I am the King

Chapter 96

"My name is Jiang, my name is Feng, Jiang Feng, do you understand? I don't call ah, you call ah, and I don't know who you're talking to! "

"Jiang Feng... OK, Jiang Feng, tell me quickly. Did you find out where their Wang family and the base of porn industry are?" Zhou Bingna was a little worried and asked me repeatedly.

I took a deep breath and turned to look at Zhou Bingna. Looking up and down at her figure, she could not help swallowing a mouthful of saliva. Zhou Bingna's age should be twenty-seven or eight. This age is just when she is sexy. In addition, she is beautiful. No matter how she wears clothes, she is sexy.

There was a nameless fire in my body, which seemed to devour my nerves. After a while, I said, "OK, let me tell you. It's inside the Wang's guild hall, the pornographic stronghold of the Wang's family. Remember, there is a secret dungeon under the Wang's guild hall, in which many people are kept. Don't you just want to make contributions? I've told you all the evidence. Take the police to Wang's guild hall to search for it. "

I said to Zhou Bingna: "remember, talk to me later. Don't call me ah, my name is Jiang Feng. "

I sneer, voice down, I turn and go!

How dashing I was then! This time, Zhou Bingna didn't stop me. I walked to the entrance of the coffee shop, took a taxi and went home. But how can I know, until I walked for a long time, standing there Zhou Bingna just reflected, at this time of her, face has incomparably flustered!

Zhou Bingna seems to be talking to herself. What's the crime of setting up a dungeon privately? If these evidences are true, then the Wang family is really finished! Zhou Bingna's face, with a smile. Blood are a little excited, quickly took out the mobile phone, directly to the police headquarters made a call!

However, I naturally don't care so much. I have already told Zhou Bingna what I should have told her. I ran home in high spirits. As a result, just after I got home, my parents directly locked the door. At that time, I said no in my heart.

Sure enough, my father pulled me to the sofa and yelled at me: "you're good now, aren't you? If you don't go home to sleep at night, can you call? I and your mother call your cell phone, or turn it off, what do you mean? Do you know how anxious we are? Look at your mother. She's going to call the police. Do you know! "

Hum! At that time, my head was blank. What was my mood at that time? To tell you the truth, how long has it been? This is the most emotional time when I saw my father. My mother was crying. When she saw me coming back, she cried even more fiercely.

I feel guilty in my heart, but I am really speechless. It's not my fault. It's Wang Yuyan who arrested me! Naturally, I can't tell my parents about these things. If they know what happened to me, they will blow up the nest directly! Our family is ordinary people, how can we fight with Wang Yuyan! So I only had dumb people to eat Coptis chinensis. At that time, I didn't know what I thought. I had an idea and said to my father, "Dad, do you remember the old man who told me fortune?"

"Huh?" Sure enough, as soon as my father heard this, he immediately stopped complaining about me. He immediately asked me what was wrong with me. I laughed and said that it was long Yuanzi who wanted me. To teach me the secret. As a result, my father was not angry at all. He burst out laughing and asked me what secret script I had taught. But my mother, when she heard this, stood up directly, pointed at me and yelled, "you're like your father. You believe in fortune telling. I don't know how your heads grow!"

In my heart helpless, quickly told a little lie, round things in the past. Then my mother made a big dinner, lying in the trough. At that time, I saw the big fish and meat on the table. They were all crazy and ate like a wolf. My parents looked at me strangely and asked me if I hadn't eaten all day.

I said I had a meal, but my mother made it delicious! I made my parents laugh. This meal, I ate three bowls, finally eat I walk hard, I just put down the chopsticks, stagger back to the house.

After staying at home for a while, my parents went out for a walk. It's popular to dance square dance. My mother dances square dance every day, and my father plays poker with some friends in the evening.

When I saw my parents leave, I quickly locked my door and carefully took out the book longyuanzi gave me.

I sit on the bed, gently wipe the cover of this book clean, this book is a bit miserable, it seems to have broken, especially the cover, there is a thick layer of ash, mad, I put in my arms for so long, even so dirty! I thought in my heart, open my clothes, sure enough, my clothes are rubbed by this book.

I had no choice but to smile. But the book is so broken that I dare not wipe it hard. I'm afraid it will be broken.

It took me a full minute to remove my hand. Until this time, my brow just tightly locked. On the cover of this book, there are a few words clearly written, especially eye-catching!

"The magic power of health."

What?! Health skills? What's the name of the book? What's the name of the book? Don't tell me it's martial arts? Like 18 dragon subduing palms?

I guess in my heart, as a result, when I opened this book, the first sentence let me take a breath!

"This skill must be kept in mind. Every morning, in the middle and in the evening, you should perform it once a day. One week later, the effect was remarkable. "

Significant effect? Lying trough, I am not sick, how to get the curative effect? I shook my head. As a result, I continued to look down. The more I looked, the more disgusting I was. I almost didn't tear the book!

What kind of book is this? It's like a cartoon read by a child. There are more than 30 pages in this book. Each page is painted with a picture, and then there is a paragraph at the bottom of the picture. The most important thing is that every page of the painting, are special simple strokes!

On the first page, there is a little man with legs and hands open. On the second page, there is a little man with half squatting and horse walking.

Is this a picture? I make complaints about it, but I still look at it with one word and one word, and follow the picture drawn in this book, sitting step by step, learning step by step. Nima, I'm really speechless. Why is it so like Taiji? The old lady as like as two peas in the slow and Taichung style.

I thought in my heart, my hands are changing slowly. After reading for more than an hour, I finally turned the book to the last page. This book records a total of 38 movements, which is strange to say. In school, even if I recite ancient poems, I am very slow. But I just learned this movement once, and I remember it almost!

Crouching trough, do I really have this talent? I thought, this time, I will close the book, from beginning to end, with memory, step by step to do action. As a result, I really didn't think of it, I really remember it!

This set of actions down, I am even more collapsed, including the previous one, I have done twice, but I still do not feel any change ah? It's a slow movement. It's really like Taiji. I don't have time to do it! Three times a day, in the morning, in the middle and in the evening. NIMA, does this dragon play with me?

I gulped down a mouthful of saliva. Forget it... I thought to myself, throw this book aside. Anyway, this book says that it will have "curative effect" within a week Special size, I'd rather. I'll try it for a week.

I thought, looked at the time, it is already ten o'clock in the evening, special, I sleepy also came up, lying in bed, closed his eyes to rest.

As a result, I was about to fall asleep, at this time, a phone call directly woke me up!

what the fuck! That huge bell almost didn't scare me out of heart disease. I am speechless. Who will call me this evening! It just shook me, and the bell was off. I didn't get angry and took out the phone. As a result, I was stunned!

One missed call, three short messages!

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