I am the King

Chapter 51

"Master, no!"

"Master, don't, he is following us. You." at the same time, Wang Yuyan and Yang Yun are also shouting out, looking at me in the eyes, as if to tear me up!

"Shut up Just two words came from the mouth of the woman in white. At that moment, she was extremely dignified. But at this moment, my whole person, is also excited suddenly hit!

"Really! Elder.. "I nervously looked at the woman in white, and the smile on my face became deeper and deeper!

"Ha ha, I think you are a good young man with intelligence. Don't call me master. My family name is Xian, and my name is Fengzi. " The woman in White said it lightly.

Xianfengzi, xianfengzi, longyuanzi? Are the names of powers so non mainstream?

Although I think so in my heart, I still nodded: "I know, master."

"Well?" This sentence almost didn't make xianfengzi laugh: "do you still call me master? You are the same as both of them. Call me Shifu. "

At this time, xianfengzi pointed to Yang Yun and Wang Yuyan and said it to me. But at this time Wang Yuyan, already full of anger! How can you be a teacher for no reason?! Why?!

"Master!" At that moment, I didn't care about Yang Yun and Wang Yuyan. I was so excited that I called out directly!

"Ha ha, good, good..." xianfengzi, with a smile on his face, nodded to me. He also pointed to Wang Yuyan and Yang Yun: "go, I've met your two elder martial sisters."

"Elder martial sister!" At that time, my mouth was so sweet that I didn't care about anything. Now I'm hooked up with all my curiosity.

"Master! You.. "Wang Yuyan still didn't give up and said to xianfengzi:" master, why do you want to take him.. "

"I have made up my mind." But xianfengzi took a look at Wang Yuyan. He didn't say anything at all. He just waved his hand and agreed.

ha-ha! At that time, I was ready to smile. When I saw the expressions of Wang Yuyan and Yang Yun, I wanted to laugh. I was just envious!

"But Shifu, why didn't he kneel down to worship him? And we two, even his elder martial sister, he should kneel down and worship us. Isn't that the rule of our school? " But I didn't expect that Yang Yun said so.

At that time, my heart was thumping. To tell you the truth, I have more or less obsessive-compulsive disorder, let me kneel down for a woman, it must be impossible! And I have to kneel down for both of them. That's not even a dream! In that case, I'd rather not be a teacher!

But xianfengzi took a look at Yang Yun: "no need. This child, I think, is very savvy. Don't forget these tedious procedures. "

Why? Do I have a good understanding? I had a sudden tremor. If I remember correctly, at the beginning, long Yuanzi also said that I had a good understanding. But I didn't do anything. It's strange to say that I have a good understanding

I thought in my heart, at this time, xianfengzi waved to the three of us: "Xiaoyun, Yuyan, today, I wanted to teach you two abilities, but I think carefully, I still want you to learn by yourself." Speaking of this, xianfengzi took out two pieces of paper from his pocket. To my surprise, these two pieces of paper are also kraft paper. It's the kind of kraft paper that records the art of face changing!

"You two go back and have a look. If you don't understand anything, ask me again." Xianfengzi says to Yang Yun and Wang Yuyan.

These two people already incomparably excited, took over the hand of the kraft paper, is continuously shaking.

"Thank you, master!" Two people called out together. Xianfengzi laughs and waves his hand. Yang Yun and Wang Yuyan take the kraft paper and leave happily. But before they left, they gave me a hard look, as if they were going to eat me.

Slot! I'm looking for someone to offend! I was upset. Looking at the back of these two people, I couldn't help sweating. I estimated that when I went back to school, I might not have any good fruit to eat. Can Wang Yuyan let me go?

"What? Scared? " However, at this moment, xianfengzi beside me suddenly laughed, as if he had seen through me. Patted me on the shoulder.

"No... no..." I looked at xianfengzi with a wry smile, but I couldn't help asking: "master, is the kraft paper you just gave the two elder martial sisters a power?"

"It's a primary power." Xianfengzi took a look at me and put his arm on my shoulder: "child, come here and sit down."

I stare at xianfengzi and sit on the ground. I'm still mumbling, primary powers. Primary powers

"Master, what does primary power mean?"

Xianfengzi looked at me helplessly, but with a smile on his face: "the primary power is the simplest power. The power I give you two elder martial sisters is one that can improve your speed. They were girls, but their speed was not so fast. Even if they learned this ability, they could be faster than your normal boys at most. "

"So it is..." I said to myself, but before my voice fell, xianfengzi began to look at me up and down. After looking at me for a few minutes, he nodded: "I see your understanding is really good. I'll tell you something about it. You have to remember it

"As I said just now, there are so many powers in the world, but they all look like normal people. So, you must not be crazy when you learn the powers. You need to know that there are people outside the world, and there is a day outside the world. Remember? "

I nodded my head, my body was a little excited. Xianfengzi took a look at me and continued: "in addition, powers are also classified into grades. From top to bottom, it is divided into four levels: Heaven, earth, Xuan and Huang. Each grade is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage. "

I listened in a daze, looking at xianfengzi stupidly: "master, I don't understand what it means."

"In other words, the reason why I was able to lift the big stone just now was that I used my powers. For example, if you have this ability, so do I. But your strength is xuanjie, and mine is huangjie. In that case, you will be stronger than me. As your strength grows, your powers become stronger and stronger. " Xianfengzi said it to me.

"Master, can you teach me more powerful powers?" I asked excitedly, looking at xianfengzi. Now I think, if I have those powerful powers, it's not so good!

"Son, I'll tell you the truth." Xianfengzi took a look at me and continued: "I think you have a very good understanding. Maybe you can get in touch with the powers, and you will be able to do a lot. But before that, I'm going to tell you that you can't hurt any innocent person with a power. You can't say that you are my apprentice. Moreover, within five years, I need you to donate 10 million to poor children. If I call you, you must arrive within three days. If you are a teacher, you will obey it. I want you to swear. "

Ten million?! What was my mood then? But I think for a long time, or nodded, 10 million quite a lot, but I want to have powers, are worth it! And I also have a mask. If it's a big deal, I'll make myself very handsome. It's not a matter to hook up with a rich woman. To be honest, I just don't want to make money on this right now.

"I swear that I will never mention my master to others. He is xianfengzi." I said it respectfully, but I frowned in my heart. Are the powers so strange?

"Good!" Until this moment, xianfengzi finally showed a special bright smile on his face: "child, within a year, I can only teach you one ability. I can give you three powers now. You choose one of the three powers

As soon as the voice fell, xianfengzi took out three books from his clothes. These three books are all dilapidated. It seems that they have been for some years. But when I read these three books clearly, I was very excited!

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