I am the King

Chapter 90

"Madman, thank you, thank you..." Qin Xiong cried and said, his face was full of tears: "thank you, second brother. Brother, thank you... Thank you for making me feel like a brother again. Second brother, if I fail tomorrow, I won't live. Let's go to hell and be brothers! "

"Well!" I nodded heavily and looked at Qin Xiong. I was very excited.

But for a moment, Qin Xiong would never dream that an old voice came from a distance!

"Crying, what kind of man!"

"Hum!" At that moment, not to mention Qin Xiong, even my eyes were shocked! This... This voice... How so familiar! I don't know where the strength comes from. At this moment, I suddenly raise my head and look around, but there is no half figure?!

"Who? Come out Qin Xiong next to me, also suddenly roared out!

"Ha ha, two big men can cry when they talk. Ha ha, I'm so happy, ha ha! " The voice continued to come out, can only hear the voice, but can not see people, that kind of feeling, really particularly frightening!

My heart is beating violently. The voice just now is a little old, but I don't know why. I always feel that I've heard it somewhere, especially familiar with it! Whose is the voice? I can't remember. I hold my forehead with one hand and watch it from left to right. But at this moment, I heard a loud noise coming from the ground beside me!

"Boom!" The loud noise made my ears ache. In the next moment, countless pieces of gravel sprang up on the ground! Dust everywhere! I can clearly see that there is a big hole on the ground. Before I can react, a figure jumps out of the hole!

"Ha ha, little doll, do you remember me?" The figure fell steadily on the ground and suddenly looked at me with laughter!

what?! I admit, at that moment, my whole person has been numb! Not only me, but also Qin Xiong looked at the figure in front of me without blinking!

It was an old man in his sixties, but his face was wrinkled, his clothes were ragged, and his silver hair was very conspicuous. At this time, he is smiling at me.

This... Dragon... Dragon Yuanzi! Isn't this the Dragon Yuanzi who gave me the technique of changing appearance!

"Master..." my eyes are very dull. Really, I would never dream that I could meet longyuanzi here again! At the foot of longyuanzi, there is a big hole. Did longyuanzi come in through a hole

"Hehe, at this time, you know how to call me master, don't you?" Long Yuanzi is still smiling, and the smile is particularly brilliant, said to me.

"Master... Why are you here?" At this time, I didn't have any mood. I yelled at long Yuanzi.

"Not to save you little son of a bitch!" Long Yuanzi rolled a white eye: "OK, don't talk nonsense with me, special, I'm an old man, and I have to save you a younger generation, go away!"

With that, long Yuanzi picked me up! Just at that moment, Qin Xiong's eyes were straight beside me! What kind of strength is this? At such an old age, the old man lifted up a young man in his twenties with only one hand? It's like carrying a chicken!

Although I was shocked in my heart, I was able to control my emotions, because I knew that long Yuanzi was very mysterious and I was used to it. But long Yuanzi held me in one hand and was about to jump out of the cave. At that time, I cried out: "master, wait, wait!"

"Wait for what!" Long Yuanzi roared: "I'll save you. How can you talk so much?"

"Master, can you take him with you, master... Please..." I cried out, pointing to Qin Xiong on one side.

"I've convinced you! There are so many things Long Yuanzi said angrily, and then he threw me on the ground with a plop!

fuck! What was my mood then? I really and the ground, to a zero distance contact, give me to fall grinning. Originally, I had no strength on my body, which was good. I almost fell unconscious!

But at this time, I saw long Yuanzi stride a few steps to Qin Xiong's cage. He suddenly stretched out his hands, grabbed two iron bars, and snorted!

"Go At that moment, let me completely shocked scene, so happened in front of my eyes! I clearly see that the two iron fences, with the power of long Yuanzi, a little bit of transformation!

"Click... Click..." I can even hear the sound of the iron fence being bent. Finally, the next moment, with two loud and clear sounds, the iron fence was directly broken!

"Bang!" The next moment, long Yuanzi's figure, like a snake, rushes directly to Qin Xiong's side and slaps him in the back of the head with lightning! At that time, Qin Xiong had no room for resistance at all and was directly knocked unconscious.

Long Yuanzi lifted him up with one hand and me up again. He got into the cave at once!

"Whoosh!" At that time, I felt dark in front of my eyes, and then I couldn't see anything. I was carried by long Yuanzi. I could feel him walking, but I couldn't see anything in the cave. I didn't know how far he had gone. But it's certain that long Yuanzi just dug a hole in the ground to go to that dungeon.

How could long Yuanzi know that I was locked up by Wang Yuyan? Did he dig out the hole after a day's hard work? There are countless problems in my heart, but at this time, I really don't have a little strength, maybe it's because I'm too tired, and I trembled in the hands of long Yuanzi, and finally fell asleep.

That day empty Dan, really is too fierce. Really can let a good person, become a waste! I don't know how long I slept, I don't know how far I went, I just know that when I woke up again, I was already in a jungle.

"Wake up, wake up!" Long Yuanzi yelled at me and slapped me in the face.

"Pa pa... Pa..." my face came a hot pain, lying trough, at that time, I sat up from the ground with a cry! As a result, long Yuanzi is still hitting me in the face!

"I'm awake, don't fight!" I am not angry called out, a hand covering his face, looking around. I feel that I have strength on my body, at least I have recovered the appearance before I ate Tianxu Dan. I slowly stand up from the ground, while looking at long Yuanzi, while looking around.

At this time, I feel like I am in a mountain range, surrounded by hills and woods. However, I am surrounded by weeds, and I am standing in the middle of the weeds.

"This... Where is this?" I looked at long Yuanzi stupidly and asked. Beside long Yuanzi, there was a man lying in a coma. At this time, the sun is abundant, I can finally see this person's appearance, height is 1.8 meters, the whole body is almost scar! The eyebrows are very thick, there are heavy eyebrows, high nose, and the face is particularly resolute. It looks like it's not easy to provoke. This man is Qin Xiong!

I take a deep breath. Although Qin Xiong is very embarrassed at this time, he can still feel his strong and domineering Aura! In fact, everyone has aura. Some little gangsters sometimes sit next to you. Even if they don't speak, you can feel that they are little gangsters. This is aura.

Like those leaders, or the police, they also have the aura. However, Qin Xiong's aura has reached the extreme! It's true that he is a real person who has been on the road. Although he is down, he is still a king!

My face, finally is a smile. Wang Yuyan, I didn't expect that not only I came out, but also I got Qin Xiong out. Ha ha ha! My heart is already very excited!

I will never forget, I lie at the foot of Wang Yuyan, I will never forget, Wang YuYan's high heels, stepping on my face!

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