I am the King

Chapter 646

Although he is a powerful commander, he can't control us. It's no better than giving in to him in order to promise! "

"That's to say, let's just leave. Who can control it?"

When the thirty-six monsters were all shouting at Song Feng, suddenly, at this time, a huge shadow came into the air in the distance.

And almost at the same time, in the woods not far away, there suddenly appeared at least one hundred strong men in the land. Under the guidance of the huge shadow in the air, these strong men of the earth steps quickly forced to the rest place of the Chinese mainland powers.

At this moment, all the thirty-six strange people in Jiangnan, who had been shouting more and more, shut up all at once. Then when the dark shadow in the sky was getting closer and closer, and saw the true face of the dark shadow, almost all of them could not help taking a breath of air.

"My God, there's a strong man in the sky class!"

"Lying trough, is that... Is that the spirit beast of heaven? It's such a big spider

"Look at the green fog on the spider. It must be very poisonous!"

At the sight of this scene, the thirty-six monsters immediately stood on guard. Song Feng and Cheng Ran's face is also unspeakably dignified. You can see that on the giant spider, there is still a figure standing, round and rolling, looking a little bloated. However, the breath from that person still makes Cheng ran and Song Feng's face change greatly.

The strong one of Tianjie's strength!

Which continent is this? At the moment, a powerful man of heaven level led a big team to the rest place of the Chinese mainland powers. Is this the rhythm of direct war?

Cheng ran secretly thinks that he can't help looking at Song Feng, who is also dignified. However, both of them noticed that the strong one in front of them, with more than 100 powers, went straight to the rest place of Tianzun League.

Although Cheng ran and Song Feng are shocked, they are not only relaxed, but also curious.

However, they didn't know that the powerful people in front of them were the people of the famous Wandu cave in Bailiu. That is the spider saint who had been fighting with the eight leaders of Tianzun League for a long time in the deep mountain of ChiYan.

At that time, I used the power of the dragon soul to break the tenacious spider silk, and then I cut the spider with Phoenix blood crazy knife. At this moment, although the wound has recovered, there is still a long scar on the giant spider's head, which makes the spider look even more terrifying.

And because of the connection with the spider, the spider was slashed by me, and at the same time, the spider's body also suffered a lot of trauma.

At that time, we saw eight of us quickly escape from the deep mountain of ChiYan, and the holy spider was about to run away. However, after all, the spider saint was injured, so he didn't catch up immediately. Instead, he spent half a day in the deep mountain of ChiYan.

As a strong person in the heaven level, the energy recovery and cultivation speed of the heaven spider saint is much faster than those of us. However, after the energy recovery, no one of the heaven spider Saint came to find it, but returned to the rest place of luochamen in the Bailiu continent.

Speaking of this, the number of people who support Qitong island at this moment has reached as many as 500 or 600, and almost all of them are the strength of the later stage of the prefecture level. This quantity and strength, among the seven continents, is also terrible.

However, despite the large number of people, the leader of the Luocha sect, Shura 13, did not come because of the critical period of closing. As a friend of Shura thirteen, the holy spider was invited to Qitong island to help.

It's just that these luochamen's hundreds of local level masters, although they admire the power of the heavenly spider saint, they are not willing to listen to the deployment of the heavenly spider Saint at the critical time.

Therefore, these experts of luochamen are divided into several big teams, led by several people with high prestige. Every big team has hundreds of people, and three of them have gone deep into Qitong island. They all think that their own Bailiu mainland is the most powerful. Whether it's the scuffle of the seven continents or the spirit beast Lingshi who snatched Qitong Island, they have the dominant advantage.

It is because of arrogance that these people of luochamen in Bailiu mainland are hard to unite. Just like this, as an outsider, it is difficult for the holy spider to manage so many powers. So before a boring person, into the ChiYan mountains to stroll. Moreover, when he saw one of the big teams in Bailiu continent and the Tibetan dragon continent encounter, because he was not happy in his heart, he stood by and did not intervene.

However, because of the appearance of some of our tianzunmeng hall leaders, the heavenly spider Saint couldn't help showing up.

After that, eight of us not only escaped from him, but I even injured his spider with Phoenix blood crazy knife, which made the spider sage very angry. So after the energy recovered, we immediately returned to the rest place of luochamen.

This time, the holy spider didn't use his identity of Tianjie strength to force the master of luochamen to revenge himself. Instead, he told the story of ChiYan mountain objectively.

Because of his self-identity, the holy spider will not say that he wants to kill the eight land level powers. If those people know that we have not only run away from the spider saint, but also injured his spider. In this way, the people of luochamen will not listen to the words of the holy spider.

After hearing the narration of the holy spider, a large team left behind immediately became angry. One of his big teams was destroyed by the joint efforts of the Chinese mainland and the Tibetan dragon mainland, which is almost a shame for the luochamen people in the Bailiu mainland.

So, under the leadership of the holy spider, this big team immediately followed the holy spider to our resting place in China.

At the moment, I'm discussing with Ouyang Shaohua what we should do next in Tianzun League, and what instructions will be given by Sikong Ling. All of a sudden, I saw the spiders flying from the sky in the distance, the expressionless spiders standing on the top, and the more than 100 experts of the earth level strength following. Seeing this, Ouyang Shaohua and I almost changed our faces.

"Crouching trough, this guy came here with someone. Madder, that's rampant I couldn't help yelling.

Ouyang Shaohua, on the other hand, yelled to Li Wuyi and other hall leaders: "hurry up, hurry up, some powers from other continents are coming. Everyone be on guard, be on guard, be ready to fight!"

At this time, the people of tianzunmeng on our side almost all saw the more than 100 experts of the earth steps and the approaching holy spider in the sky. For a moment, almost all the people got together and were ready. And those who have just arrived in the family of Chinese powers seem to be facing such a big battle for the first time, and they are in a bit of a panic for a while. However, after the panic, he quickly called on his own people and gathered with our Tianzun League to prepare for the fierce battle.

"Sikong Ling, the leader of Tianzun League in mainland China, I am the spider saint of Wandu cave in Bailiu. I have long heard that your Tianzun League is famous in mainland China. Ha ha, I want to see it for a long time! Now I'm looking for you to have a fight. Let's see how powerful your Tianzun alliance is! " The holy spider stood on the back of the spider, and when he came to the sky where our Tianzun League was resting, he immediately cried out.

The powerful voice came down from the sky, which made our eardrums ache. Just when Ouyang Shaohua and I could not help frowning and covering our ears. The people around them, feeling the powerful power of the spider saint in the sky, all changed their faces.

Just after the spider sage finished shouting these words, he saw the place where the leader of Tianzun League was resting behind us. Suddenly, a bright red light flashed, followed by a gorgeous fire light, just like a meteor rushing into the sky.

The fire was completely condensed on Sikong Ling. In mid air, Sikong Ling was suspended a few meters in front of the holy spider. Sikong Ling looked at the holy spider in front of him with a cold face. Although he was only a child of about ten years old, the strong breath on his body at the moment made the people of luochamen who came with the holy spider in the following couldn't help shaking their hearts.

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