I am the King

Chapter 705


Looking at Zhou Bingna's smiling face, especially with a hint of provocation between her eyebrows, I could hardly help taking a breath of air conditioning.

To tell you the truth, Zhou Bingna has a kind of Queen's temperament, which makes people feel hard to approach. However, in front of me at the moment, she shows a very relaxed, natural and gentle side, which almost makes people unable to control.

At this moment, I really want to hold her on the Phoenix couch again if I don't think that I can't be too presumptuous in the palace of the imperial city.

However, I restrained myself and said with a smile, "of course, it's a little bit jealous, so I'll come every day!" With that, I continued with a deliberate bad smile: "seriously, it's really cool to give the emperor a green hat. Come on, shall we do it again! "

Hear me say so barefaced words, Zhou Bingna's face immediately rose two regiments of rosy clouds, bashfully scolded me: "you are really shameless, this kind of words are said out!"

I laughed and said, "we are all like this. What else can't be said!"

With that, I couldn't help looking at Zhou Bingna's graceful posture. Suddenly, I thought of a serious problem. I patted my head and couldn't help saying: "lying trough!"

"What's the matter?" Zhou Bingna was startled by me and couldn't help looking at me nervously.

I looked at Zhou Bingna with a complicated face and said, "your master told me that the emperor has no ability in that aspect. If we have a tryst every night, what can you do when you really have children?"

Hearing what I said, Zhou Bingna was almost stunned. She looked at me in amazement and shyness. After several seconds, she said, "it won't be so fast!"

As Zhou Bingna said, she was very embarrassed to think that the national master Shenfeng was so old, how could she always talk nonsense about this kind of thing? She just told herself and Jiang Feng. She was so ashamed.

However, she thought that Zhou Bingna also knew that Shenfeng told me that it was to let me eliminate my worries and dissatisfaction. Then Zhou Bingna thought about it and said to me with a smile: "in fact, you don't have to worry. As long as I don't want to, there will be no children!"


I froze there, staring at her, for a while and a half will not understand what it means.

Zhou Bingna looked at me with a red face. She seemed very shy. Her eyes didn't look at me. She lowered her head and said in a low voice: "you don't know that after a girl practices her powers, she can force out what you men leave in her body at a certain level by using energy."

what the fuck!

Hearing this, I was stunned again. This theory is true. I heard it for the first time. I don't know why. When I heard this, I couldn't help thinking of Zhao Xue.

I still remember when I brought Zhao Xue out of Cheng Ran's villa after the holy war. At that time, Zhao Xue was bewitched and almost lost her mind, but her body was urged. Later, when I got to the hotel, I forgot that we did it several times that night. But every time Zhao Xue is crazy, even every time I leave things in the depths of Zhao Xue's body.

Lying trough, now think about it, after so many times, Zhao Xue didn't show any signs of pregnancy. Did she use energy to force things out of her body?

When I think of this in my mind, I can't even help thinking that if those women in mainland China have practiced their powers, wouldn't the whole mainland's family planning supplies be sold out?

It's interesting to think of all this mess. Seeing me, Zhou Bingna couldn't help saying, "what's wrong with you?"

I quickly shook my head, said with a smile: "nothing, just feel very interesting!"

With that, I put away a few days' caution. Then I looked at the ring on Zhou Bingna's hand. Seriously, although I said I didn't care, I really saw that Zhou Bingna's ring finger was wearing the ring given by other men, especially on the ring finger which can only be worn by marriage. I couldn't say it was awkward in my heart.

However, I did not tangle on this issue any more. Instead, I held Zhou Bingna, sat on the luxurious Phoenix couch, and gently asked her what she had experienced after she left me.

Zhou Bingna gently breathed and told me about it.

When Zhou Bingna said that she was caught by the three elders of the Jiang family and brought to the cave behind the Jiang family, even though the three elders were dead, I could not help clenching my fist.

Maud, the three elders, are really a murderous old luster. At the thought of his wretched appearance, I feel angry. At the moment, I can't help but want to go back to Meiguang Town, Tongshan city in mainland China, find out the tomb of the three elders, dig out his bones and whip his body.

With Zhou Bingna said that he was saved by Shenfeng, and three long old died in the hands of Shenfeng. I listen at the same time, also can't help secretly nodding. The course of this incident is similar to my previous guess. Zhou Bingna was rescued, and the three elders also died because of this, but I didn't expect that the three elders always died in the hands of Shenfeng, the national teacher of Haotian mainland.

Then Zhou Bingna told me about the situation after she was brought to Haotian mainland by the National Teacher Shenfeng. After hearing Zhou Bingna say that Shenfeng was good to her, my original resentment in my heart gradually dissipated at the moment.

To tell you the truth, I didn't have much hostility to the National Teacher Shenfeng in my heart. Before I was very upset, it was entirely because the strong man of Tianjie brought Zhou Bingna here behind my back. But now after hearing Zhou Bingna talking about these experiences, I slowly feel that, in fact, this Shenfeng person doesn't seem to be hateful to me.

On the contrary, I am very grateful that Shenfeng can teach Zhou Bingna's powers carefully, and let Zhou Bingna improve her strength to the ground level during this period of time.

With these experiences, Zhou Bingna began to ask me about what happened in China during this period. I didn't hide it, so I told about the chaos of Qitong island. At the same time, I also talked about the Revenge of the man from heaven. At that time, we almost destroyed Xiongfeng gang. Finally, Qin Xiong and I decided to join the Tianzun League.

Hearing this, Zhou Bingna looked at me in surprise and said, "Tianzun League, I've heard of this organization. It seems to be the most powerful organization of powers in mainland China."

I nodded, laughed and said, "yes, Qin Xiong and I are both the leaders of Tianzun league now! Well, is your husband very good? "

Hearing me talking about her husband, Zhou Bingna flashed an unnatural look on her face, and then said, "what husband, I'm not your wife now! Don't scream

When saying this, Zhou Bingna's face finally showed the Queen's breath when I first met her.

When I saw Zhou Bingna like this, I was even more excited. The more she didn't let me say this, I just wanted to tease her with this topic. Then I said, "isn't it? You said you had to shout out when we were just like that

"Oh, what do you say?" Zhou Bingna blushed and was about to come up and pinch me with her hand. I quickly stood up and dodged. Then Zhou Bingna circled around me on the Phoenix couch in her bedroom. Tired, Zhou Bingna sitting there, panting, said: "well, no, let's have a good chat, OK!"

I nodded with a smile, but still deliberately said: "that line, but you have to call me a husband to listen!"

"You..." Zhou Bingna red face, eyes staring at me, a pair of shy and angry, but take me no way to look, the final tone or soft down, low voice called out: "husband!"


Hearing this word, I'm really excited. I can't feel comfortable all over. Especially for a queen like Zhou Bingna, I believe any man will be willing to surrender if she can cry so softly.

But I'm excited. When I hear Zhou Bingna calling my husband, I see her Phoenix robe

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