I am the King

Chapter 793

Soon, when I silently followed the skills and skills to stimulate the cold in my body, in front of my eyes, a blue halo appeared slowly. For a moment, the blue halo seemed to absorb the cold in the whole treasure room completely. The surrounding air suddenly became much colder.

Then, when the cold became more and more severe, the blue halo in front of my eyes became deeper and deeper. At last, it was almost the same as the essence. The last long bow flashing with ice blue brilliance appeared in front of me and suspended there quietly.

I slowly opened my eyes and felt the surging of the soul of the dragon in my body. When I reached for it, the ice blue bow seemed to come to me with spirit.

In a word, this bow is made of the cold air of the soul of the dragon in my body when I use the freezing arrow Qi. It is purely a condensation of energy.

However, when I grasped it in my hand, I felt that I had a real spirit weapon, and it was still connected with me. Every trace of energy fluctuation in the ice blue bow could be clearly felt by me.

It's a wonderful feeling.

I can't put it down. I look at the ice blue bow in my hand. There are some beautiful patterns on the almost translucent bow. But at this moment, I deeply feel that the existence of this bow is related to the energy in my body, and it also consumes a lot of energy for me to condense this long bow. How long can this bow last, It's directly related to my energy.

While slowly stimulating the mental method and quietly recovering the energy, I really want to try to see how powerful it is to shoot a feather arrow with this bow.

For a moment, I once again urged the skill of freezing arrow Qi, ready to condense a feather arrow from the long bow. However, at this time, it suddenly occurred to me that I was still in the Royal treasure room at the moment, and I rashly put my skill in disorder. If it was destroyed here, the Apocalypse emperor would be angry to death.

Thinking of this, I lost some energy and watched the long bow disappear in front of my eyes. When the air conditioning around me gradually returned to normal, at this time, the door of the treasure room opened.

It's time for two hours!

Watching emperor Tianqi come in, I bow to Emperor Tianqi: "thank you for your gift, my subordinates have found their own skills!"

"Good!" The emperor Tianqi nodded and didn't ask me what kind of skill it was. From the shelves where countless spirit stones were collected, he took an ice blue spirit stone with almost strong white light and said, "this is the spirit stone of the iceberg holy dragon. This spirit stone is one of the tribute that my royal family received after the holy war a hundred years ago. It's something that the Tibetan dragon has!"


Hearing this, I was very surprised. In the Jihad of the past dynasties, Haotian was not the strongest, but what I didn't expect was that Haotian also won the first place in the Jihad!

However, at the same time of surprise, I still can't say the shock. Before, Ouyang Shaohua said that he won the first prize in the Jihad, and the tribute we got was unimaginable. To tell you the truth, I really feel it when I see the spirit stone of the iceberg dragon given to me by Emperor Tianqi.

However, when I think of Jihad, I think from the chaos of Qitong Island, I don't think there will be any more jihad in the future.

"The iceberg dragon in your body can be regarded as the descendant of the iceberg dragon. It can be said that it was a long time ago that the iceberg dragon entered Qitong island from the Tibetan dragon continent and only survived in the snow mountain area of Qitong island. In the Tibetan dragon continent, the iceberg dragon is more powerful than the iceberg dragon. In a word, the iceberg dragon is just the later stage of the earth stage, or the peak strength of the later stage of the earth stage, while the iceberg dragon is the real spirit beast of the heaven stage

The emperor Tianqi was surprised to see my face. He suddenly gave a little smile and said, "but because of the energy of the iceberg dragon, you have reached the peak strength in the later stage of the earth level. It's a good chance. This spirit stone of the iceberg dragon will greatly improve your strength when you take it after you break through the heaven level, so you should keep it!"

"Thank you for your gift!" At this moment, I was very excited and said politely to the Apocalypse emperor.

However, at the moment, I secretly thought that when the royal family was in chaos, I would take all the things in this treasure room. Madder, it's a treasure with unlimited potential.

In a word, the treasure room in front of me should be regarded as the most luxurious treasure gathering place in Haotian mainland. After I have been here for so long, I can't treat myself badly.

Thinking about this in my heart, I heard the emperor Tianqi say slowly: "well, after you go out, you will practice well, and you will become my right arm like Zetian!"

I nodded with a smile. Although my face was very respectful, I couldn't help sneering in my heart: now you can only count on Zetian, but unfortunately, Zetian is still in Qitong island.

With this in mind, I respectfully left the treasure room. Just as I turned around and left, the emperor Tianqi closed the door of the treasure room. After watching me leave, the emperor Tianqi returned to the main hall and sat on the Dragon chair. Suddenly, a shadow guard appeared in the shadow, half kneeling on the ground, and nervously reported to the emperor Tianqi: "report back to your majesty, Just now we were ordered to bury Wu Ying, but just now, we didn't notice that Wu Ying's body was gone! "


The Apocalypse emperor was surprised. He frowned at the shadow guard hiding in the dark, and said in a deep voice, "you said that the shadowless corpse is missing. What's the matter?"

The shadow guard was very nervous at the moment. He was afraid that the Apocalypse emperor would be furious, so he told the story in detail.

After Wu Ying's body was found, the Apocalypse emperor heard the news. While he was angry, he sent the shadow guards to quietly take Wu Ying's body to the Royal Cemetery behind the imperial city.

Although Wu Ying's identity was too special, the emperor of Apocalypse decided to hide him in the royal mausoleum. In a word, Wuying is the first bodyguard to be buried in the Royal Cemetery, which is incomparable.

However, the Apocalypse emperor was very careful to arrange this in secret, so the shadow guards kept the shadowless body for several hours after they brought the shadowless body back.

After taking them to the Royal Cemetery, several shadow guards carefully selected a suitable location according to the emperor's previous instructions, and then began to excavate the tomb. Because of the need to hide, the tomb is also very simple, only a few people need to dig a pit.

However, there were few shadow guards. It took more than an hour for them to dig the tomb at the same time. But when they came back and were ready to put the shadowless corpse in, they found that the shadowless corpse had disappeared.

This almost surprised several shadow guards. You know, they are all the peak strength in the later stage of the earth level. Moreover, after practicing the solitude and formlessness and strict training, their perception and insight are much better than those of other later stage experts.

However, in the blink of an eye, the shadowless corpse was taken away. The opponent's strength was almost terrible.

Several shadow weigen didn't believe that Wuyi would die and come back to life. The only explanation was that they met an expert who came and went without a trace. This expert was much stronger than them.

Hearing this explanation, the Apocalypse emperor was also very shocked. He looked at the shadow guard in front of him and frowned: "you said that someone took the shadowless body away without your attention. Who is that person, you don't know?"

"My subordinates are ashamed. We haven't found out who they are!" That shadow guard, kneeling there, now facing the anger of the Apocalypse emperor, his body trembled faintly and said in an awkward tone.

"Hoo The Apocalypse emperor took a deep breath and waved his hand: "it's a shame to thoroughly investigate this matter and let people take people away under your eyes. I'm ashamed of my cultivation of you!"

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