I am the King

Chapter 784

Seeing such a quick action of shadowless, I was surprised.


Just when shadowless showed its silence and invisibility, and suddenly came to me, a huge dark breath almost choked me. At this moment, I suddenly felt a cold chill coming from my neck.

Mad, it's shadowless blade!

Shadowless action is too fast, until the shadowless blade is about to cut my neck, I realized that at this moment, I was really surprised out of a cold sweat.

Special code, this guy's hand is a killing move. It's not a fight. It's a fight.

I secretly scolded a sentence in my heart. I was cautious in an instant. I took a step back and pulled out the Phoenix blood crazy knife from my body after avoiding the fierce killing move.

At the moment of drawing out the Phoenix blood crazy knife, the flame on the blade lit up the shadowless eyes hidden in the dark. Under the reflection of the flame, the shadowless body was almost translucent, but the eyes were really bright, showing a trace of chilling murderous.

Mad, this guy's going to kill me!

Aware of this, my heart was immediately aroused anger, holding the Phoenix blood crazy knife, toward shadowless on the cross split in the past.

"Blood Phoenix chop!"

At that moment, my brain was clear, and I felt the powerful killing momentum of Phoenix blood crazy sword. At that moment, I almost instinctively understood the new skills of Phoenix blood crazy sword.

This skill can only be released with Phoenix blood mad knife. Besides bloodthirsty, it is a new skill triggered by Phoenix blood mad knife after killing Huoli in royal secret realm.

A strong and hot breath broke out from the Phoenix blood mad knife. For a moment, the red flame of the Phoenix blood mad knife was shining around dozens of meters. At the same time, a fire red gas of the knife was roaring towards the shadowless.


Almost all the places where the flames filled were burning red. At this moment, the flame of the Phoenix blood crazy sword was not ordinary fire, but the breath containing the power of the fire phoenix. For a moment, the surrounding trees were instantly burned into black charcoal.

Seeing this kind of power, Wuyi was surprised. At the moment, Wuyi didn't understand it, because when he attacked me just now, he clearly felt that although the energy in my body was huge, it was completely the Yin cold power of the soul of the Yin dragon.

However, at the moment, I pulled out the Phoenix blood crazy sword, and the power I exerted was exactly the opposite of the Yin cold power of the dragon soul, the power of Fire Phoenix.

This kind of extreme contrast, let no shadow is very puzzled, at the same time is also very shocked in my hand Phoenix blood crazy knife.

Previously, in my information, Wuyi knew my strength, skills, and even my spirit weapon very well. Wuyi knew that I had a phoenix blood mad sword. But what Wuyi knew was that my Phoenix blood mad sword was just a black red one, and it had its own bloodthirsty skills. Although it was terrible, Wuyi was not afraid.

However, at the moment, when I took out the Phoenix blood crazy knife, I saw that my hand was full of red, especially the burning flame, which made me feel a little stunned.

At this moment, shadowless also knows that the Phoenix blood crazy sword in my hand must have evolved.

So when I cut across with that knife, Wuyi didn't think much, so he chose to dodge directly. However, although he was quick in action and performed the silent and formless, he was still burned to some hair.

Wu Ying took a deep breath, smelled the smell of burning hair on the top of his head, almost fell to one side in a mess, and then disappeared again when he stopped.

"Don't you think it's Bitou? You want to kill me At the moment, my heart is very angry, looking at the shadowless display of silence, no phase disappear, I can't help scolding.

Dozens of meters in front of me, my Phoenix blood crazy knife, as a bright.

While I scold, I also pay close attention to the surroundings. However, the shadowless solitude and wuxianggong are much more advanced than me. At the moment, I almost completely hide my figure.

To tell you the truth, I'm a little nervous at the moment, because this shadowless is much more terrible than those ground level masters I met in the past. Especially as a shadow guard, his killing methods are almost direct, and he doesn't procrastinate at all. As long as he has some mistakes, he will die here.

However, I don't know. The bloody Phoenix chop that I used just now not only burned his hair, but also hit him on the shoulder.

At the moment, although Wuyi was hiding near me, he was also shocked, because when Xuefeng cut him, at that moment, Wuyi only felt that his whole body's blood seemed to be burning, and could not stop gushing from the wound. Although the wound was not big, there was a sign of unstoppable blood.

His blood, as if by some kind of call, boiling general non-stop flow.

Feeling this, Wu Ying was very shocked. At the moment, he didn't know that when my Phoenix blood crazy sword evolved, the new skill, blood Phoenix chop, came out of the actual combat with the skill of bloodthirsty. That is to say, when I used a move, blood Phoenix chop contains the nature of bloodthirsty.

So at the moment, after Wu Ying's injury, the blood in his body, stimulated by Feng Xue's bloodthirsty nature, can't stop at all, unless he quickly gets away from here.

However, shadowless finally printed me out, so good will, he naturally will not let go.

So after hiding for a while, shadowless exerts its silence and formlessness, and attacks directly on my back.

At that moment, I couldn't even see the shadowless figure. However, with the strong breath, I instinctively waved the Phoenix blood crazy knife and turned my body to chop behind me.


There was a huge sound of metal collision and the flash of the firelight of the wind and snow crazy knife. At this moment, I saw that the shadowless blade in his hand was exploding like fireworks under the light of the firelight.

In the collision just now, the shadowless blade couldn't resist the tenacity of the Phoenix blood crazy knife, and it broke up all of a sudden.

And I also and shadowless retreated a few steps, avoided the sputtering of shadowless blade fragmentation, but I just stand firm, shadowless sneer, again rushed over.

Crouching trough, is it so arrogant without weapons?

Looking at shadowless into a virtual shadow, rushed to me, I yelled, facing his figure, the Phoenix blood crazy knife in my hand toward him.

This sword, I almost aimed at his figure, urged the power of the dragon soul in the body, inspired the Phoenix blood crazy sword, and completely broke out the power of the fire phoenix contained in the Phoenix blood crazy sword.


At this moment, I only felt that the Phoenix blood mad knife in my hand burst out a strong pillar of fire, which drowned the body of the fire shadow, and there was a long, deep, red ravine on the ground in front of me.

This move is more powerful than I thought.

Seeing the mess in front of me, I took a deep breath and thought that there were no bones left for this guy to be cut by me.

However, when I was relieved and ready to put away the Phoenix blood crazy knife, suddenly a cold breath came from behind, and I felt that I was hit by a powerful force.


I opened my mouth and sprayed a mouthful of blood. My body flew more than ten meters ahead and then fell heavily on the ground.

At the moment of landing, I only felt that the energy of Qi and blood in my body could not be continued, and the Phoenix blood mad knife in my hand also fell to one side.

I turned my head and saw that Wu Ying covered his shoulder with one hand, his face was very pale, and he still kept a palm gesture with the other hand. Now his eyes were looking at me coldly.

what the fuck! At this moment, to be honest, I was very shocked. I didn't understand how the boy had evaded my fierce move just now. Was it not me who killed him? How can you show up behind me?

I frowned and wiped the blood from the corner of my mouth. I was about to struggle to stand up and pick up the Phoenix blood crazy knife.

However, at this moment, shadowless body flashed, came to me, stepped on my chest, coldly said: "Jiang Feng, I told you before, vanishing, shadowless, but it's a pity that you haven't appreciated the essence, now it's inevitable to lose!"

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