I am the King

Chapter 73

"I'm sorry, miss. I'm here to apply." I said seriously, taking advantage of this time, I looked up and down again in front of the woman, this woman, the figure is pretty good, just a little fat, the face of the make-up painting a little bit thick, the body has the smell of alcohol, and a little light fragrance, this woman, at best, is a medium-sized goods, so at that time I did not give her any good face.

"Apply? What do you want to apply for, handsome man... "The woman didn't see my impatience at all. She was even more coquettish and angry. She was going to lie in my arms!

what the fuck! My face is full of helplessness. The word "handsome" makes my bones crisp. To tell you the truth, I used Yu Guang at that time and clearly saw that many people beside me were locking me tightly. It seems that they are all drinking, but actually they are all looking at me.

There was a smile on the corner of my mouth, and I didn't speak. Fortunately, at this time, I could see a middle-aged man in suit and shoes coming from a distance. This man, about twenty-eight or nine years old, was still a little arrogant in his suit, white shirt and black shoes. There was a sign on his chest: lobby manager. Yue Fei.

Trough, the name let him rise, Yue Fei, there is no thorn on the back, loyal to serve the country? I thought in my heart, but on my face, I was still quite serious. I directly bypassed the woman in front of me and went to the lobby manager. As a result, before I could speak, the lobby manager directly laughed and extended his hand to me in a friendly way: "ha ha, ha ha ha, come on, brother, come on, let me have a look!"

I shook hands with manager Datang. The lobby manager looked very excited. He put his arm around my shoulder and said, "go, let's talk inside!" With that, he hugged me and went straight to the back compartment.

In the Haitian bar, the first floor is the place for drinking and dancing, but behind the dance floor is the place for these staff to work. The second floor is a hotel with some entertainment.

The lobby manager directly brought me to the office with a strange enthusiasm, which made me a little uncomfortable.

"Ha ha, sit fast, sit fast, brother!" Yue Fei said to me, let me sit on the sofa, he is to make tea for me, and bring up melon seeds, sugar. Mad, I don't know. I thought we were old friends I haven't seen for years!

I called it an embarrassment and finally said to Yue Fei, "manager Yue, what are you doing? I'm here to apply for a job."

"Ha ha, I know you are applying, ha ha!" The smile on Yue Fei's face became deeper and deeper. In the end, it was a little scary. I didn't know that he thought that he was mentally ill. And he has been looking at me up and down, as if in the zoo, and looking at me while laughing.

Crouching trough, I'm really a little scared. I'm so big that I saw someone looking at me and laughing for the first time. And it's always giggling!

I felt dizzy and gave a bitter smile: "manager Yue, I'm introduced by Hao long..."

"Ha ha! What's the name of manager Yue? Call me brother Yue later. No, you can be my brother! Ha ha, Ma De, Hao long, he even knows such a handsome guy as you. I really didn't expect that! Good, good! Ha ha, with you in our Haitian bar, the daily passenger flow is much more! It's really handsome... Stains... "Yue Fei's eyes seemed to be bursting with fire and said it to me.

Nima... I know what's going on. Yue Fei knows that if I want to join Haitian bar, there will be many women coming to me. It's going to make business fire!

I faint smile, did not speak, continue to look at Yue Fei, Yue Fei looked at me for five minutes, ah, special, I feel these five minutes, I like transparent, as if to be seen through by Yue Fei in general! That feeling is really uncomfortable!

Finally, Yue Fei put away his curious eyes and nodded to me: "brother, tell me quickly, what's your name?"

"Jiang song." I said it in a flat tone. I'm also poor in words. I can't make up a good name. That's the only name. I used to use this name when I was wearing that mask. Now I've changed a mask and still use this name. Anyway, there are so many people with the same name in the world. I thought.

"Jiang song, Jiang song..." Yue Fei mumbled a few words and laughed again: "well, I'll call you brother Jiang. Depending on your age, you should be a few years younger than me, brother Jiang. If you have something to do in the future, you can come to me! I can help you, I will help you. Don't worry about this! And let me ask you, how much are you going to charge for the entrance fee? "

"Thank you, brother Yue." I faint smile, nodded, followed by a Leng: "appearance fee? What is the appearance fee? "

I'm a little puzzled. I'm not a star either. Do I still have entrance fees?

"This is a more implicit statement. The appearance fee means that if a woman asks for you, how much is it for one night?" Yue Fei looked at me with a smile on his face.

I patted my forehead and quickly calculated an account. I want to raise 1.55 million yuan in a week. This number is really big! For example, I can have relationships with three women a day... 21 women a week. 1.55 million, divided by 21... That is to say, at least 70000 at a time

Paralysis, more than 70000?! Who's stupid to spend more than 70000 yuan to have a relationship with a man?

I thought about it in my heart, but I really had no other way at that time, so I had to endure the embarrassment and said, "is it OK to have 70000... 70000?"

With these words, I was ready to be thrown out. As a result, I didn't even dream of it, but Yue Fei stopped: "don't make 70000, just make it 150000. Then 50 thousand yuan, give it to our bar, another 100 thousand, keep it for yourself, if the customer gives a tip, it's all yours. "

"What?" Lying trough, I admit, at that time, I was completely blinded! 70000 yuan, make it up, 150000 yuan? Paralysis, even if the whole, don't also 100000?!

I feel like I'm in heaven. I can't believe I'm watching Yue Fei!

"Brother Yue, are you sure? Are you sure you can? " I looked at him stupidly, and my face changed a little!

150000. How big is the brain to spend 150000 to enjoy!

"I'm sure, brother Jiang, I don't know what you did before, but if you listen to my brother's words, you can work well in Haitian bar. You can rest assured that we will never treat you badly. In fact, any entertainment place must have a pillar. There is no doubt that you are the pillar of Haitian bar. You will make those women crazy! Ha ha

"Besides, 150000 is really a lot for ordinary people. Even the money they have earned in recent years is not 150000. But for the rich, what is 150000? And if you serve well, maybe it's not impossible to tip you and carry you a few luxury cars! You know what? " Yue Fei looked at me and said it excitedly. Before I spoke, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Yue Fei yelled, and suddenly a waiter crept in. The waiter took a look at Yue Fei and locked his eyes on me.

"Brother Yue, someone wants to... Ask this brother to accompany me with wine..." the waiter pointed to me and said it tremblingly.

What?! Let me go with the wine? Crouching trough, I just came here. Is it so attractive?

"Tell her that this brother is not with us today. He wants to make an appointment with us and come back tomorrow!" Yue Fei waved his hand and said it directly.

Slot! My heart scolded a, white happy, I thought this can make money!

Until the waiter went out, Yue Fei said to me, "brother Jiang, don't worry. In this business, you should learn skills first."

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