I am the King

Chapter 659

"You dare!"

Cheng ran stares at him, and almost says this sentence from his teeth. While he is talking, his body suddenly turns into a virtual shadow. The two mysterious level powers that were originally blocked in front of him only feel a sudden chill in their neck, and then they cover their neck and squat down. Then they cough a few times, and then they are short of breath. Their bodies tremble and they are out of breath.

Cheng ran killed two people. Without hesitation, he rushed to the captain.

Seeing Cheng ran in front of him, the captain's face changed greatly. The knife in his hand also rowed down the old man's neck. At the same time, he took out a signal bomb from his body.


A huge group of fireworks exploded in the air, symbolizing the special beauty of the Luocha gate, which can be seen from a long distance.


Almost at the same time, the old man's eyes were wide open, and blood was constantly gushing from the wound of his throat. Then the old man slowly fell down. Before he died, his eyes were unwilling to look at the little girl beside him.

"Grandfather!" When the little girl saw the scene in front of her, she burst out crying and threw herself on the old man.

"Go to hell with NIMA Cheng Ran's eyes almost burst out with a roar. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the leader. The dagger in his hand made a cold light, and immediately cut the leader's head in half.

"The captain is dead. We can't let this guy run away. Let's go together!" See in front of a scene, the rest of these people, one by one is very shocked, one of them is very flustered shouting.

"Well, together? You must all die Cheng ran looks at the old man in the pool of blood. For a moment, his eyes are red with blood. Originally, Cheng ran was just about to save the old man, and Cheng ran thought that his body method should be able to arrive before the team leader started, but Cheng ran was too confident.

And Cheng Ran is shocked at the moment.

To tell you the truth, in mainland China before, although we knew the difference between the powers and ordinary people's society, under the social system of mainland China, the powers basically did not go to the ordinary people's society to wreak havoc. In front of him, when he came to the White Willow land, he saw the people of the luochamen break into the villages of ordinary people and kill them. For a moment, Cheng ran was restrained by this bloody and cruel society.

Yes, in Bailiu mainland, it is a world of the jungle. If you want to be safe, you need to constantly improve your strength.

Moreover, because of the great efforts and constant disputes of the three countries in the mainland of Bailiu, the ordinary people can not get the protection of their lives. Therefore, people here have always advocated the use of force, and they are also respectful and afraid of these powers. Therefore, it also stimulates the powers to constantly pursue strength. Just because of this, the overall strength of the powers in Bailiu is among the best in the seven continents.

Cheng ran doesn't know this yet. He just sees the old man in front of him. He dies of his own impulse. For a moment, his heart is filled with anger and murderous spirit.

Just as the people around the Luocha gate came up, Cheng ran picked up the little girl who was still crying. At the same time, he took out his flute and played the song of lost soul!

A quiet and strange voice sounded slowly, gradually resounding in the air of the whole village.

For a moment, the villagers in the distance, looking at the village head's family suffering from tea poison in fear, hear Cheng Ran's lost soul song, and they all look dull in an instant.

And those who surrounded the luochamen were confused.

"Grandfather, I want grandfather!" The little girl is still crying in Cheng Ran's arms, waving her hands to rush to the old man's side. But Cheng Ran is holding her, hear the little girl's cry, heart can't say the pain. Cheng ran sighed and said softly, "don't go there. Your grandfather is dead!"

With these words, Cheng ran looks coldly at the people around them. Then when they are confused, he takes out his dagger and flashes over. A few cold white lights flash up. Suddenly, almost all the people in the Luocha gate pour fresh blood out of their necks and fall to the ground.

At this time, dozens of people suddenly appeared on the road in the distance, and they were coming here quickly. It was the captain who had sent out the rescue signal. At the moment, the reinforcements of luochamen had arrived.

See this scene, Cheng ran secretly clenched his teeth, scolded a: mad, these guys are really Haunted!

Secretly scolding, Cheng ran holding the little girl, ready to send her to the storage room, and Liu Yiyi together. As long as you keep the entrance of the storeroom, those people in the luochamen will not be able to get in at all. At that time, you will kill all these animals to commemorate the old man's death.

Just as Cheng ran rushes towards the storage room, a man and a woman suddenly appear in the other direction. Both of them are dressed in Villagers' clothes, but they have a different temperament from ordinary people.


Cheng ran frowned and watched them rush over. He immediately felt that a man and a woman in front of him were all powers, and their strength was in the later stage of xuanjie.

"Father The man looked at the skin a little dark, but the corner of the face is clear, slightly handsome face, showing a bit of perseverance. And at the moment rushed to the old man's front, a face hurt at the same time, also revealed a bit of resentment.

That woman is very beautiful, although she is dressed in village girl's clothes, she still can't hide her natural beauty.

The two men, after the boy rushed over, immediately jumped on the old man, while the woman, with a complicated face, looked at Cheng ran and yelled to the little girl, "little butterfly!"


Hearing the woman's words, the little girl will break away from Cheng ran and run towards the woman. At the moment, the reinforcements of the luochamen have arrived.

"I killed you and avenged my father!"

When the man saw the people in the Luocha gate, he immediately turned red. He pulled out a big golden knife and rushed to the people in the Luocha gate.

But Cheng ran at the moment in the heart is very puzzled, looking at the two people who suddenly appear, a time also didn't slow down.

In fact, these two people are the son and daughter-in-law of the village head. In a word, the son of the village head is the most popular girl in the village, and he is also the most powerful and savvy young generation in the village. So I don't pay much attention to the girls in the village. A few years ago, the village head's son found an injured girl in the woods and took her home to cure her. After that, they were united.

The girl who was treated was a fugitive from Dongzhao state. Many people in the village didn't know the details. They only knew that the village head's son had married a fairy daughter-in-law.

In the village head's family, the village head and the village head's son all know that the girl being treated is Ying'er, the daughter of a wealthy family in Dongzhao state. Because her family was chased and killed by enemies, she fled here. Ying'er didn't tell them about the specific situation.

Later, they had a daughter named Xiaodie!

Although the origin of the daughter-in-law is unknown, the family is very stable. Until a year ago, the people of luochamen began to prepare for the deployment of Jihad, and began to send a large number of disciples to set up strongholds on this coast. During this year, people from luochamen often appeared near the village. What's more, every place these people go, they will check some people who have the ability to cultivate abilities, and then catch them in the Luocha gate and force them to join the Luocha gate.

Because of this, for more than a year, the village head's son and daughter-in-law Yinger have been hiding in a cave not far away from the village, which is very hidden.

In this way, the couple can see the situation of the village and avoid the people of luochamen at the same time. It is killing two birds with one stone.

Today, when they were looking at the village, they saw some people from luochamen enter their homes. At that moment, the village head's son suddenly realized that the situation was not good, and took his wife to rush to the village.

However, before he got home, his father had already died miserably under the knife of luochamen.

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