I'm biting my teeth. Forget it. I still don't know who had a relationship with Zhao Xi. I can't threaten her at all.

I clenched my fists tightly and felt a sense of shame in my heart! I went back to class like I lost my soul. I made a plan in my heart.

I clearly remember that Saturday was the first time in my life that I had evil thoughts. Hao long called me that day and told me to go to the bar where he works. He said take me to the manager.

I've been struggling for a long time. I'd better tell Hao long to go tomorrow. I have something to do today. Hao long didn't ask me anything, so he told me to call him tomorrow.

After calling Hao long, I changed my clothes and took a taxi to the back wall of the school. I quickly jumped in from the back wall of the school and went to Zhao Xi's office. It was Saturday at that time. There was no one else in the teaching building! I quickly jumped in from the office window. Turn on the recording function of my MP3 and hide it in a secret place. I've already made plans. I'll get MP3 next Saturday. As long as Zhao Xi is still in the office and does that with others, I will definitely record it!

I laugh, do all this, I am ready to jump out. But in this moment, my body suddenly stopped!

On Zhao Xi's desk, there is a black book. I know this book. The telephone numbers of all parents in our class are recorded on it.

One does not do two endlessly, special code, this Ben I also take away! I thought, without the phone number, how can you call my parents?

The smile on my face is more and more deep, but when I open this book, I am completely stunned there! The expression has been completely dull!

"On January 3, the weather was fine. It's hard to be in school today, and I have to bear to have class. This group of students also owe too much. They really can't do without cleaning them up. "

"On March 6, the weather was fine. Today, I confiscated a classmate's mobile phone, but I was watching that kind of movie in class. Isn't that a bit excessive? "

Diary! what the fuck! I gulped down my saliva. Is that too detailed? Watching that kind of movie, the person whose mobile phone was confiscated was my back seat. That boy was sullen. If he had nothing to do, he would watch those dirty movies! In my heart excited incomparably, calculated the day, is flipping the diary quickly!

I have to see who, in the end, has a relationship with Zhao Xi in the office! I ha ha a smile, May 10th, that day should be May 10th!

"On May 10, it was cloudy. Today, I was in the office. The only thing that made me angry was that my student was eavesdropping outside. Fortunately, he didn't see it. "

I carefully looked at that day's diary. This diary is very long, but when I read it, my heart suddenly trembled! Then, my whole person is like a puppet, stunned in situ!

How is that possible?

I'm like a puppet. I've seen it all over again! Every word, even punctuation, I can see clearly!

"Fortunately, his mobile phone rang at that time. Otherwise, he would have seen what I was doing." I looked at the diary word by word, and my lips were dry.

what?! I admit that when I finished reading this diary, I was completely confused. That day... That day Zhao Xi was herself, no one else?! At that time, my head was blank. I took this diary, went straight away, jumped out of the office, took a taxi and went home.

The first thing I do when I get home is to lock myself in the room and can't wait to open this diary. From the first page. This diary, from two years ago, has been recorded until yesterday. Zhao Xi didn't marry her husband two years ago. Zhao Xi's diary is very detailed. Every little bit of her day.

I can see that Zhao Qian really wrote her own words in her diary. Including the day when her husband had an accident, it was clearly recorded. According to the diary, after her husband left, Zhao Qian bought the lottery and won 260000!

Seriously, I was completely shocked at that time! This... Won the lottery? Most importantly, Zhao Qian said in her diary that this lottery ticket was actually bought by the headmaster. The headmaster accidentally left the lottery in her office. The headmaster didn't know that he won the lottery!

But it is obvious that Zhao Xi wants to take the money by herself!

What's the concept? Two hundred and sixty thousand! Of course, Zhao Degang, our grade director, did it with Zhao Xi.

Zhao Degang's age should be in his thirties. Although he is so old, he is really handsome. It's charming. It's said in the school that Zhao Qian and Zhao Degang had an affair before. But it's a rumor after all. Later Zhao Xi got married, and the rumor was banned.

Did not expect that this Zhao Qian, unexpectedly and Zhao Degang pit student!

My mouth, gradually showing a trace of evil smile. The sound I heard in front of the office that day should have been solved by Zhao Xi herself.

"Hoo..." I breathed out a long breath. Not only that, Zhao Xi's diary also said clearly that her students didn't give up their seats on the bus. Zhao Xi was very angry. I think that's why Zhao Xi ran on me so much.

I carefully closed the diary, put it in my hand, my heart is already smiling! Ha ha, with this diary, does Zhao Xi dare to do that to me again? Now, I have all the secrets of Zhao Xi! What impresses me most is that Zhao Xi said in her diary that this week, Zhao Xi and Zhao Degang will share the spoils.

I have to get hold of her! Today is Saturday, tomorrow morning, I will go to Zhao Qian's house downstairs to block her! I thought with a smile on my face. That night. I use QQ trumpet and chat with Zhao Xi for a long time. Zhao Xi still sent me a few photos. I saw the evil fire.

When he was at night, I went to bed early. The next day, less than five o'clock, I found something to eat in the kitchen, so I went to Zhao Xi's house.

I don't know where Zhao Xi's house is. But I know which neighborhood she's in.

After her husband died, Zhao Xi seemed to have been living with her mother-in-law. I live in Phoenix. Wanhai city is our high-end community. When I was about to leave, my mother asked me what I was doing. I said I was going to a classmate party. Then she asked my mother for dozens of yuan and took a taxi to Phoenix. Outside Phoenix City, I found a bench, bought a newspaper and pretended to read it. In fact, I am observing Zhao Xi's figure.

But I didn't expect that it would take me four hours to wait! It's noon. The sun is boiling hot. I'm sweating all over. I'm really anxious. Can't Zhao Xi come out!

I kept chanting, the results at this time, I suddenly trembled! All of a sudden will block the newspaper in the face! I can clearly see, at this moment, from the community, come out of a slender figure, wearing high-heeled shoes and black skirt, from a distance, like a TV star out of the general, it is Zhao Xi!

I was already nervous. My hands began to shake. I slowly tilted my head and looked at Zhao Xi. Zhao Xi obviously didn't find me. She had a leather bag in her hand and her hair was like a waterfall on her shoulder. Black skirt, inside is stockings, looks very sexy! That beautiful face, and did not put on a very thick makeup, not far from which point of view, a typical goddess!

In my heart, I'm going to laugh. Sure enough, as the diary says, Zhao Xi is going to meet Zhao Degang!

I thought in my heart that I didn't get up from the stool until Zhao Qian turned around and followed her all the way.

She and I kept a distance of 10 meters, but the newspaper in my hand was also tightly held by me. If Zhao Qian suddenly turned back, I would pretend to read the newspaper! This time I learned to be smart, I turned my mobile phone into a vibration. In case the bell rings like last time, it's just too embarrassing.

Looking at Zhao Xi from the back, she is even more sexy. The swinging hips swayed and swayed in front of my eyes. I felt that I had the impulse of nosebleed. Really, it's so eye-catching.

In this way, after five minutes with Zhao Xi, Zhao Xi finally stopped at the gate of the park. It's like waiting for someone. I look around as if I'm in a hurry.

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