I am the King

Chapter 82

They didn't know what was going on, so they didn't ask. But I don't know what it is! So on the fifth day when I came out of Haitian bar, I told Yue Fei that I was going to have a rest for a few days. Yue Fei was obviously a little unhappy, but he still respected my choice.

Although I said to have a rest for a few days, I thought in my heart that I would never do this kind of thing again. If I hurt my body, mainly these women, I have no feelings for them at all, and I still have a relationship with them, which always feels strange.

A gentleman loves money in a proper way. If I hadn't been forced by life, I couldn't have done such a thing. When I left Haitian bar that day, I called Hao long and gave him his money back. Hao long didn't want the Shabi yet. He said to me, I know you don't have any money. Don't worry.

When I was angry, I kicked him, and finally accepted the money. Then I asked Hao long to take me to the hospital.

Results I should have done the examination, even brain CT I have done, to a general examination, including the doctor also looked at my purple bag, the result is no disease!

Lying trough, the more special it is, the more scared I am! Now what kind of society, this high-tech, there are diseases that can not be detected? At that time, I was really scared. I didn't dare to tell my parents. I went directly to the best hospital in Wanhai City, Wanhai city hospital, but I still didn't check it out!

At that time, I was really a little desperate. Hao long was more nervous than me. He came out of Wanhai hospital and put his arms around my shoulder: "madman, I tell you, this Saturday and Sunday, we have to go to the province to have an examination, otherwise I'm really worried."

It is reasonable to say that I am such a lazy person certainly do not want to go, but this kind of thing spread on me, I am really a little afraid, so I have to nod and agree.

That night I went home, I dare not bare arms, I am afraid my parents see ask me. But then again, when I take off the mask, I feel a lot smoother. Although I am really handsome with the mask, I should cherish my parents and their faces. I'm still pretty.

Anyway, I really think. I remember that night very clearly. I couldn't sleep until midnight. I was very tired, but my head was very clear. I searched my illness on the Internet, but I didn't find anything useful. Really, I'm more and more scared. I'm scared to the extreme!

Is there something wrong with me? In my mind, although I have had relations with many women these days, I have been taking safety measures, and I have a disease in my stomach, which can't be the cause of that! In the past, my health was very good, and I didn't have any disease. This purple bag seemed to grow on me all of a sudden, which made me very uncomfortable. Although it's not painful.

I took a long breath and finally put the phone down. Now I don't care so much. I'll go to the hospital on Saturday and Sunday.

At the beginning, Zhao Xi and I asked for seven days' leave. In fact, it doesn't matter if I don't go, but the head teacher can only give the students a week's leave at most. If the students want to ask for more leave, they have to go to the school.

Now I have five days and two holidays. Why don't I go to jiaotian entertainment company? I thought in my heart, my head was in a daze, and soon I fell asleep.

At eight o'clock the next morning, I was awakened by the alarm. This time, I didn't want to sleep. I got up to wash my face, and then went to Wanhai Public Security Bureau. By the time we got to the Public Security Bureau, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, and all the policemen were on duty. I walked into the Public Security Bureau, and suddenly a small policeman stopped me. Ask me what I want to do.

I looked around and found that there was no one else. Then I slowly said, "I'm Jiang Feng. Is director Sun Guo there?"

I am not in a flagrant way. I am a criminal suspect. I can not be blatant to say that at least I should carry a few people. Sure enough, as soon as the little policeman heard my name, he immediately understood it and whispered to me: "director Sun is out. Can you wait a moment? Just sit there. "

With that, the little policeman pointed to the sofa beside him. I didn't show any affectation. I said thank you to him and sat on it.

I played with my mobile phone for a while and waited for more than 20 minutes. As a result, the police chief sun Guo didn't arrive, but I waited for another person. That's Zhou Bingna.

At that time, I didn't even notice her. Zhou Bingna had a phone in her hand, and she didn't know who to call. She walked in while making a phone call. When she saw me, she immediately hung up the phone and suddenly gave a "Gee".

"What are you doing here?" Zhou Bingna said it to me, walked to me and looked at me stupidly.

"It's none of your business." I didn't give Zhou Bingna any face! Really, I remember very clearly. At that time, many policemen in the police station were working and heard me talking with Zhou Bingna. At that time, they looked at me one by one. It was really like seeing a psycho! Incredible face!

I know why they look at me like this. After all, Zhou Bingna is an iceberg goddess in their eyes! The whole police station, not to mention these little policemen, even if sun Guo saw Zhou Bingna, it was also bowed?

But this Jiang Feng, unexpectedly so talk with Zhou Bingna? Is this not fatal?! At that time, these policemen were ready to watch the excitement, but they didn't expect that Zhou Bingna's face did change after I said this, but after two minutes of silence, Zhou Bingna still didn't say a word! Turn around and leave!

I sneer in my heart. In fact, before I talked with Zhou Bingna, she would not care. After all, there were not so many people watching. Now there are so many police around, Zhou Bingna is also a little embarrassed!

Anyway, I don't care about these things. I don't care if she is angry or not! Who did I talk to when I was angry?

I sneered in my heart. At this time, sun Guo, dressed in police uniform, also pushed the door. It was obvious that he had just finished his work and still had a briefcase in his hand. I quickly stepped forward. Sun Guo was also very careful. After all, if he was found to have accepted bribes, he would not be able to sit as a police chief. When I went to his office and gave him the money, sun Guo let me go and told me to rest assured that my crime had never happened.

When I got out of the police station, it was like an amnesty! Really, the whole person immediately relaxed a lot, feel the air is clear.

Now my card is 600000. Although I just gave it 1.55 million yuan, I don't feel bad about it. It's like spending money to avoid disaster! This 600000, how to spend it

ha-ha! My face is beautiful, before I was poor and afraid, now I suddenly have so much money, I feel a little at a loss.

In fact, I should buy a car. It's said that men like cars, and I'm no exception, but I don't have a driver's license. What kind of car should I buy.

Do business? That's even more impossible. I'm still in school.

For home? But how did you get the money? How did you tell my parents?

I thought, that kind of feeling is like a dream, suddenly become so rich, how to spend is a problem!

I was so excited. As a result, I didn't even dream of it. What I thought was beautiful. At this time, I heard a roar behind me!

"Damn you, stand there for me!" This roar really gave me a fright. I instinctively got out of the way. I thought it was a few people fighting behind me, but I didn't expect that when I looked back, I saw a total of seven or eight people behind me, pointing at me and yelling at me, running towards me!

"Hum!" At that time, my head was blank! It's completely blindfolded! Originally immersed in the joy of happiness, but when I saw this picture, I was in a cold sweat!!

"Damn you, kill him!" Those people behind me stare at me and shout out!

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