I am the King

Chapter 92

"Dong! Dong After three loud noises, I finally raised my head. At that moment, my face was bloody and the big wound of my fist was very prominent on my forehead.

"Ha ha, good, good apprentice, get up!" Long Yuanzi excitedly lifted me up and looked at me with a smile on his face. At that moment, he suddenly moved his hand away from me and pulled down the finger on his thumb. Put it in the middle of thumb and index finger, and hand it to me carefully.

"Apprentice, I want you to swear that you will never betray your school all your life!" Long Yuanzi stares at me tightly and says to me. I didn't think much about it at that time. I raised my hand directly: "Jiang Feng swore that he would never betray his school in his life. If he disobeyed, heaven would strike thunder and lightning!"

"Good!" Long Yuanzi nodded heavily again, pulled my hand over, flattened it out, and carefully put the trigger finger in my palm: "this trigger finger is called crazy dragon trigger finger, which is the symbol of our school and leader. Now, I will give you this dragon finger. From now on, you will be the leader of the Dragon sect! "

What?! Nima, at that time, I was blinded. Listening to long Yuanzi's words, my blood was boiling! what the fuck! Are you sure it's not a TV plot? Headmaster... Lying trough?!

My arms are a little trembling, slowly took the Dragon fingers, gently put in front of me. Until I completely see this trigger, my heart trembles!

This finger is white. It seems to be made of jade. It is said that the white jade has some flaws, but this finger really has no flaws at all! I don't know jade, but I'm not a fool. This finger is valuable at first sight! And it's like an antique. It looks a little old, but it's just a little old. It makes the finger look more temperament!

The most important thing is that the white trigger finger vividly depicts a red dragon. The dragon is red all over. It just goes around the trigger finger for three times, and the bloody mouth is open, which adds a sense of evil to the trigger finger!

The Dragon pulls the finger! I take a deep breath, slowly nodded, the name, really not casually. It's crazy!

"Master, is our school called the dragon gate? So I'm really the leader now? " I look at long Yuanzi inconceivably. To tell you the truth, I'm not excited. It's fake! I'm the leader now? I used to watch TV dramas. In TV dramas, there are some forces like Emei sect and Wudang sect. Later, I went out of my way to check them on the Internet. In reality, there are also those gangs!

But the Dragon Gate... What kind of gang is this? I have never heard of it? I looked at long Yuanzi excitedly and asked him quickly.

"Yes, I was the last leader of the Dragon sect. Now, you are the leader. Later remember, even if you want to fight your life, you should also protect the dragon in your hand! Because this finger is the symbol of our headmaster. This finger has been handed down to 799 people since the founding of our dragon sect. You are just the eighth generation headmaster! This ring has been handed down for more than 3000 years. You, don't let it disappear. You have to point at the dragon. It's more important than life. Do you know? "

what?! More than 3000 years? what the fuck! My head is buzzing, more than 3000 years ago, it should be the Zhou Dynasty, right? what the fuck!

"Master, how many people are there in our dragon gate now?" I feel my body is shaking, bursts of excitement, swarming out from my body!

As a result, I didn't expect that long Yuanzi's words were like a basin of cold water pouring directly on my head!

"Er... Now there are two people, me and you..."

What?! fuck! Really, at that time, I could not calculate the area in my heart. I felt that I almost fainted! Crouching trough, is this really funny? It's just... It's just me!

"I'm really to blame." But when I couldn't laugh or cry, long Yuanzi suddenly gave a bitter smile. At that moment, he seemed to think of something sad, and his face was full of haze. I admit, I really haven't seen long Yuanzi so serious.

"Thirty years ago, we had tens of thousands of disciples in the dragon gate. These people were all with powers, and even some of them were called the most potential powers at that time. They had all kinds of powers! No matter where it is, as long as the word "crazy Dragon Gate" is mentioned, there is no one in the river and lake who doesn't give it a bit of a thin face. At that time, it was really prestige... But at that time, I just became the leader of the wild dragon sect. I was young and frivolous, and provoked forces that should not be provoked. As a result, I was calculated. In that war, our wild dragon sect was almost annihilated! " Speaking of this, I can see that long Yuanzi's eyes are crystal clear, as if to shed tears.

"I tried my best to escape at that time. I really didn't want to say anything about it. Thirty years later, I didn't dare to think about it at all. As long as I thought about it, I would cry. I'm sorry for my master, I'm sorry for the ancestors of the dragon gate, I'm sorry for the dragon gate, I'm sorry for too many people... "On long Yuanzi's face, there was a bitter smile:" for so many years, I've lived in the world and become a fortune teller. I dare not make too much publicity for fear of meeting my enemies. All these years, I've been thinking about revenge all the time, and how to restore the prosperity of my dragon gate all the time

"But, I gave up..." at that moment, long Yuanzi could not help but burst into tears from his eyes! I can imagine how hard long Yuanzi felt. Although he didn't say much, I can still feel that he really blamed himself.

"In this life, I have calculated the life of many people. Once I calculate the life, I will lose one day. If I change people's fate, I will lose five days. Therefore, I know that my life is coming to an end. It is estimated that there are still two or three years left... All my hopes now rest on you. Remember, you are the leader of the new generation of dragon gate. You want to revive the prosperous world of dragon gate! "

"Teacher... Master..." at that moment, all my hair stood up! The head is blank! What did long Yuanzi say just now? Give people a life, reduce one day's life, change the fate of others, reduce five days' life? How could that be!

I have learned the skill of fortune telling that xianfengzi gave me, but why did xianfengzi tell me that giving people fortune telling would reduce their life by two days and changing their fate by ten days? It's twice as much as longyuanzi! How could that be!

My heart that call a tangle, but I still didn't ask long Yuanzi, after all, long Yuanzi don't know I now have learned fortune telling. I didn't know I had another master.

When I go to see xianfengzi in two days, I must ask her, what's the matter, why longyuanzi's fortune telling is less than mine.

"Master, I remember." I nodded at long Yuanzi and said it respectfully.

Long Yuanzi gave me a wry smile: "well, in my old age, I'm worthy of accepting you as an apprentice. Our dragon gate has countless power scripts. But in that war, most of the secret scripts were destroyed. If they were taken away by the enemy, I don't have many secret scripts in my hand now. Here you are. Go back and have a look. "

Long Yuanzi said to me, his voice dropped, he put his hand in the pocket of his clothes, fumbled back and forth, and finally took out a book, which is called a broken, has been broken to the extreme, the book cover has some words, can't see clearly. Long Yuanzi handed this book to me: "you've learned this book. Remember, this book is not as simple as the technique of face changing. You really need to study this book, you know? Besides, you don't have to go to me. If I want to go to you, I'll go to you. "

"Master, I know." I took the book carefully and put it in my arms.

"Come on, take this boy back. I'm going to give my master a grave. " Long Yuanzi said something about the vicissitudes of life. The next moment, he waved his hand and turned to leave!

I looked at long Yuanzi's back and couldn't say a word. Until he disappeared in my line of sight, I just reacted and rushed to Qin Xiong!

"Big brother!" I called and shook Qin Xiong's body.

But Qin Xiong didn't mean to wake up at all. Still in a coma.

With a long sigh of relief, I tried my best to carry Qin Xiong up. Slowly down the hill.

Ha ha, Wang Yuyan, you can't think of it, Laozi, back! What you owe me should be returned to me? You should return all your disgrace to me!

At that moment, the corner of my mouth showed a sneer. Wang Yuyan, don't blame me

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