I am the King

Chapter 480

Fame, wealth and glory are all in one. The scenery is boundless. It's much better than you are here. "

To tell you the truth, I was more or less moved by what he said.

My master long Yuanzi told me before that there are other continents besides China. Moreover, some continents are not as developed in science and technology as China, and they are still in the period of feudal dynasties. So at this moment in front of this person's words, although I don't believe it, I actually believe it in my heart.

It's just

In mainland China, there are not only my parents, but also Qin Xiong and other brothers. More importantly, I have Mi Yue, a lovely girlfriend. What's more, I haven't found Zhou Bingna, all these things I can't give up! How can I leave these alone and go to the vast continent?

I smile at the Shenfeng person and politely refuse: "OK, I believe you, but I'm sorry, I feel very good in China, and I have a lot of things that I can't put down, so I'm sorry, I can't go with you, but thank you for your kindness. Well, in addition, you can go back and thank the emperor for his appreciation. "

Speaking of this, I thought the sacred wind would go, or turn against me or something.

But when I heard these words, the Shenfeng man began to smile and nodded: "well, it's good. I want to ask, are your friends and relatives you can't give up?"

I nodded and said, "of course, so you'd better go back. I can't go with you."

"All right!" What else did the Shenfeng person want to say? Seeing that I refused so firmly, he knew that he couldn't talk about me for a while. Moreover, just now, the Shenfeng person wanted to tell me about Zhou Bingna, but when he thought about it, he had other attention.

Then the sacred wind gave me a white crystal stone that looked like a tear. It was round and clear in my hand, and said to me, "then I won't disturb you for the moment. When you change your mind, crush this thing, and I will come back to you naturally." With that, his body moved, and his whole body turned into a black fog, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I looked at the place where he disappeared. It took me a long time to relax. I sighed in my heart: this special, Tianjie's strength is Niubi. When can I be like him.

However, the Shenfeng man, who escaped to the ground, looked at me flying farther and farther in the air, with a smile on the corner of his mouth and muttered to himself: "since you value your relatives and friends so much, I'll take that woman back. If I can call you Jiang Feng's name in my heart at the critical moment, I think it must be in your heart that this woman must be very important. I'll wait until you can't find her. When you are most anxious, I'll let you know. At that time, ha ha, even if you don't want to go to Haotian mainland, you can't help yourself. "

With these words, Shenfeng immediately went back to take Zhou Bingna, who was still weak, to Qitong Island, and then returned to Haotian mainland.

Of course, I don't know about these things. If I know that Zhou Bingna is in the hands of Shenfeng, even if I don't want to, I will go to Haotian with him. Even then, I can find another chance to sneak back, but now this opportunity has been lost.

When I arrived at tianzunmeng manor outside Tongshan City, the commendation ceremony for the jihadi group had already started. In a small square in the manor, the old man who met me secretly yesterday was standing on the platform of the square. Below Zhao Xue more than a dozen people, neat standing there.

After I arrived, the old man did not blame me for being late, but gave me a gentle smile. After I stood up, I began to speak for more than ten minutes, which was nothing more than a declaration of praise.

Then the old man told us that the mainland did not collect the spirit stones from Qitong Island, but gave them to the surviving jihadists. In addition, the senior leaders of Huaxia mainland would reward each of us with some spirit stones. Of course, the spirit stones awarded this time were given according to our abilities.

Of course, in this Jihad, I made the greatest contribution and the most rewards. The people behind me were distributed according to their abilities and contributions.

Then we were sent to the library again, and each of us still got one or several skill books according to the degree of contribution.

When the old man announced these awards, my right was to get three skill books. Zhao Xue and Lin yun'er, Cheng ran and Jiang Shui are two books, while others are one.

This time, when we enter the library, there is no time limit. That is to say, we can decide on our own after we have selected the skill books we are satisfied with. Of course, we are not allowed to read the contents of the skill books.

So after I entered the library this time, I chose carefully. Before I took part in the holy war, I learned the bitter lesson that Xiongfeng gang was almost destroyed by the Jiang family. I vaguely have an idea in my heart, that is to try our best to let the brothers of Xiongfeng Gang also become powers.

Now Qin Xiong has billions in his hand. He can buy some spirit stones from the auction. On my side, I try to do more skill books. Although not everyone can practice the powers, I think half of the hundreds of people who survived in the Xiongfeng gang will have that qualification.

When I came out of the treasure house, I had five skill books in my hand. I was so excited that I could hardly help laughing if there were not so many people around.

These five books are carefully selected by me. Even those who have just practiced can master them as soon as possible, and can also cope with the different needs of the powers for skills. Thinking of this, I feel like a genius!

These books are:

"Coagulation of fire"

"Cutting the void"

Vajra does not break the body

Phantom steps

Gravel boxing

Among these five books, "Vajra can't break the body" is something that can be practiced by a psionic when he first practices. It's just to build up his body at the beginning, but the more he practices, the more powerful he becomes. For example, when the psionic's strength reaches the Yellow level, the psionic's fighting ability will be greatly improved. If he reaches the ground level, he won't be afraid of weapons, If you get to the heaven level, it's just like King Kong can't break his body. It's hard to hurt ordinary skills.

"Stone breaking fist" and "fire coagulation" are attack skills that can only be used in the later stage of the Yellow level. As for "void chopping", they need to be used in the middle stage of the Xuan level.

The "phantom step" is used to increase the speed of the psionic. It can also be used by the psionic at the beginning of cultivation. Although it is not an attack skill, it can be used to escape or escape when the situation is critical.

After choosing these books, it can be said that I have taken all aspects into consideration.

After coming out from the library, Zhao Xue came out one after another. After getting the reward, Jiang Yue left quickly. Jiang Shui and Chen Yuanyuan seem to have something on their mind. They left in a hurry and didn't even have time to say hello to me.

Cheng ran, Dahu and Xiaohu also came to say goodbye to me. At the same time, we also left contact information for each other.

When Cheng ran left, he didn't forget to pay attention to Zhao Xue, but at last he sighed in his heart, and then he got on the Iron Mountain Eagle prepared by Ouyang Shaohua. Lin yun'er was the last one to leave. The girl seemed to be in a better mood today. But when she left, she seemed to have something to say to me, but when she saw Zhao Xue, she held back.

After they all left, I said to Zhao Xue, "Xueer, don't you go back?"

"Go back, but I'll be with you!" Zhao Xue grabbed my arm and said with a smile.

I scratched my head and said, "I'm going back to Xiongfeng KTV. You should follow me. Don't you go back to see your parents first?" To tell you the truth, when I mentioned Zhao Xue's father, Zhao Yingjun, I was very angry. But since Zhao Xue and I made up, there was no need to anger her father.

After the big deal, try to meet him less.

But I don't know. When we participated in the Jihad, Zhao Yingjun was instigated by Hao Qianqian to kidnap Mi Yue. Moreover, because of saving Mi Yue, Shanhe was almost seriously injured. And Xinlong was kidnapped by Wang YuYan's brother and sister because of Xincai and broke several fingers. And Mi Yue, she also

Qin Xiong didn't tell me all the time last night. He was afraid that when I came back to get the reward today, my mood would be affected, and he would even do crazy things.

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