I am the King

Chapter 65

"Bang!" The locked door was almost kicked down from the doorframe by me. The huge impact made me shiver all over! I like crazy general, to the corridor, directly picked up a nearby fire extinguisher, angrily went to my next room!

My face is blue and blue, I can almost guarantee that it's her!

At that time, I was out of control. When I went to my next room, I could still hear a shout: "today, I have to call the police. It's not easy to say anything! I have to call the police, I have to! "

"Ha ha, if you are willing to report to the police, you should report immediately. Don't talk nonsense with me!" That man is also shouting out, rough voice, very calm, this voice, how can I not remember! This man and woman are all people I know! There is nothing for this woman to do such a thing, but this man can let him go!

"I love your ancestors!" At that moment, I couldn't control my anger any more. I kicked the door of the room next to me hard! At the same time, I only heard a stab, and the mask on my face was pulled down by me! Show me who I am.

This foot, I really tried my best, that huge strength, I feel my feet are numb!

Originally tightly locked door, in this moment, I directly kicked down from the door frame! With a loud noise, the door fell to the ground!

"Boom!" Corridor was quiet, this sound, let the whole corridor, silent!

I stare in front of me. Sure enough, there are two people in this room. A man and a woman. Both of them were undressed. The man was smoking on the floor, while the woman was sitting on the bed. When I kicked the door open, they were obviously startled and looked at me one after another.

Sure enough, sure enough, it's her! I stare at that woman, particularly beautiful, big eyes, long hair, this woman, is not impressively Zhao Xi! I'm so excited, not because of her, but because of the man beside her. This man's face is very resolute. It was on the bus that he robbed our class's beard! However, this beard, at this time, there is no stubble on his face, even so, I can still recognize him!

"Jiang... Jiang Feng... You..." Zhao Xi looked at me, completely speechless, and hurriedly found a quilt to cover her body! I tightly stare at Zhao Xi, and then look at the side of the beard, trembling all over the gas!

"What do you mean?" Cold voice, from my mouth! Troublemaker you? At that time, beard, Xiao Feng and Xiao Han robbed our class on the bus and collected all the financial affairs of our classmates. How can Zhao Xi have a relationship with him now!

"Jiang Feng, listen to me, it's not my fault, it's him, it's him who threatened me!" Zhao Xi is really flustered, and quickly picked up their own clothes, casually put on the body!

"You're a troublemaker, where's the Wally? Get out of here!" At that moment, the beard looked at me and was angry at last. He suddenly roared out, picked up the stool beside him and walked directly to me! But came to my side, this beard, also stopped: "groove you, I think of you, NIMA a a wall, that day in the bus, is you, robbed my gun, threaten me?"

I looked at the angry beard and didn't say anything more. That's right. On the bus that day, I had to insult Zhao Xue. I really had no choice but to take down his gun with Hao long.

"You're paralyzed. I haven't found you for so many days. It's a good thing that I sent you to the door? Do you want me to die? " Beard crazy roar, the hands of the bench, all of a sudden at me!

At that time, I didn't know what to think. My reaction was quite quick, and my body ran to one side to avoid it!

"Jiang Feng, go, go!" At this moment, Zhao Qian has put on her clothes, rushed to the ground and hugged me directly!

"Let go of me!" I roared and threw Zhao Xi away! What does Zhao Xi mean? As the head teacher of our class, special code has a relationship with the robbers? Is the special size teasing me? Zhou Bingna does not say, these three robbers, is Wang Qiang seeks? Now the beard has a relationship with Zhao Qian. Does Zhao Qian also have a relationship with the three robbers? As a teacher, it's a bit immoral to do this, isn't it?

"I was forced, too!" Zhao Qian's voice has been completely hoarse, yelling at me, and her face is very pale! At this time, she has been thrown to the wall by me!

"Bang!" But Zhao Qian's voice just fell, the stool in the hands of the beard, also hit on my head!

"Hum!" To tell you the truth, my head was blank at that time, I almost didn't faint! This stool directly smashed my head into a blood hole, and the blood swished down!

"I love your ancestors!" I have completely collapsed, at that time I had an idea, that is to fight with the beard! I forced to endure the pain, a hard punch, directly hit him in the face!

"Bang!" How powerful is this punch? I can't imagine that I can burst out such power! My fists are numb, the beard roared, and I beat and staggered for several steps!

"Damn you, stand there for me!" However, at this moment, the beard took a step, took his clothes and took out a bayonet from his pocket!

"Click!" With a crisp sound, that cold blade, so in front of me! I admit, just this moment, my cold sweat, swish down, standing there, Leng is motionless! It's not only me, but also Zhao Xi. Looking at the knife in her hands, she turned pale with fright!

"What are you going to do? Don't mess about!" Zhao Qian cried out, step by step to the side of the beard.

"Go away!" Looking at Zhao Xi's voice, beard suddenly roared out: "you two, no one can run today! Boy, you're very brave. How dare you send it to me yourself? "

The beard looked at me with a smile, and the fierce color appeared between the eyebrows: "today, I will let you go forever!"

Speaking of this, the beard suddenly picked up the knife in his hand and came straight to me!

"Shua!" The sweat on my forehead, Shua Shua down stream, can not be afraid? Who is not afraid of this situation! But the more to this life and death, the greater the potential of people, my body slightly to the left, even the miracle of escape!

"Screw you!" That beard was really angry at that time, and raised the speed to the extreme. I pressed my shoulder, and without thinking about it, I stabbed it on my shoulder again!

"Ah I roared out crazily, and the pain made my voice hoarse!

"Puchi!" Blood, from my shoulder a little bit of flow, my clothes are dyed red, at that moment, not far from me Zhao Qian, completely covered, I can see, she took out the mobile phone, directly called the police.

"Plop, plop..." I can clearly hear my heart beat, especially fast, especially fast!

At that time, I felt that hearing my heart beat was a very luxurious thing. I've lived such a long time, so to speak, the first time I've suffered such a serious injury. That kind of pain, I'm afraid I'll never forget!

I stare at the beard. At this time, he is only half a meter away from me. His face is full of evil, and there are bursts of evil smiles on his face. I have to say that the beard, Xiao Feng and Xiao Han are really desperators. They are not afraid of death at all! I can also guarantee that this beard really dares to kill me!

However, although this is the center of the city, and Zhao Xi also called the police, but the police arrived here, at least 10 minutes, 10 minutes!

I'm afraid I've been dead hundreds of times in these ten minutes! At that moment, all my dignity, all disappeared, I don't want to die, I really don't want to die!

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