I am the King

Chapter 633

Hearing this man's words, Ouyang Shaohua frowned. Although he didn't speak at the moment, I can also guess that Ouyang Shaohua is going to ChiYan mountain to see if he can take the opportunity to destroy the team of the Tibetan dragon mainland.

You know, eight of us are very powerful, but the powers of other continents are basically the strength of the later stage of the earth order. And, by the time we came in, we had the news. Now in Qitong Island, except for the shenwuwei of Haotian continent, the Wuji palace of Qinghai continent, and our Tianzun League of Huaxia, the big troops of the other four continents have already come in.

At this moment, I don't know how many battles have taken place between these continents.

Moreover, there are only eight of us. Once we meet people from other continents, we almost face a big team. There is no chance of winning. We can only sabotage it in the dark.

The reason why Sikong Ling let eight of us come in is not just to fish in troubled waters. The main purpose is to let us inquire about the latest news inside Qitong island.

So Ouyang Shaohua pondered a little and said to the guy in Baiyu continent, "well, in that case, we'll go. Thank you for telling us all this!"

With that, Ouyang Shaohua turned around and left with us. However, at the moment of turning around, Ouyang Shaohua still secretly winked at the leader of Shengjiang hall, Gongsun Qianyu.

Gongsun Qianyu appeared in front of the psionic in the White Willow land almost in an instant, with a silver light in his hand. The psionic in the White Willow land almost opened his eyes, and his head was cut off.

At that moment, I could hardly see what weapon Gongsun Qianyu was holding, because Gongsun Qianyu had already put away his weapon when the head of the White Willow land power was cut off.

Looking at the man's unwilling eyes, Gongsun Qianyu snorted and said, "in this case, can you still believe us? How naive! Since it was a scuffle before the seven continents, how could we let you live? " With that, he quickly followed us out of the cave.

Then we quickly toward the ChiYan mountain, to a dense forest, see not far away flashing many powers figure. Ouyang Shaohua quickly waved his hand to let us stop, and then hid behind the big tree nearby, looking at the situation not far away.

Not far away from us, a huge boa constrictor is constantly struggling, spitting green venom from time to time. At the moment when the venom was spitting out, there was a kind of green poison fog. What's more, the python is almost tens of meters long, which is bigger than my master xianfengzi's.

Looking at it from a distance, I knew that this Python must be the spirit beast in the later stage of the earth stage. This deep forest should be his habitat.

At the moment, around the giant python, there are more than 30 ground level masters. These ground level masters, while dodging the python spraying venom, constantly send out skills to greet the python. For a moment, the ground was covered with a large amount of Python's blood, mixed with green venom, which looked bloody.

And the python, also slowly lost energy, action is also more and more slow.

Looking at the dozens of ground level masters in front of us, we didn't act rashly. Ouyang Shaohua squinted at them and said, "it should be the people of simang continent. The python, Ma De, is a rare spirit beast. It's going to be killed by them!"

Hearing Ouyang Shaohua's words, Li Wuyi said with a smile, "it's cheap. They can't make it!" With that, he said to Lu Yan who had no shadow Studio: "brother Lu, it's up to you!"

Lu Yan laughed and moved under his feet. His body almost ran out like a gust of wind. I widened my eyes and watched Lu Yan approach the battle not far away. When I got to a big tree, Lu Yan jumped to a branch lightly.

Immediately after that, when dozens of people in Simao were about to kill the python, Lu Yan took out a green pill from his body and threw it into the Python's mouth.

I saw a green light flash, Dan medicine immediately fell into the mouth of the python.

At that moment, I heard the python suddenly make a huge hiss, and his body suddenly became bigger. His body, which was about to collapse, suddenly became agile. A tail swept by, and suddenly several powers were hit.



Those powers were swept by the Python's tail, and all of them cried out in pain. When they were shot away, their mouths also spewed blood.

On this side, Lu Yan quickly came back, blinked at us, and said with a sly smile: "it's done. Now they have to struggle for a long time. It's a powerful Shenli pill."

Hearing Lu Yan's words, Ouyang Shaohua couldn't help laughing. They all looked like they were doing damage, but I was secretly surprised.

Wocao, Shenli pill, I know, but it's the first time I've heard of powerful Shenli pill.

At this time, Ouyang Shaohua waved his hand and said to us in a low voice: "OK, we can only do this. Let's go. Don't be found by them!"

Qin Xiong and I nodded one after another, and then quickly left the deep forest. Just as we left, the people in Simao, who had been fighting around the python, realized that something was wrong. Especially when Lu Yan threw the powerful magic pill into the Python's mouth just now, several sharp eyed powers immediately found out, but they didn't see who was causing trouble around.

"Mad, there are people around. Kill the python quickly, and then search around to prepare for war!" Among the people in Simao, a man at the peak of the later stage of the terrace, could not help shouting.

And just when they realize there are people around. Ouyang Shaohua and I, together with Qin Xiong, have quickly left the forest. Now we have reached the deep mountain of ChiYan.

As soon as we got to the entrance of ChiYan mountain, we heard the sound of fighting and the sound of skill collision, almost like the sound of dull thunder.

Hearing the fighting, Ouyang Shaohua and I were very excited.

Then we sneaked in quietly, walked for about two minutes, and saw a huge cave in front of us, where two groups of people were fighting fiercely. There are hundreds of people on both sides, the scene is very shocking, skills crisscross, from time to time burst out a colorful firelight.

On the ground, there are many dead powers.

When I see the costumes of both sides, I know that the two sides in front of me are the people from Bailiu continent and zanglong continent.

As early as the time of Jihad, at that moment when Jihad was about to end, in the deep mountain of ChiYan, when he was snatching the red flame Phoenix. Long lie of the Tibetan dragon continent helped us deal with Li ling'er and Shangguan Shao of the Bailiu continent.

To be honest, if long lie had not helped Zhao Xue and Lin yun'er besiege Li ling'er at that time, I would not have had the chance to go one-on-one with Shangguan Shao alone. Moreover, at that time, I could easily get the red flame phoenix egg in my hand, which had something to do with the help of long lie.

Therefore, after the end of the Jihad, while being hostile to the Chinese mainland, Bailiu did not like the Tibetan dragon mainland. So at the moment, in the deep mountains of ChiYan, after the big teams of both sides met, they almost didn't say hello and started to work directly.

At the moment, seeing the fighting between the two sides, Ouyang Shaohua and I were hiding quietly in the shadow, watching the situation change.

The battle in front of us is almost fierce. Gradually, the two sides of the original hundred people will soon be more than half dead and wounded. At this time, Ouyang Shaohua feels that the opportunity has come and quietly says to the other hall leaders: "no matter which group lives to the end, we can't let them walk out of the deep mountain of ChiYan alive. Now it's a good opportunity to take advantage of the heavy casualties on both sides, let's quietly touch them from all sides and kill their seriously injured people. Remember, you must be careful. If you kill someone, hide it. Don't be found! "

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