I am the King

Chapter 606

You live in the school first, and now we Xiongfeng gang are facing a big enemy. I'm afraid that if I can't take care of you then, you will also be involved! "

Seriously, I'm a little scared at the moment. In case Sikong Ling can't catch that Mitian, then Mitian will kill him again.

And hearing my words, Duan murui frowned, looked at me seriously and said: "Jiang Feng, how can you say that? During this period of time, I have taken this as my home. Now that such things happen here, you let me avoid it and treat me as someone? Or do you not regard me as your own person at all? "

She said, her face also showed a very lost, very angry expression.

I quickly waved my hand and said with a bitter smile, "I didn't mean that, I just don't want you to be involved with me!"

"I'm not afraid. Anyway, I've been sleeping for hundreds of years. In your words, I'm not afraid to die because I'm alive enough." Duanmurui said to me calmly.

Seriously, looking at duanmurui, a girl, can say this kind of words, I really can't say the move. Then he nodded and promised to let her stay.

Then I discussed with Qin Xiong and decided to let the big guys stay together for the time being, and then wait for the news from Sikong Ling.

I thought that when Sikong Ling came back, I would let him take me to Qitong Island, even if he didn't help me kill the man in heaven. Ma De, I'm going to Haotian mainland to bring Zhou Bingna back. At that time, I'd like to see if the fool Xuantong would drive me out of Qitong island if Sikong Ling came forward.

While I was thinking about this, my mobile phone suddenly received a message from a power person.

I was shocked to see the title above.

During the scuffle on Qitong Island, the delegation of the seven continents suffered heavy casualties. At the moment, the reinforcements of the seven continents are still on their way to Qitong island

Seeing this little character, I was stunned. Qin Xiong also saw the news and looked at me with astonishment. He said, "this is a big mess. I don't know if the war on Qitong island will spread to all continents!"

I snorted and said, "whatever, special size, it's better to fight. It's just that I have a chance to go to other continents!"

Hearing what I said, Qin Xiong was surprised. He looked at me and admonished him: "madman, are you afraid that the leader of Tianzun alliance can't catch the man in heaven and want to take revenge alone? Madman, calm down. You're so impulsive. If you go, you're going to die! "

I sighed, at the moment my heart is really speechless. I shook my head and said with a bitter smile, "I won't be stupid for the time being. I'll go to take revenge on Mitian alone. But now there is a scuffle in the seven continents. I want to take this opportunity to go to Haotian continent. I want to bring Zhou Bingna back! "

Hearing what I said, Qin Xiong nodded and said, "well, this is really an opportunity, but at that time, you can't go alone. At that time, I'll stay here and take them with you."

"Well!" I nodded, then continued to smile: "anyway, for the time being, I will not go. Ma De, I won't leave Xiongfeng Gang if I don't solve the problem of the great man. Don't worry, brother Qin

Brother Qin looked at me and sighed.

At this time, the brother guarding at the door of the hall suddenly ran over and said to me, "brother Feng, there's a man coming from outside who says he wants to find you!"

Qin Xiong and I were surprised to hear that brother's words.

To tell you the truth, Qin Xiong and I, as well as most of our brothers, almost all of us have been disappointed after what happened just now. As soon as I heard that someone was looking for me, I immediately thought of the people in heaven.

Really, I'm not afraid of other people's jokes. To tell the truth, in addition to deep resentment, I'm still afraid of that man.

Maybe most people will never feel that way. When you face a strong person, the oppressive feeling that makes people suffocate is engraved in my bones, so that I can't get rid of it for a long time.

But see that brother, look is not very flustered, I immediately secretly relaxed, know is oneself too nervous.

Then Qin Xiong and I looked at each other and said to the brother, "who is it?"

"She said she had been with you in Jihad before!" Said the brother.

I frowned, wondering if it was Cheng ran? But that boy hates me to death now, and he won't come to me at all. Moreover, this boy should have taken Huang Jie back to Hanshui City, and it can't be him at all!

What's more, all around Xiongfeng village are defended by the army. If it's the enemy, there's bound to be a lot of noise outside.

With that in mind, I waved my hand and said, "let her in!"

The brother answered and ran out. After a while, he brought a man in.

Seeing that man, I was almost stunned, surprised, and then said with a smile: "Why are you here, long time no see, Lin Yuner!"

It was Lin yun'er who came to join me in jihad. Before that, he was the champion of Nanhai young powers competition. When I was in Jihad, I had a good relationship with him. At that time, with her, it was the same lovely brook as Mi Yue.

It's a pity that Xiaoxi was killed by Shangguan Shao.

Later, because of the death of Xiaoxi, I was angry to kill Shangguan Shao. Later, I bloody pulled out his heart. At that time, he killed Shangguan Shao and saved Lin Yuner.

It is said that the reason why such a thing happened just now is that people from all over the world can come to China to avenge me. These things are closely related to Lin Yuner.

At the moment, Lin yun'er was shocked to see me, and then scanned the brothers in the conference room. Lin yun'er saw that we all looked sad and angry. What's more, when I came in just now, there was blood everywhere on the ground of the manor.

This makes Lin Yuner very frightened.

Was there a big war here just now?

Lin yun'er thought and looked at me and asked, "Jiang Feng, what's the matter? There's just been a fight here! "

I wry smile, nodded, do not intend to tell her these things, and then said: "nothing, just an enemy found here, we had a fight with each other!"

Then I pretended to look at Lin yun'er very easily and asked, "how can you come here? Isn't your home in Nanhai city? Is it just for me? "


Lin yun'er pursed her mouth and nodded her head, a little shy for a moment. To tell you the truth, Lin yun'er, who has always been quiet, is a little embarrassed when facing so many brothers of our Xiongfeng gang. However, he still looks at me and says, "Jiang Feng, don't you see the news about the release of the psionic software! There have been wars and chaos between the seven continents! "

"Yes, just now!" I said faintly.

Hearing my tone, Lin yun'er was a little surprised: "don't you feel angry?"


Hearing Lin Yuner's words, I was stunned.

"Yes Lin yun'er looked at me, frowned and said: "we Huaxia mainland, under your leadership, won the first battle of jihad. But other continents don't recognize our strength. They also say that we get the first place by luck. Jiang Feng, those continents slander your reputation so much, why don't you get angry at all! "

When I heard Lin Yuner say that, I understood why she was so surprised. Then I said with a bitter smile, "what do I have to be angry about? How do they like to say it? Anyway, these things are negotiated by the mainland, which has nothing to do with me!"

Hearing what I said, Lin yun'er seemed a little disappointed and said in silence: "but it's about the honor and disgrace of our Chinese mainland. At first, I'm just as open as you. But when I think of the death of Xiaoxi, she died in the hands of Shangguan Shao in Bailiu continent, I feel very sad! Now there is a war between the seven continents. I read the news released by the psionic software, saying that the war has been spreading, and it may soon spread to our Chinese mainland. "

"So fast?" I looked at Lin yun'er in surprise and said incredulously.

Lin yun'er said with a sad smile: "it must be fast. This kind of war is not an ordinary war, but a war between the powers of the seven continents. Of course, the speed of spread is very fast. Jiang Feng, I just came here to ask if you will go to Qitong island to participate in this battle! "

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