I am the King

Chapter 567

Seeing that I was still in the conference room, my beard came up to me quickly, handed me my mobile phone and said breathlessly, "brother Jiang Feng, my friend called and said that he would take me to other continents!"

"Really?" I am stupefied next, ask a way that is almost lost voice.

The other side is very fast! After a while, I called back. I didn't believe the speed.

Whisker nodded, then pointed to the mobile phone in his hand and said: "this is the address he sent. Let me go there tonight, and let me take all my property! Brother Jiang Feng, what should we do? "

"Of course I said almost without thinking. At the moment, my heart is full of excitement, but also some curiosity. Yes, who on earth can have such great ability to go to other continents by people from Qitong island?

And hear my words, the facial expression of beard is a little embarrassed to say: "brother Jiang Feng, you don't really let me follow them to other continents, I feel very good here!"

Hearing what he said, I gave a wry smile and said: "you think too much. I'm not asking you to really go. I just want to find out who is behind the channel to other continents!"

"Oh Then he said to me, "let's start now? It's just the two of us, isn't it? "

I couldn't help laughing. To tell you the truth, there are no people who dare to deal with Jiang Feng openly in mainland China. First of all, my identity is there. The strength of the later stage of the earth rank is not joking. And what's more important is that I am now the leader of tianzunmeng Shenhuo hall.

These two together, plus my Hero Medal, unless someone really doesn't want to live, they dare to challenge me.

But these words, I did not say, but patted the shoulder of the beard, and then said: "don't worry, it will be OK, go, go with me to find brother Qin to get money, isn't it money, we Xiongfeng help now everything is short, special code is not short of money!"

When I heard what I said, I immediately felt relieved. Then I followed me to Qin Xiong's resting place.

Qin Xiong also drank a lot at today's banquet, but Qin Xiong's drinking capacity is very large. I have hardly seen him really drunk. At the moment, Qin Xiong is sitting behind his computer desk, carefully looking at the copied Hunyuan mental method.

Seeing me coming in with my beard, Qin Xiong turned off his computer and said with a smile, "madman, why don't you rest so late? What can I do for you? "

I nodded, put the beard and Hu Shoucai call things, very detailed out.

After hearing this, Qin Xiong looked a little dignified and surprised: "how can someone secretly go to other continents through Qitong island? Is it true or not? "

I smile, to be honest, I didn't believe it before, but it seems that the beard won't cheat me. Those powers may have the ability to go to other continents through Qitong Island, but ordinary people can't. It's impossible. So I was shocked when I got the news.

And hear Qin Xiong's words, the beard is also in one side, carefully said today to call all pass by.

Hearing what we both said, Qin Xiong believed it, and then said to me, "madman, are you going to take the money to find the power?"

I nodded and said, "I'm going to let bearded meet each other. I'll watch in the dark. If I show up, it's hard to make sure the other party is suspicious. I think it's better to be cautious! " After whisker joined us, I was used to calling him bearded.

Qin Xiong nodded and said with a smile, "madman, you have improved a lot and are no longer so impulsive, but I think this is unusual. Well, there are several rare gems in our warehouse. If you add a few gems, they are valuable and easy to take. Just take these precious stones! "

Then he said with some uneasiness: "however, I have to go with you. Last time about the Jiang family, you almost couldn't come back. This time I can't let you take risks alone!"

To tell you the truth, I am deeply moved when I hear Qin Xiong's words. This is my brother who lives and dies together. I think about my safety everywhere.

Then Qin Xiong took us to the back of the secret room warehouse. When we got there, I saw that the spirit stones I had brought back from the holy war were piled up everywhere, just like those without money. The whole secret room was also illuminated by the colorful spirit stone. There was no need to turn on the light at all.

On a nearby wooden shelf, Qin Xiong randomly took five or six egg sized gems, all of which are common gems such as ruby and sapphire. However, these gems are peerless treasures in the world of ordinary people.

And now these gems, Qin Xiong is very casual on the door position. Really, the feeling I feel at the moment is really hard to describe. In a word, we are just flying.

And the beard didn't come in, standing at the door waiting, but to see the five colors in the room, or shocked to stay where.

Soon Qin Xiong and I came out with gems, and then I put a few gems into the hands of the beard. When the beard held the gems, his hands could not help shaking.

"Brother Jiang Feng, this... This is ruby. God, it's so big. It must be worth a lot of money, isn't it? "

Listening to the exclamation of the beard, Qin Xiong and I looked at each other and laughed with understanding.

If we had just founded the Xiongfeng Gang, we would have been very happy to know that we could have such strength and capital. However, with the improvement of our strength, we gradually feel that everything about money is external. Now what we are pursuing is absolute self strength.

Then I took my beard and went to the open space in the back. Originally, I was going to go with him, but Qin Xiong was very worried and had to follow him. Moreover, Qin Xiong called together more than a dozen brothers who had reached the xuanjie level.

For a moment, there were nearly 20 people in the open space of Xiongfeng manor, including me, my beard and Qin Xiong. At this moment, I suddenly felt very much when I saw the overall strength of us.

You know, when we went to join the Jihad, the overall strength of the Jihad group was up and down the xuanjie level. And the brothers in front of us are all xuanjie, and Qin Xiong and I are still the strength of Dijie. It's very interesting to think about it.

Looking at Qin Xiong's firm face, he insisted on following me. I was too embarrassed to refuse. And, to be honest, these people, my silver wing iron King eagle, can be carried. But just as we were about to start, Xiao Han didn't know how to get the news, so he came with Wan bald head and Xiao Feng.

"Brother Qin, brother Feng, take us with you Just walked in front of us, Xiao Han could not help but said, with a trace of pleading.

Qin Xiong and I looked at each other, and we could see that Wan guangtou and Xiao Feng were very energetic at the moment. When they came out, they would drink wine.

And I was pondering, my heart at the moment is actually very clear. The reason why Xiao Han comes here is that he doesn't have to show what contribution he can make to Xiongfeng Gang, but he is worried about his beard.

In fact, Xiao Feng and Xiao Han had a good attitude towards Qin Xiong and me when they were in our Xiongfeng gang. But in their hearts, the relationship between the beard and them is really sharing weal and woe, otherwise later Xiao Feng and Xiao Han would not ask me to find someone to release the beard.

However, I can understand their feelings. After all, the three of them had been together for such a long time. The relationship between them must be very close.

So I thought about it and said to Qin Xiong, "come on, you've all gone anyway. It's not bad for the three of them. Take them with you."

Qin Xiong laughed and said, "OK, madman, you can do whatever you say. But I still say that we should be safe first. Then, don't make trouble for me. Do you know?"

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