I am the King

Chapter 698

I frowned, some don't understand the meaning of the words, but still nodded and said: "OK, I'll go with you to see the emperor!"

Kamikaze nodded. At this time, Zhou Bingna could not help holding my arm and said, "will you come back later?"

Looking at Zhou Bingna's face. Seriously, at the moment I really want to stay here and ask her about her experience. However, our current identities are really different from before, and the environment here does not allow it. If I stay here too long, I'm afraid it's very inappropriate.

Madder, I have the impulse to go crazy when I think of my own woman who is going to be someone else's Queen.

However, I still restrained myself, smiling at Zhou Bingna, and said gently, "when I see the emperor, I'll come back!"

"Well!" Zhou Bingna nodded, but there was still something on her face.

Then Shenfeng and I nodded. Shenfeng walked out of the bedroom first, and I followed. When I went out, I looked back at Zhou Bingna in a phoenix robe. I really had mixed feelings.

"Jiang Feng, I'll be honest with you. In fact, Miss Zhou's empress is good for you, me and all of us, and there is no harm at all!"

Outside, the divine wind gestured to the eunuch in the palace who was guarding outside, and then whispered to me with a serious look.

I frowned, looked at him, shook my head and said, "I don't understand you!"

Mouth said so, my heart has been in front of this day rank strongman scolded countless times. Ma De, I gave Lao Tzu's woman as a gift to your emperor. It's very kind of you to tell me this.

Seeing that I looked a little displeased, the Shenfeng man gave me a faint smile and said in a low voice, "I know your majesty loves Miss Zhou very much, so after Miss Zhou became Queen, it is absolutely imperative for the alliance between China mainland and Haotian mainland. Don't you deny that?"

"Damn, to be honest, I don't have the courage to let my women out for an alliance. If you have something to say, don't beat around the Bush! " I'm not angry. To tell you the truth, at the moment, although the strong man in front of me is Tianjie, I'm not polite to him at all.

Shenfeng laughed awkwardly and continued to say to me: "Jiang Feng, I know you hate me very much now. To be honest, I didn't expect that your Majesty would love Miss Zhou so much, and even canonize her as Queen. But I can assure you that Miss Zhou can keep her innocence after she becomes queen! "

Hearing this, I was stunned immediately. I looked at him in a very complicated mood and said, "make it clear!"

To be honest, when I promised to meet the emperor with Shenfeng, I had made up my mind. At that time, I would tell the emperor that Zhou Bingna was my woman. Mad, let's see what he says. If he promised to let Zhou Bingna go, if not, I would think of another way.

But at the moment, I heard that from the divine wind. Suddenly, I had some other thoughts.

"I'll tell you the truth!" Shenfeng said, looking at the surrounding situation, as if afraid of being seen by others. With a mysterious look, he said in a voice: "Your Majesty, because of cultivation in recent years, you have lost that ability, so the conferment of empress Zhou is just a situation!"

what the fuck!

Hearing the news, I was stunned, staring at him for a long time, unable to speak.

Special, the emperor's side is not good? Is the title of Queen Zhou Bingna just a simple love for Zhou Bingna? In another way, it's simply a vase for your appreciation in your bedroom?

If that's the case, I seem to feel better.

However, NIMA's, Zhou Bingna even if can keep the body of innocence, but also queen ah. From the reputation, is not my woman, think of these, I feel depressed again.

And the Shenfeng man looked at my expression and seemed to guess my mind. He gave me a mysterious smile and said, "at this point, I believe you understand. Hehe, Jiang Feng, when you see the emperor, if you promise to stay with him, then he will add an official title to you. With identity, you can go in and out of the palace freely, just like me. At that time, don't you think you can meet Miss Zhou whenever you want? "

Speaking of the end, the expression of Shenfeng's smile is very deep, it seems to imply something to me.


Looking at the expression of the sacred wind, I immediately understood, at the same time also secretly took a breath of air conditioning.

Nima's, this is a hint to let me have a secret tryst with Zhou Bingna. It's hard to imagine the shocking power of lying trough from the mouth of a national teacher. And as the red man around the Apocalypse emperor, he hinted at me at the moment, which shocked me and surprised me at the same time.

Empress, although Zhou Bingna is not a queen at the moment, I saw her dress in the bedroom just now, and her whole body showed the momentum of a queen. I thought that the day when she was crowned queen would attract the eyes of many people. Then when Zhou Bingna really became a queen, her special status would be a tryst with me, If the news spread to the emperor, it might have been put in ancient times, but it would have been a great crime to punish the nine nationalities.

But when I think about it carefully, it seems that it's exciting.

Maud, isn't that emperor boy the woman who robbed me? Lao Tzu gave him a green hat, which was also very relaxing. What's more, the Shenfeng people didn't say that the Emperor didn't have that ability. To put it bluntly, it was almost like a eunuch.

Thinking of these, I had countless thoughts in my heart, but I still didn't answer the words of Shenfeng.

Seeing that I didn't speak and frowning, he seemed to be thinking about something. Shenfeng laughed, reached out and patted me on the shoulder and said, "well, I've thought about all these things. Speaking of them, I'm also thinking about you. Ha ha, and Miss Zhou is also my apprentice. How can I have the heart to push her into the fire pit? As long as she is happy, I am willing to help her! "

Listening to Shenfeng's words, I couldn't help looking at him. It suddenly occurred to me that when I hugged Zhou Bingna just now, I obviously felt that the energy in Zhou Bingna's body was much stronger than before, and it seemed to be the strength of the local level.

For a moment, I was shocked. You know, when I first met Zhou Bingna, I remember that her strength was always around Huang Jie. Although Zhou Bingna also practiced a lot during that time, her strength didn't improve much. However, after her disappearance during this period of time, her strength was suddenly promoted to the ground level, which made me feel very surprised.

At the same time, I think, during this period of time, Shenfeng people must be good to Zhou Bingna, otherwise, they would not have worked so hard to teach Zhou Bingna's powers. It seems that Shenfeng is very good to Zhou Bingna, otherwise Zhou Bingna would not call his master.

When I think of this, I still have a lot of resentment and hatred towards the Shenfeng people in my heart. Now when I think of these, my dissatisfaction gradually subsides.

With these words, the sacred wind guides the way in front of me. I follow behind and walk step by step towards the main hall in front of me.

At the door, looking at the guards outside and the bright armor on them, I suddenly felt like crossing. At this time, Shenfeng nodded to the guard at the door, did not let the eunuch report, but took me straight in.

Entering the hall, looking at the solemn and luxurious decoration inside, I was also infected by the solemn atmosphere inside, and my mood was calmed down for a while.

"Your Majesty, Jiang Feng has arrived, and his subordinates have come directly with him before they can report to him!" Shenfeng took me to stand inside and said respectfully to a middle-aged man sitting on the Golden Dragon chair.

The middle-aged man in front of him is wearing a long robe with gold and silver color. His face is angular. He looks dignified, but at the same time, he is also a bit of heroic. It gives people the feeling that he must be very handsome when he was young.

Is the man in front of you the Apocalypse emperor?

Looking at the middle-aged man in front of him, especially his indescribable temperament, as well as his courage, the man in front of him, for any woman, will feel a little excited after seeing him.

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