I am the King

Chapter 670

"It must be a good thing to see you so happy!" I said to Li Wuyi with a smile.

Li Wuyi nodded, and then couldn't wait to tell us that at that time, they were chasing the people in Bailiu mainland, and they were about to go to the resting place in Bailiu mainland, and they saw that the camp in Bailiu mainland was in chaos. One of the sky level masters on his horse killed a lot there. Not only that, but also the people on the side of the White Willow continent were killed by the sky level master.

And then, after the battle between the holy spider and our alliance leader, he was also injured and rushed back to fight with the sky level master on his horse. After a fight with the Tianjie master on his horse, he quickly fled from Qitong island. Now the base of Bailiu is scattered.

In short, the strength of the seven continents is very strong. This time, Baiyu is in a state of collapse.

Qin Xiong and I were very happy to hear the news. Ma De, I don't like the people here in Bailiu continent. In particular, before the Xiongfeng gang was very noisy by that big sky, in Qitong Island, he and Qin Xiong almost died in the hands of this spider saint. I've been holding a stream of resentment in my heart for a long time, so when I hear these words, my heart is really speechless.

Bailiu mainland is no longer a threat to us.

However, I couldn't help worrying when I heard Li Wuyi's words about the heaven level master riding on the war horse.

Ma De, now Qitong Island, I don't know how many heaven level masters there are, but according to the most conservative inference, every continent will have at least one heaven level master to help. To sum up, there should be seven Tianji strongmen on Qitong island now.

But that day spider Saint fled Qitong Island, in addition to our tianzunmeng Sikong Ling, there are five.

Now, after fighting with the holy spider, Sikong Ling is still in meditation. In case of other continents, there will be another strong one in Tianji, which is hard for us to resist.

Thinking of these, I was still a little curious, so I asked Li Wuyi: "which continent is the sky level master riding a war horse?"

Li Wuyi shook his head, frowned and thought, "I think it should be from Haotian mainland!" With that, Li Wuyi looked at Ouyang Shaohua and said, "Ouyang hall master should know something about these things, and you saw it at that time. What do you think of my guess?"

Ouyang Shaohua, with a dignified look at the moment, nodded when he heard Li Wuyi's words and said, "you're right. When I arrived just now, I looked at the man's clothes and the special horse under his crotch. It must be the man of the Shenwu guard in the vast continent! And it's Zetian, the commander of shenwuwei! "


Hearing the name, I couldn't help frowning and immediately thought of Zhou Bingna. Just because Zhou Bingna was brought to Haotian, I couldn't help but want to know more about the situation of Haotian. Then I asked, "what kind of organization is this shenwuwei?"

Hearing what I said, Ouyang Shaohua said with a smile: "Haotian is a monarchy system. The emperor who ruled Haotian founded shenwuwei several decades ago. This shenwuwei is composed of all the powers, and shenwuwei only obeys the emperor's orders, which can be regarded as the emperor's private army. The great commander of shenwuwei was appointed by the Emperor himself, and the emperor provided the spiritual stones and skill books for the cultivation of these powers. In a word, this Zetian was cultivated by the emperor of Haotian, so shenwuwei is absolutely loyal to the emperor

Hearing these news, I couldn't help frowning, and then said: "if so, isn't this shenwuwei's position very high in Haotian mainland?"

"Of course! The private forces of the royal family have many privileges in Haotian mainland! " Ouyang Shaohua laughed and thought about it. He seemed to have guessed my worry and continued: "but we can rest assured for the moment. This vast continent is not hostile to us. I don't think Zetian will come here! "

Just when Ouyang Shaohua said this, suddenly the person next to him pointed to the sky in the distance and exclaimed, "oh my God, a strong man from the sky is coming!"

After hearing that man's words, Ouyang Shaohua and I were almost shocked, and then we quickly looked into the distance. In the night above Qitong Island, a man riding a fiery red horse came towards us.

Looking at the iconic dress, I almost scolded in my heart!

what the fuck!

It's really about Cao Cao. Cao Cao is here!

Then I took a look at Ouyang Shaohua. At the moment, I couldn't express my depression. I thought to myself: wocao, is this dead demon a crow mouth? What's more, it's too bad luck. Just now, it was said that Zetian from Haotian would not come to trouble us. This just finished, that Ze day arrived.

For a short time, our Tianzun League members rallied and got ready for the coming battle. Now Sikong Ling has not recovered. The alliance leader is unreliable for the time being. We can only rely on us to resist Zetian in the vast continent.

To tell you the truth, looking at that Zetian riding a red chariot, wearing gold armor, with a long blood colored Cape behind him, gives people the feeling that he is really majestic and full of evil spirit.

Although the distance is very far, but see this scene, and feel the fierce evil spirit from Zetian body, I still can't help a while uneasy in my heart.

And Ouyang Shaohua, these people, also look dignified one by one.

When Zetian arrived tens of meters above our eyes on his horse, he saw that Zetian stopped his horse. The horse hissed, and then his front hooves planed in the air for a few times, then he stood still. With Zetian's sharp eyes, looking at those of us who are ready, the look on our face is very cold.

"Tell your flute player to come out! Mad, I'm tired of playing Looking at us, Zetian said coldly, the cold voice in our ears, almost everyone's heart can't help fighting a cold war.

Flute player?

Hearing these words, I can't help but frown. In front of Zetian, is it Cheng ran?

Thinking of this, I quickly looked to both sides, and was surprised to find that not only Cheng ran disappeared, but also the thirty-six strange people in Jiangnan disappeared one by one.

At the moment, I don't know. As early as the spider Saint came to challenge, Cheng ran and the thirty-six strange people in Jiangnan quietly went to the depths of Qitong island.

At the moment, Zetian's heart is unspeakable anger.

Just now, Cheng ran played a trick. He almost killed half of those guys who were stationed in the Bailiu mainland rest place, and then he gradually came to his senses. At that time, he saw Cheng ran go deep into the sea in a small boat. However, Zetian didn't expect that Cheng ran would go directly to Bailiu continent. Instead, he guessed that Cheng ran must have circled in the sea and returned to the rest place in China.

Zetian believes that as a Chinese, Cheng ran will not abandon his compatriots.

However, Zetian didn't expect that Cheng ran did go directly to Bailiu continent, and now he was no longer on Qitong island.

After killing so many people in Bailiu continent just now, Zetian encountered the sage who came back. At that time, Zetian did not hesitate to fight with the sage. However, Zetian soon finds out that the holy spider seems to be injured. However, when Zetian is about to kill the holy spider, he is resisted by the holy spider with poisonous fog, and then the holy spider takes the opportunity to escape.

Encountering these battles that would not have happened, zetiannei almost burst into flames, so after leaving the base station in Bailiu mainland, he went straight to the rest place in China mainland.

In Zetian's heart, he didn't want to be a direct enemy with us in China. However, since Cheng ran tricked himself, Zetian couldn't swallow this evil breath, so he planned to find Cheng ran alone.

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