I am the King

Chapter 482

Then I went to Shanhe and Xinlong alone. The new dragon is now injured. It's just right to practice "golden light does not break the body.". Not to mention Shanhe, although his special skill is to enlarge his body, although his attack power is strong, his defense is not enough, so "golden light doesn't break his body" is tailor-made for him.

After finishing this, Qin Xiong and Duan murui began to check the physical characteristics of the brothers in the guild, and then decided what kind of powers they should cultivate.

I also talked with Shanhe for a while and asked him about his physical condition. Fortunately, Shanhe is very strong. After a few days of cultivation, he has almost recovered. Moreover, I also brought back the "King Kong does not break the body" to strengthen the physique. I believe that in a short time, Shanhe's strength will be greatly improved.

Shanhe said to me for a while, hugged me, and said to me with a smile: "brother, I didn't expect that you would take the jihadi regiment to get the first place. I just thought, don't have an accident, just come back alive safely."

I punched him: "Damn, I'm not so optimistic about me, brother. I'm a potential stock. I'll lead the team and take the first place. That's for sure!" After blowing the bull, I laughed myself.

Shanhe scratched his head and looked at the brothers around him. They were all arranged by Qin Xiong to go to the training place. He said, "brother, I'm going with me. Although I'm already a psionic, no one taught me in the past. I've explored it all by myself. Now, there's a beautiful tutor. I can't let go of this opportunity."

I waved: "go, go!"

Looking at the mountains and rivers following the crowd, I turned around and took out my mobile phone. I thought about making a phone call with MI Yue. I don't know why. I always felt that something was going to happen. In a word, that feeling was very bad.

I made a lot of phone calls to MI Yue yesterday, but no one answered. If I hadn't been pressed for time at that time, I would have gone directly to MI Yue's home to find her. Now the jihad has finally come to an end. Now I have time, so I think of her the first time.

But when I called again, MI Yue's call prompted me to turn off.

This made me even more uneasy, called next to Hao long, said: "big dragon, wait for brother Qin to come back, you tell him, I went to MI Yue's home, let him call me if he has something to do."

"Ah? You're going to MI Yue's house! " Hao long exclaimed, looking surprised. At the same time, he didn't look at me, as if he was hiding something.

See his face, I immediately realized what, hands tightly grasp his arm, nervous asked: "dragon, what's the matter? Is something wrong with miyue? You tell me. Come on

Qin Xiong said before that when Mi Yue was kidnapped by Zhao Yingjun, my heart was pounding. It was very sad to think that I didn't see her these two days. I thought that when I saw Mi Yue for a while, I must comfort her and accompany her more. But I don't know. It's more serious than I thought.

"Madman, don't get excited. I was going to tell you in two days. I knew I couldn't hide it!" Hao long looked complicated and sighed.

I was more anxious, said: "you quickly say ah, you want to worry about me? What's wrong with MI Yue

"Lunatic, you have a mental preparation in your heart, that is, after MI Yue was arrested by Zhao Yingjun, Shanhe and I went to save her. Although Mi Yue was saved safely, but... Zhao Yingjun forced her to eat the love forgetting pill!"

"Love forgetting pill?" I widened my eyes and looked closely at Hao long. I could guess the name, but I didn't want to accept the fact.

Hao long, with a look of chagrin, continued: "now Mi Yue can't remember what happened before. Brother Qin has arranged a place for her. He has specially found the best doctor. Now he is treating her. It's not so much before. I'm afraid you're distracted, so I didn't tell you!"

Looking at Hao Long's miserable self reproach, I was a little relieved, thinking, OK, OK, as long as people are OK, but even though I think so, my heart seems to be caught by something.


Did Mi Yue forget me?

Then Hao long told me that Xincai's sister-in-law and Mi Yue were caught at the same time. When they were rescued later, they caught Hao Qianqian. Qin Xiong locked him up and prepared to deal with him when I came back. However, when the Jihad started, the big guy's attention was all on the live broadcast. Unexpectedly, Hao Qianqian was rescued by his men. Although Hao Qianqian had no powers, his men were not weak.

After listening to these, I asked Hao long to take me to the place where miyue recuperates. On the way, my nervous hands were sweating. Hao long told me that after miyue ate the love forgetting pill, she didn't forget everything completely. She still vaguely remembered some things, such as her name and parents, but they were all intermittent. In recent years, For example, I don't know my classmates or teachers.

Therefore, MI Yue is now suspended from school, and every day the doctor will give her some helpful treatment. In fact, the doctor has nothing to do with it, mainly relying on MI Yue herself.

After arriving at the place, this is a very quiet villa compound. As soon as I enter the door, I see Mi Yue sitting quietly on the stool in the garden, very quiet and pitiful.

Not far away stood the doctor and nurse. After Hao long brought me in, he asked the doctor to leave, and then quietly said to me, "madman, when you talk to MI Yue for a while, don't be excited. You know, don't force her to think about the past. In that way, MI Yue will not be able to bear it. She fainted several times before."

Hearing this, I tightly clenched my fists and wanted to kill Zhao Yingjun immediately. At the same time, my eyes could not help getting wet. My dear Mi Yue, I really made you suffer during my absence these days.

Hao long said, also specially went outside to wait for me, for a time in the quiet small garden, only me and Mi Yue.

I walked slowly, trying not to be excited, but the closer I came, the more uncomfortable I felt. When I came to MI Yue, I gently called out: "Mi Yue!"

Mi Yue turned her head and looked at me in a daze. In her big eyes, she was dazed and strange. She was a little surprised and asked, "are you coming to see me, too?"

"Well," I nodded.

Mi Yue thought about it, looked at me and said softly, "do you know my name and my friend?"

I continued to nod, the heart can not say the uncomfortable, or face squeeze out a gentle smile, said: "yes, we are very good friends."

Now I want to tell him, MI Yue, I'm your Jiang Feng, your husband. Can you remember? But thinking of Hao Long's words, I have to be careful.

"Oh" the rice month lightly Oh, then some apologetic smile to me, said: "sorry, I can't remember." Said, she 'ah' a, Zheng Zheng of looking at my face, gentle say: "you cry?"

I laughed, sniffed and said, "I'm glad to see you're OK."

Mi Yue nodded and also laughed at me, saying: "a few days ago, many people came to see me. They were all very nice to me, and they were all men. Another one named brother Qin was also nice to me, but I couldn't remember. When I was a child, I was very shy and had few friends. I didn't expect that so many friends would care about me now, but I'm really useless. I can't remember at all. "

With these words, MI Yue raised her head and looked at me with some pain: "just now I saw you want to cry. I don't know why. I feel very sad in my heart."

I finally couldn't help it. I went to hold her gently. At that moment, MI Yue's body was stiff. Then she hugged my waist and put her face in my arms. She said gently, "it's a familiar feeling."

My tears fell down all of a sudden, but when Mi Yue didn't pay attention, I quickly wiped them.

Then gently said to her: "Mi Yue, you are good here to rest, don't worry if you can't remember, you know?"

"Well," Mi Yue nodded and agreed.

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