I am the King

Chapter 85

"What do I call you..." I really feel like crying without tears. What does Wang Yuyan want me to do!

"Grandma! Say you are my grandson, say Wang Yuyan stares at me and shakes my hair back and forth. It's like pulling my hair off!

I don't care about you! At that moment, I really had an impulse to kill! Wang Yuyan, are you deceiving others too much? Are you pretending to be big? I love your ancestors!

I also look at Wang Yuyan without blinking. My eyes are like fire! At this time, I'm bound by all kinds of things. If I can move, I'd rather die with Wang Yuyan. Who's special? Don't live!

However, even if I want to commit suicide now, I can't commit suicide! Sure enough, Wang Yuyan also saw my eyes and met me with a heavy kick!

"Puchi!" Wang YuYan's foot kicked on my stomach. At that time, my stomach was like a sea of water. If the heels of high-heeled shoes were sharper, I'm afraid they could pierce my skin!

"Ouch..." I almost didn't vomit out. The strong feeling of nausea made me feel uncomfortable, but my hands and feet were tied tightly, so I couldn't move at all.

"I'll give you a chance to say it or not." Wang Yuyan coldly looked at me, slowly took out the mobile phone, as if nothing had happened to play with, in fact, my heart is clear, Wang Yuyan is to use the mobile phone recording.

Even if she doesn't record, I won't say it! I'd rather die here today than tell you! If I don't install walls, what can I say? If you ask me to call you sister, I can call you grandma. Can I call her!

"Wang Yuyan, are you going too far?" I took a deep breath and tried to calm myself, but my voice was still shaking.

"Are you talking to me?" Wang Yuyan looked at me with a sneer. Finally, at this moment, she slowly turned back and picked up the sharp knife behind her.

"Shua!" Just a short moment, my whole body up and down, has been soaked in cold sweat! The pores of my whole body enlarge instantly! A strong fear, swept my whole body! I can see that the tip of the knife is already on my neck. Now as long as Wang Yuyan a little hard, I'm afraid it will stick into my neck!

This is the first time that I am so close to death. I will never forget that feeling. It's like my life doesn't belong to me!

"Say it or not." Wang YuYan's mouth slightly raised, the kind of smiling expression, I look creepy!

"I'll tell you all the powers my master told me. Isn't that ok? Sister Yan, I can call you sister Yan or your elder martial sister. Isn't that ok? " I hold the last hope, looking at Wang Yuyan said, but my voice just fell, I felt a slight tingling, the next moment, the sharp blade, has cut my skin!

"Puchi!" I can even hear the voice, a trace of blood, along my neck, so flowing down!

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I'll tell you, Jiang Feng. I'll ask you for the last time. Do you say it or not? Say that you are my grandson. Say it, say it to me!" Wang Yuyan almost yelled out, her emotion is incomparably excited, her hands are shaking, but her shaking does not matter, her hand is still holding a knife!

"Wang Yuyan, my special troupe is your ancestor! If you were Niu Bi, you'd kill me today, and I'd blame you! " At that moment, all my anger, crazy rush to my heart! I don't care what fear, I slot you, a man even if no temper, also won't give in to a woman so!

"Jiang Feng, good, good! Ha ha, since you want to die so much, I will help you, you, you go to die for me! " At that moment, I can clearly see that Wang YuYan's face, suddenly emerged a fierce color, in the hands of the sharp knife, high raised, directly to my throat!

"But don't regret it. You'll never get the power that master taught me! The power is seventy-two changes When I saw the high raised knife, I was already in despair, but I didn't know what I thought. In my emergency, I yelled out in disorder!

Sure enough, when my words fell, Wang YuYan's knife, which was held high, stopped in the air, and the whole person was completely stunned!

"What?! The power Shifu taught you is... Seventy two changes? " Wang Yuyan cried out, face has completely changed! Face incredible, staring at me!

I can't help sighing my wit in my heart! What xianfengzi taught me is actually fortune telling. But I know that although fortune telling is very powerful, there are still many people who have such skills.

But seventy-two changes... Isn't it something that the monkey king can only do? Ha ha, how can Wang Yuyan be unmoved when I name it! She will try her best to let me teach her! In that case, she won't kill me!

I feel relieved that no one in the world can change 72. I can change my appearance. It's so awesome. If I can change 72, it won't unify the world!

Special size, I'm really smart! Really, I can't help praising myself. But when I saw the knife in Wang YuYan's hand, I was afraid. Fortunately, I reacted quickly. Otherwise, I would die here. How can I not see that Wang Yuyan is not really scaring me, she really dares to stab me!

"Seventy two changes... Are you sure?" Sure enough, Wang Yuyan heard me, and finally she couldn't help asking, but her face was full of disbelief!

"I'm sure." I tried to pretend to be serious and said it to Wang Yuyan. It wasn't until a long time later that I found out that I really had the talent to be an actor. Ma De, if I said that, I could act like a real thing.

"Shifu taught me seventy-two changes, because she said that my qualifications are better than those of you and Yang Yun, so she gave me all her unique skills. I haven't learned the seventy-two changes so far. Shifu really won't let me tell you and Yang Yun about it, because Shifu is afraid that you two will not be reconciled. " I'm seriously making up lies. It was really forced at that time. I guess I have a mistake, Wang Yuyan will kill me!

"Can we be reconciled? Why are we willing! I and small Yun two people, first worship in her door, but how can she pass you such a unique learning? Why Wang YuYan's emotion is incomparably excited, facing me desperately cried out!

Ha ha, ha ha! Nima, I almost didn't laugh! Wang Yuyan really believed me! Ha ha, isn't that funny? It's said that a woman's chest is big without brain. It's true! Does Wang Yuyan have a low IQ? I thought in my heart, but also evil look at her breast. Sure enough, it's full of waves.

Special size, I really admire myself. At this time, I still want to see other people's figure.

"I can teach you this ability, but don't tell Shifu. Shifu really won't let me pass it on. If Shifu knows that I've passed it on, I'm afraid she will drive me out of Shifu!" I still make up a lie, said to Wang Yuyan.

Until this time, Wang Yuyan was more convinced of my words, and her mood was calmer. After thinking for a long time, she finally put down her sharp knife and nodded faintly: "don't worry, I won't say it. OK, tell me first, where is the secret book of seventy-two changes

"I have burned this secret book, because I have memorized it. You can find a piece of paper and a pen, and I can write it down for you." I nervously looked at Wang Yuyan for fear that she would suddenly change her face.

But when Wang Yuyan heard this, she didn't lose control of her emotions. Instead, she nodded and looked at me coldly: "I tell you, Jiang Feng, as long as you write it down quietly and let me learn the seventy-two changes, I can let you go.

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