I am the King

Chapter 733

Looking at the Yin Tian in front of me, I feel very soft. To tell you the truth, I don't feel the slightest excitement at this moment, but I feel very boring.

Nima's, really go where, will meet these self righteous guy, before Cao Fei is this virtue, now in front of Yin Tianfang is also this virtue.

So when I heard Yin Tianfang's words, I just gave him a smile, and then without looking at him, I walked out of the martial arts arena with mountains and rivers.

After Shanhe and I turned around, Yin Tianfang raised our eyes and looked at us. At the moment, he was deeply unwilling. Then with the help of two bodyguards, he stood there for a rest, and soon left with the bodyguard camp.

Now there are more and more people gathering around. He has lost face in front of many ministers. If the emperor also hears the news, his reputation of the Yin family will be really ruined, so Yin Tianfang dare not stay.

And the people who looked at the guard camp, after Yin Tian let go, the ministers also slowly dispersed and left the palace one after another.

At this time, watching me and Shanhe walk out of the martial arts arena, the king of ease, who has been standing there to watch the battle, claps his hands at me and Shanhe and exclaims, "it's really the people that your majesty values. Even the people who accompany you are extraordinary."

With that, the king of ease looked at the wound of Shanhe and said with a smile: "there are good medicine for knife wound in the little prince's house. If Jiang Feng doesn't dislike it, he will bring your brother to my house. It's just that we can talk well while healing your brother!"

As a matter of fact, Shanhe's injuries are all skin injuries. As a local level, Shanhe's very strong in recovery. He doesn't need any medicine at all.

However, I know that this is just a pretext of the king of ease, and it's hard to say if someone has been waiting here for so long.

So when I heard the invitation of the king of ease, I looked at the mountains and rivers around me, nodded and said with a smile, "the Lord is kind, and my subordinates can only obey you!"

"Ha ha, I always regard you as my friend, so let's not be so polite when we talk!" He patted me on the shoulder.

I followed with a smile, and then with Shanhe, followed the king of ease out of the palace.

When we got outside the palace, we saw that the king of ease had already arranged the sedan chair outside. Shanhe and I looked at each other, but we were not polite, so we went in directly.

In fact, the palace is not far away from the palace, but the sedan chair mainly reflects the noble identity of the king. After arriving at the palace, looking at the elegant house, although it is not as magnificent as the palace, it is also very imposing.

Under the arrangement of the king of ease, Shanhe was taken by several maids to heal his wounds. When Shanhe saw some beautiful young maids guiding him, he blushed on his face, which made me laugh.

But I pretended not to see it. After the mountain and river were taken away, I went to the reception hall with the king of ease.

At this moment, more than 20 people have been waiting in the reception hall. Their clothes are not the same. It seems that they are all the guests of the king of ease. So when I see this scene, I feel a little nervous.

"Ha ha, Jiang Feng, don't be constrained. These people are all Wang's disciples. Ha ha, Xiao Wang likes to make friends with some strange people. At the beginning of each month, a banquet is arranged. Everyone sits together and talks about some interesting things. It's not a special formal activity, so don't be nervous!"

Then the king of ease sat in the middle of the banquet hall, motioned to me to sit beside him, and then waved to everyone to be quiet. He slowly faced those people and said, "this is Jiang Feng from the mainland of China. You must have seen his skills before the holy war. He is a rare talent. Now he is deeply favored by the emperor, You all know each other! "

Hearing the words of the king of ease, those people set their eyes on me one after another.

At this moment, my eyes slowly swept past, and found that most of these people were powers, and their strength was not low. The worst was in the early stage of the earth level, and their clothes were very strange. Some of them seemed to be alchemists who specialized in alchemy, some of them were dressed up to look at each other, and some of them even had a few poisonous snakes on them, which was very shocking.

These people are looking at me. They don't seem to have a very warm attitude towards me.

However, I didn't care, so I chatted with ease Wang casually. It turned out that ease Wang was really looking forward to the science and technology culture of the Chinese mainland. He even knew about cameras, cars and airplanes, which shocked me.

After a while, under the arrangement of the king of ease, some maids brought delicious food and wine.

It seems that those door guests all highly praise the king of ease, one after another toasts to the king of ease, and the king of ease is also welcome, almost to the cup dry, the amount of wine is amazing.

At this time, a few of my guests toasted me politely and said that they had a long-time knowledge of me. In fact, I know that these guys are just pretending to be friends with the king of ease when they see that the king of ease respects me very much.

After chatting with the king of ease, I also know that these door guests are willing to work under the king of ease. In fact, they all come from their own needs. However, I did not ask more questions.

After three rounds of wine, under the arrangement of the king of ease, a group of dancers in gauze skirts came to the banquet hall. Each of them was very good-looking. They danced there, and there was light music around them.

"Jiang Feng, how do you feel? How do these dancers compare with those in mainland China?" At the moment, the king of ease looked at me dimly and said with a smile.

I look at more than ten dancers in front of me, with their neat and uniform movements. To be honest, the dancing posture is really graceful, and the transparent skirt also gives people a strong desire and a different ancient style.

To tell you the truth, now I'm really absorbed in watching. When I heard the words of the ease king, I laughed and said, "it's not bad. It's outstanding and fascinating."

When I say that, I think in my heart, mad, if you go to those night shows and bars in mainland China and see those sexy pole dances, you'll know what it's called exciting.

However, I didn't say these words. After hearing what I said, the king of ease said with some feeling: "I heard that the mainland of China is more open than here, and the nightlife is also colorful. I really want to feel it in the past!"

"Ha ha, Wang Ye is a noble man. I'm sure there will be a chance!" I said quickly.

Hearing what I said, the king of ease was very excited. He came to me and said in a low voice: "in front of me, these dancers are all chosen by Wang after thousands of choices. Some of them still have strange fragrance, but they are rare beauties! If Jiang Feng is interested, don't go back to the palace tonight. I'll arrange two for you! "

what the fuck!

Hearing this, my heart trembled and my body was filled with fragrance? Is there such a beautiful woman? And they also arranged a few for me. This is to let me play a few flights. It's very exciting just to think about this kind of thing.

However, I thought that my eyes were fixed on the more than a dozen dancers in front of me. To be honest, all of them were beautiful, and they were wearing light gauze on their faces, which gave people a kind of hazy temptation. But when I thought of Zhou Bingna, the desire in my heart faded a lot.

Originally last night, I was going to find Zhou Bingna, but I was embarrassed to go to the wrong place. Not only that, but also finally put the charming princess to sleep.

I don't know if I didn't go there last night. I wonder if Zhou Bingna complained about me. If I don't go to the palace tonight, I'm afraid Zhou Bingna will think more.

With this in mind, I regretfully said to the king of ease, "well, it's a long time to come. There's still a chance. Now I've just been granted the imperial bodyguard by the emperor. I'd better do my duty first. I can't be too casual!"

"Hehe, Jiang Feng has this consciousness. Sure enough, your majesty is right. It's all right, but we'll have to drink more later. We won't come back if we don't get drunk! " Comfort King some pity, but still free and easy said with a smile.

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