the three of them were still in a coma.

I was so anxious that I rushed to Hao Long's side and hit him in the face with my hand: "big dragon, wake up, big dragon!"

"Well..." as a result, I really didn't expect that Hao long really woke up when I took such a shot. Suddenly, I felt relieved. A big stone in my heart finally fell down and shook him a few times. Until this time, Hao long finally opened his eyes and saw me at the first sight: "crazy... Crazy?! Where is this? Am I dreaming

"To be you!" I burst out laughing and hugged Hao long tightly. What is a brother is the person who damages you all the time. But when you have something, the brotherhood will be the first to rush out.

"Madman!" At that moment, Hao long also reacted, yelled and hugged me. But after only two seconds, the goods pushed me away: "go, die!"

"NIMA!" I don't have good spirit of smile scold a, turn a head to see Zhao Xue and rice month again. Counting the time, the three of them have been in a coma for more than two hours. Should they be about to wake up?

I went to these two people's side, shaking for a while, but Zhao Xue still didn't wake up, but Mi Yue was shaken up by me.

When I wake up, MI Yue has been completely covered. She looks at me stupidly for two minutes. Finally, he said, "you... You saved me again?"

I nodded with a smile on my face. I couldn't help looking at Mi Yue more. I have to say that MI Yue is so cute. She is very dangerous today. Fortunately, I threatened Wang Qiang. Otherwise, Wang Qiang would not dare to catch them!


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