I am the King

Chapter 58

I said it. This cell phone belongs to my father. My cell phone has been robbed. So, Zhou Bingna is calling my father's phone number now. How can she know my father's phone number? Is it a special investigation?

fuck! This sentence, I almost blurted out, but then I regret it! At that time, I was in the interrogation room. My name was Nanjie. She didn't let me. Now I'm out of the police station. My name is maona!

As a result, Zhou Bingna didn't say much. Instead, she continued: "there's nothing wrong. I just want to ask you, do you know that Wang Yuyan has a younger brother, Wang Qiang?"

"I know. What's the matter?" I muttered in my heart that I didn't just know it, but also that I was the enemy!

"As far as I know, your school, and your class, was robbed, right?" Zhou Bingna said to me, "we suspect that Wang Qiang planned this robbery. Can you cooperate with me to find the evidence of his plan for the robbery? "

what?! To tell you the truth, it was just that moment, I yelled out!

Wang Qiang? What's special is Wang Qiang?! I stare big eyes, some did not respond, but I still yelled: "no problem!"

If I feel right, it seems that Zhou Bingna is really not afraid of power. Because when I was in the police station, I heard her call and ask someone to investigate Wanhai casino.

Now she has to investigate Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang's father, Wang Bishui, and the owner of Wanhai casino, which one is easy to get into trouble? Zhou Bingna is really picking on the "prickly head" to do it.

"If you help me find out, I owe you a favor." When Zhou Bingna saw me say that, she chuckled.

"Good!" I seem to be across the phone, can imagine the appearance of Zhou Bingna, quickly said, I don't know how to think at that time, even the brush hehe asked: "sister Na, you put your birth date, tell me?"

"What for?" Zhou Bingna has some doubts.

"Ah, it's nothing. Let's see if we are predestined. I have a friend who is a fortune teller. I feel like I met a special friend when I saw you I made it up and said it. I'm really thick skinned now. If I put it in the past, I would not dare to say that.

"Superstition." Zhou Bingna said helplessly: "I advise you, don't let the fortune teller cheat you. If he wants to calculate accurately, why don't he calculate fortune for himself?" Zhou Bingna's tone was full of sarcasm, but she told me her date of birth, and then she said something happened and hung up.

After hanging up the phone, I immediately laughed. Sure enough, normal people still can't accept fortune telling. Although there are a lot of fortune tellers in the streets, most people think that those people just cheat money. Just as I heard that my father went to longyuanzi for fortune telling and paid several thousand yuan.

I took a look at the time. It's half past six in the morning. I have just written down the eight characters of Zhou Bingna's birthday on the paper. When I hang up the phone, I will take this, carefully study her eight characters of her birthday, and calculate according to the records in the book.

Because I'm just a beginner, I can only calculate one thing that will happen to Zhou Bingna in the next three days. It may be a small matter or a big one. These are things I can't control.

Although the loss of two days of longevity, I also want to see, this fortune telling skills, in the end accurate! There is a faint release of excitement in my body. According to the method taught in the book, I deduce step by step. I'll read the eight characters of Zhou Bingna's birthday and the book, but I didn't think of it. It took me more than an hour!

Go to you! I'm really going to scold you. Is this too hard? I was sweating. I took out my cell phone and saw that it was almost eight o'clock!

Slot! I scolded a sentence in my heart, forget it, if you are late, you should be late. I feel that I can figure it out immediately, but it's just a little bit short. Just can't figure it out!

I have been looking at the eight characters of Zhou Bingna's birthday. I was dazzled by the dense words. But also in this moment, let me dream of things, suddenly happened!

"Hum!" I remember clearly, at that moment, my head was blank! That kind of feeling, like having amnesia, the next moment, a crazy force, bravely from my Dantian place, directly impact my mind!

"Poof!" Just a short breathing time, in my blank mind, suddenly burst out a picture!

That picture, I will never forget! In my mind, a figure suddenly appeared! Wearing a short skirt and high-heeled shoes, the figure is incomparably sexy. It's Zhou Bingna!

Taking off her professional clothes, she is really like a queen. At this time, she is walking on the street. There are many pedestrians and vehicles coming and going. This scene, I see is so real, as if it really happened in front of me in general!

That is at this moment, in front of Zhou Bingna, suddenly came a cry! Then in my mind, I can see clearly that in front of Zhou Bingna, there are two men, these two men, who robbed a woman's bag and are desperately running away. This scream was made by the robbed woman!

"Stop! Police Almost in an instant, Zhou Bingna reacted, pointed at the two strong men and roared out. She couldn't care that she was wearing high heels and caught up with them!

I smile in my heart. Zhou Bingna is so brave. Go after two strong men with bare hands?

I know that I must have succeeded in fortune telling. That's why I have such a picture in my mind. This is a waste of two days of my life!

I continued to watch. In my mind, Zhou Bingna chased the two strong men, but after running for a while, Zhou Bingna found that she was wearing high-heeled shoes and couldn't run fast at all. She simply took off her high-heeled shoes and ran barefoot.

This pursuit leads to a dead end. When the two strong men had no way to escape, they just turned back, but when they saw Zhou Bingna behind them, they were almost stunned at the same time! Then they looked at each other and saw the evil thoughts in each other's eyes!

"Oh, where is this girl from? She likes to meddle in her own business." One of the big guys said it with a smile, which means there is a little bit of fear. Two people evil smile toward Zhou Bingna walked past.

At this moment, Zhou Bingna's face is still smiling. There was no fear at all. Just now, the situation was urgent. Zhou Bingna could only catch up with both of them. But Zhou Bingna still has the confidence to deal with these two people.

But Zhou Bingna would never dream that at this moment, five or six people came out of the Hutong again! These five or six people are obviously friends of the two robbers!

"Ha ha, girl, I blame you for your meddling. Ha ha, I didn't expect that our brothers could meet such a high-quality product! Ha ha, come on, girl, let me have a good time The big man laughed, the next moment, he rushed directly to Zhou Bingna's side! Then seven or eight people surrounded Zhou Bingna!

"Hum!" Can also be at this time, my mind, all of a sudden the scene, all disappeared! In front of my eyes, my room was also reflected.

Slot! It's over? Paralysis, it's over at the critical moment?! Are you kidding me? I'm speechless. I live two days less, so I get this? I have completely Leng in there, finally or a butt sitting on the bed.

Although a little disappointed, but now, I am still excited! I really figured it out. Is that fortune telling? I couldn't believe anything that killed me before. Now I have experienced it myself!

I clenched my fist tightly and recalled the scenes. The scene I saw just now is definitely my fortune telling! According to the book, what I just calculated should happen in three days. In retrospect, people come and go on the street, it should be Saturday day, right? And it's sunny. It should be before noon or two in the afternoon.

When I wait for Saturday, I must go to have a look and see if my calculations have happened!

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