I am the King

Chapter 75

I repeatedly promised that before I finally left, I also bought two Chinese cigarettes for Yue Fei. After all, people under the eaves always have something to do.

Then I went home. At that time, it was almost dark. It was dusk. Although it was in the city, dusk was still very beautiful. Moreover, at this time, all the people who should get off work were off work. Many people came out to spread, and the streets were very busy. I walk alone in this busy street, can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seriously, if there were any other way, I would not choose this way. What is this road? It's like selling your personality. Although I didn't suffer, I always felt strange.

I wry smile out, a little bit of raised his head, looking at the gradually setting sun, the heart is extremely haze.

Just do this week. After this week, no matter how much money you give me, I won't do it! I came to a crossroads, just when the red light was on. It's the first time for me to abide by the traffic rules and wait for the red light at the crosswalk. I thought, eyes firm incomparable!

But I never thought of it. It was at this moment that I felt that someone behind me suddenly patted me on the back. Then came a voice: "brother?"

"Yes?" I frowned and looked back slowly. Sure enough, there was a middle-aged man in his thirties behind me, wearing a cap and sunglasses. He was wearing good clothes. They were all famous brands. He had a bag in his hand and looked at me mysteriously.

"Who are you?" I yelled at him, how do you think he is not a good man. I look like a thief, so my tone is not very good.

But how can I think that this man looked at me, eyes like to release a ray of light in general, said a word, at that time let me all Leng in situ!

"Brother, I'm jiaotian's entertainer. In your words, I'm a star scout. Brother, it's a pity that you don't look like a star. Have you ever thought about joining us? " The man said it to me, but when he saw that I didn't speak, he immediately gave a bitter smile: "by the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My stage name is old bear. Just call me old bear."

What?! Entertainment companies? I locked my brows tightly. To tell you the truth, I have heard about the career of "star scout" before. In short, star scouts are people who have the potential to be stars. The work of star Scouts is simply summarized, that is, in the streets and in the crowd, people who have the potential to be stars are explored. The work of the star Scout is to put some ordinary people with potential on the stage in the streets and in the crowd. But most of the people who have been discovered are the best handsome and beautiful.

To tell you the truth, when I heard the old bear's words, I was really shocked! I wavered, really wavered, I'm a student, how can I not know what aura stars have? Girls of my age, for example, are obsessed with stars. It's not unusual to see stars on TV. It can be said that the word "Star" is superior in people's hearts.

"Brother, I know you think I'm a liar, but if you don't believe me, I can take you to our company. Our company's artists are Chen Xiao and Xu Qing. If you join us, you can not only meet them every day, but also cooperate with them. And I feel that with your talent and appearance, it will definitely be a big fire. It's not impossible to surpass them both! " The old bear looked at me and said.

This sentence, let me suddenly a Leng! Chen Xiao? Xu Qing?! what the fuck! These are the more popular stars, even in this jiaotian entertainment company? These two stars are familiar, but no one will study which entertainment company they belong to.

But how could I meet a star Scout? How can I feel so mysterious? We Wanhai city is a small city, and there are star scouts here? I looked at the old bear and gave him a faint smile: "what's my advantage?"

"There must be benefits! And many more! I estimate that if you sign a contract with us, first of all, you will have to be paid 500000 yuan. Then we will train you for a period of time so that you can have the skills to perform on stage. After that, you can receive and shoot TV dramas and movies. It's just a lot of money! By the way, can you sing? "

"Yes." I nodded, to be honest, I feel that I have no advantages at all, but I can sing, singing may be my biggest hobby, but my face is thin, I generally don't sing in front of others.

"That's the best! Well, brother, are you interested in joining us? By the way, I haven't asked your name yet The old bear laughed at me and said it.

I frowned. At this time, the red light at the intersection has turned into a green light. I walked a few steps quickly and crossed the road. The old bear behind me quickly followed me and muttered to me how good their company is.

"My name is Jiang song. You know, old bear, we didn't know each other before. Why should I trust you? " I said to the old bear, now I really need this money, this money is very important to me! As long as we sign the contract, we will get 500000 yuan!

"I use my life to guarantee, do you believe it?" The old bear said to me. Seeing that I didn't respond, he put his hand into his pocket, took out a business card and said to me in a loud voice, "brother, I know you don't believe me. In this way, I'll give you my business card with my phone number and the address of our company. As long as you want to go, you can call me at any time. If I cheat you, I'm your grandson!"

With that, the old bear put the card into my pocket and gave me a smile. I nodded and quickened my pace. Not long after, the old bear couldn't keep up with me and was far away from me. At this time, I could still hear him shouting and told me to believe him.

I laughed in my heart and didn't respond. I walked all the way home. When I went back to my room, I just took out the card.

"Jiaotian entertainment company, old bear. Address: No.27 Xichang Road, Nanhai city. Old bear contact number: 138... "I look at this card, eyebrows can not help but tightly locked, Nanhai city? Nanhai city is not far from Wanhai city. If you take the train, it only takes two hours to arrive. The driving time is longer, about three hours.

I think for a long time, or open the computer, search the jiaotian entertainment company, the results I did not expect, really search! As like as two peas, the address on the Internet is exactly the same as the name card. If the swindler can be so realistic, it is really powerful!

"Hu..." I took a long breath and thought about it. I'm still worried. After all, I don't grow up like this. I have transvestition. I don't know whether transvestition belongs to a power or not. But there are many people with powers in this world. If they are torn down, they just can't afford it!

But becoming a star is obviously a quick way to make money! I thought to myself that I finally made a call to old bear.

Within five seconds, the phone was picked up, and the old bear's heavy voice came from the phone: "hello."

"Hello, I'm the man just now. You gave me a business card. My name is Jiang song." I said it to the old bear, but at that moment, the old bear's tone suddenly changed, and suddenly laughed out: "ha ha, I remember, I remember! Brother, what's up? Do you have a plan to join us? "

"Er... I searched the Internet. Are you sure you can give me 500000 yuan if you sign the contract?" I asked tentatively.

"Half a million is the minimum! You can rest assured. Really, I dare to use my life as a guarantee. Otherwise, you will come to the company today? " The old bear said to me, "I can book a ticket for you. Any time! "

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