I am the King

Chapter 67

"Remember what just happened?" I looked at Zhou Bingna, forced out a smile, standing beside Zhou Bingna.

"Just now..." Zhou Bingna shook her head as if she were talking to herself, trying to make herself sober. The scenes in the Hutong just now poured into Zhou Bingna's mind.

"After saying goodbye to you from the coffee shop, I saw two bag Snatchers... Then I chased them, and then many people came out and knocked me unconscious..." Zhou Bingna kept whispering. When she said that, her head finally raised a little bit, and her eyes fixed on me: "where is this... How am I here... I... i..." Zhou Bingna said, And check your clothes. It's reassuring to find that your clothes are complete.

Zhou Bingna is also afraid! What kind of beauty is she? Can Zhou Bingna not know? From small to large, chasing their own men, it is countless! He was surrounded by a group of men, and stun, that group of men can not do anything to themselves! But now, I can't feel any discomfort, and it seems to be in a hotel... Is it Jiang Feng who saved me in front of me?! It's impossible! It's impossible!

"I saved you." Finally, a faint sound came out of my mouth, the voice fell, Zhou Bingna was also completely shocked!

"How can it be?"?! You... "Zhou Bingna looked up and down at me. Although she was in good shape, those strong men were all big and thick. How could Jiang Feng deal with them?!

"We two came out of the coffee shop, and I saw the bag snatcher. As a result, you already caught up with me. I was afraid that you might miss something, so I went to the supermarket next door, bought a toy gun, and then took a taxi..." I told her the whole story completely. Naturally, I carried Zhou Bingna to the hotel and found her more than 100 photos, I can't say that!

After five or six minutes, when I finished, Zhou Bingna's face was full of gratitude!

"Jiang Feng... How can I thank you... Today without you..." Zhou Bingna lowered her head and glanced at me secretly from time to time: "before you helped me get Wang Qiang's mobile phone, now you save me again, I really owe you a lot of human feelings..."

"It's OK. If it's someone else, I'll do the same." My mood at that time was really bad, so I didn't know what I thought at that time. The voice of speaking was cold.

"You..." when Zhou Bingna heard my tone, she thought she had done something wrong, and suddenly became nervous: "Why are you not happy..."

"Nothing. Come here." I said to Zhou Bingna and opened the door of the room. My tone is just like giving an order. How dare I speak like this! But now, I have no idea what I did.

But what I didn't expect was that Zhou Bingna, who was standing beside the bed, was silent for a while and still followed me!

fuck! At that moment, I woke up a lot! Nima, am I right? I'm talking to Zhou Bingna like this. She obeys my orders?! You know, this woman, treat others, just like a queen!

"Shua!" I am conscious, head a little dizzy, but at this time, bursts of excitement, crazy from my body! I have to say, this kind of feeling is just wonderful! This woman, with a strong air, spoke to her in this tone, and suddenly had a sense of Conquest! Moreover, Zhou Bingna doesn't seem to be disgusted with me when I talk like this! Is it because I saved her? In this case, I'll talk to her like this in the future!

ha-ha! I thought, really excited, slowly opened the door, walked to the next room, Zhou Bingna followed me, like a valet.

Corridor or surrounded by a lot of people, chattering in the discussion, see me out, there was no sound.

With a smile on my face, I went all the way to Zhao Xi's room. At this time, Zhao Xi was still sitting on the bed with dull eyes. At her feet, it was the beard that did not know life and death. There was a mess in the room, blood everywhere.

"This..." when Zhou Bingna saw the picture in front of her, she was stunned! Hurry to the side of the beard, kick his body with the foot, a roar, directly from her mouth: "what's the matter? Who did it? Who

"I don't know." At that moment, I slowly extended my hand and interrupted Zhou Bingna.

"What?" Zhou Bingna looked at me strangely: "you... You..."

"It's me, the man who robbed our classmates at that time. I'll call him like this. Is it OK?" I don't have any nervous, smiling at Zhou Bingna.

"No..." Zhou Bingna seemed to say something, but when the words came to her mouth, she swallowed: "how could it be you. You and he are not in the same shape... Too much... "

After thinking about it for a long time, Zhou Bingna finally said it, especially when she saw that she was still holding a knife in her hands, and her eyes were unbelievable, which deepened a bit!

It's impossible! Two people's strength is so different, how can they be beaten like this!

Zhou Bingna's body is shaking, but she still feels a burst of excitement! Not because of anything else, this kind of case of robbing students is really big. Now the mastermind of this robbery is in front of him. This case will surely be cracked by himself! I've just become the deputy director. If I solve this case, it's a great achievement! Maybe I can get a promotion!

But... Zhou Bingna's eyes, again gathered a little bit on me, from getting Wang Qiang mobile phone, then rescued himself in the alley, and then the suspect was beaten like this, all are the eighteen nine children at the moment to do! Don't say it's Zhou Bingna. Who can believe that this child has such great power?!

This is the first time for Zhou Bingna to feel that this child named Jiang Feng is so mysterious that it seems to be covered with a veil, which makes people unable to see him clearly.

"Should... I don't know, but... I try to help you..." Zhou Bingna said to me word by word, as if a little embarrassed. After all, I saved her and made a great contribution for her!

I nodded, just at this time, the downstairs police suddenly loud, less than half a minute, swish up more than ten police, directly surrounded the room, but when those police, see Zhou Bingna, immediately honest, one by one called the deputy director, and called sister Na.

Zhou Bingna, then, regained her cool and gorgeous appearance. She only nodded faintly and pointed to two policemen: "take this man to the hospital and send someone to watch him at the door of the ward. If he runs away, I'll ask you!" Zhou Bingna snorted and pointed to her beard on the ground. At that time, these little policemen trembled and nodded in a hurry.

Zhou Bingna can be silent for half a minute, or let two police, will I put on handcuffs, as well as Zhao Qian, are on the police car. There are only three people in the police car Zhao Xi and I are in, Zhao Xi and Zhou Bingna.

Zhou Bingna, naturally, drives. In fact, to tell you the truth, I wanted to resist at that time. I easily beat and climbed down more than a dozen policemen, because my medicine had not yet passed, but no matter how stupid I was, I could not attack the police! Along the way, Zhou Bingna asked Zhao Xi and me what happened and how we could make that beard look like this.

I told Zhou Bingna again. Of course, I didn't say that I swallowed Shenli Dan.

However, Zhao Qian also told Zhou Bingna why she had a relationship with the beard. When Zhao Xi finished, I admitted that I was just stupid. My heart is full of guilt!

"I'm really forced, I really don't want to have a relationship with him, it's all your fault..." sitting in the police car, Zhao Xi whispered to me.

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