I am the King

Chapter 522

Her spirit beast spider has just been killed by a small thing, and the spirit beast is connected with the host's blood. So after big spider died, big elder Jiang Li's blood was also severely damaged, and she just desperately chased me, but also very angry in her heart. In fact, she has no threat to me now, just like the patriarch Jianghe.

Seeing that the elder suddenly sat down on the ground and vomited a mouthful of blood, he was seriously injured. Seeing the body of the spider in the distance, the elder Jiang Hua was also surprised.

Jiang Feng, who came back from the holy war, has become so tough. Did he hurt the clan leader and the elder?

The second elder thought uneasily, but now he has rushed to me, and there is no room to retreat. Besides, there are Huang's family and other families behind him. If he retreats now, the face of Jiang's family will be lost.

And I, looking at several groups of people behind the second elder at the moment, was also secretly worried. But when I saw that it was thirty-six monsters and the sun family, I was a little relieved.

I'm not sure about the Huang family, but I'm sure the thirty-six monsters and the sun family will not help the Jiang family in the present situation. Even if they don't help me, they will be watching.

So I didn't hesitate. Looking at the two elders, I sneered and drank.

"Red claw"

Yes, if you used to chop with red claws and stars in one day, you would be sure to empty your energy. But now it's different. I have the power of the dragon soul in my body, and I also have Hunyuan mental method. The speed of energy recovery is amazing. Although I was badly hit by Jiangcheng and had been fighting with Jianghe for a long time, I have recovered a lot now.

Blood colored light wrapped in my arm, my eyes round stare, all of a sudden rushed to the two elders distributed in the black fog.


I stared at the two elders hiding in the black fog, and hit him with red claws accurately. But at that moment, I clearly felt that my fist seemed to hit a ball of cotton wool, and there was no pleasure of hitting him before.

However, in spite of this, the two elders still screamed in pain and flew out, his face turned pale. After the second elder was caught by the members of Huang's family, he stood there, staring at me, then his throat moved, and finally a little blood spilled out of his mouth.

I'm also secretly surprised. I don't know what the second elder practiced. His just move of red claw almost gathered seven or eight points of his own energy. If I were someone else, my body would be directly pierced by me, but he just vomited a mouthful of blood.

I don't know. The second elder's ability is cloud body and wind body. He focuses on his own constitution rather than attack skills, so he has strong defense but weak attack.

But at the moment, the second elder also felt bad. After I punched him, his Qi and blood suddenly became disordered, and he had no chance to bear my fist.

And the black fog around him soon dispersed.

I took a cold look at him and planned to take this opportunity to leave. But at this time, Huang Sheng, the head of the Huang family, squinted and looked at me coldly: "Jiang Feng? The head of the jihadist regiment in Jihad? The strength is really not weak! "

Huang Jie next to me was also looking at me. When he heard my uncle's words, he immediately said with a cold hum: "yes, he is very strong. This boy has reached the late stage of the earth order, but compared with him, his nephew is not afraid!"

Although Huang Jie is the strength of the middle stage of the earth level, he still has a secret weapon, that is, the blue sword, which is a spirit weapon of the later stage of the earth level. Moreover, the power contained in the blue sword is closely connected with Huang Jie's cultivation powers. To put it bluntly, as long as Huang Jie uses the blue sword, he can compete with me. This situation is the same as when he was in the youth competition. Although I was Huang Jie's strength, I killed the contestants of Xuan Jie in the end.

But Huang Jie didn't know that he had a top secret weapon, and I also had a phoenix blood crazy knife, and a little thing as a helper. Even I have the power of the dragon soul in my body.

However, when my Phoenix blood crazy knife was fighting back the river, it collided with the white curved knife, and there was a crack on the surface of the knife. At this time, I dare not use it any more. The only thing I rely on now is the continuous recovery of the Dragon Spirit in my body.

However, hearing Huang Jie's words, Huang Sheng, the head of Huang's family, secretly waved to him to stop talking. Huang Sheng, as the head of the Huang family, naturally works very steadily. Seeing the scene in front of him, he knows that things are not simple. What's more, I'm still the hero of jihad. Huang Sheng weighed the pros and cons in his mind and decided to ask about the situation first.

So after Huang Sheng looked at me, he said to Jiang He, the head of the Jiang family, who was sitting on the ground not far away? Are you all right? "

When he asked, the two elders had run to guard the river and told the river the final result of the martial arts contest.

Knowing that Huang Jie of the Huang family won, Jianghe feels a little relieved at last. At the moment, he hears Huang Sheng's words and regards the Huang family as his in laws. However, it has become a fact that Jiang Shui was rescued by me, which makes Jiang he feel very ashamed and shameless. He doesn't know how to answer.

But at this point, there's no need to hide it.

Jianghe thought to himself, coughed a few times, looked at me angrily and said to Huang Sheng, "thank you for your concern. I'm ok for the moment, but Jiang Feng rushed to our Jiang family and took the river water away while holding the competition! I came back to stop them, but the boy was too strong. I didn't stop him, so I let him let the river go! "



Almost at the same time, Huang Sheng and Huang Jie said at the same time. However, Huang Sheng seems very calm, and Huang Jie almost lost his voice. Then they both looked at me at the same time. Huang Sheng's face is deep, while Huang Jie's face is indescribable.

To tell you the truth, who would be in Huang Jie's situation would be very angry. Just think about it. I won the martial arts contest. However, just as I was happily preparing to marry a beautiful woman, someone suddenly came to me and said, "your wife has been taken away. Who will not go crazy when such a thing happens?".

"I don't like you, Jiang Feng! The head of the jihadi regiment, right? Where did you take the river water? Send it back to me quickly Huang Jie couldn't help coming out and pointing at me.

I frowned and got angry. Yes, I hate people pointing at my nose. And in front of Huang Jie, or a face of pride, as if no one in the eye.

I snorted and said coldly, "go to you, who do you think you are? If you want me to send people back, I have to listen to you? Get out of here

"Lao Tzu is the champion of the martial arts competition. Jiang Shui is my fiancee. Do you think I'm qualified?" Huang Jie glared at me, still scolding.

On the contrary, I was stunned. I couldn't help looking not far away at the three red children in the sun family. I was secretly surprised that they defeated the three wonderful brothers. I didn't expect that.

But I still sneered and said to Huang Jie, "I don't care who you are. If you win, you can marry Jiangshui? Ha ha, it's ridiculous. People don't know if they are willing to marry you! "

Said, I slowly scan a circle, almost the river heart of grievances are scolded out: "special code, now what age, also engaged in NIMA's martial arts contest. Troughs, I tell you, this martial arts contest is entirely made by the head of the Jiang family alone, and Jiang Shui doesn't want it at all. Otherwise, she won't leave the Jiang family with me. You idiots are going to compete with me one by one. You idiots of zhenima! "

After I scolded them, I felt very happy, especially when I saw that Jiang He and the two elders of the Jiang family turned black.

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