This is a stone lamp.

The shape is quaint, shaped like a lantern, shaped like a lotus flower.

It seems to be only nine inches in size, but it is extraordinary.

The light flashes, lights up, and slowly rotates to inhale a little spiritual energy in the stove and chimney to enhance one’s spirituality.

This lamp is called the stove lamp, which was refined by Su Jili after he first learned his own path, although it is only a magic weapon, not even the Houtian Lingbao, but in his expectation, this magic weapon has great potential, and it will be rebuilt nine times in the future.

In detail, this magic weapon is not made of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and the material itself is the most ordinary stove in the world, really special to say, it may be a century-old stove, contaminated with many human fireworks.

It was Su Jili who specifically asked Luo Xuan to find the Dao Tong beside him.

Because of this, this magic weapon is more special, the more fireworks infested in the world, the more terrifying the power, and the greatness can be seen in the ordinary.

Every time Sujili cooks, he is both enlightening and refining.

When enough pyrotechnic magic is absorbed, the magic weapon will be refined.

With each metamorphosis, the power rises to the next level.

After nine times, it will evolve into the top acquired treasure.

Of course!

This is just Sugili’s vision.

Today, his cultivation is still shallow, and he lacks sufficient means and abilities, and he has a long way to go to truly achieve this step.

When all this was done, Sujili put away the stove lamp magic vessel with a wave of his sleeves, ate delicious dishes, tasted homemade wine, and ate happily.


After eating and drinking and walking in the forest, Sujili returned to the Spirit Fire Palace and began to sacrifice the fire cover.

Heaven after tomorrow Lingbao!

Even ordinary golden immortals are salivating.

That is to say, Luo Xuan is backed by the Sect, sitting on the blessed land of Fire Dragon Island, and is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, qualified to get some heavenly materials and earth treasures from Jinao Island, which is rich and powerful, and easily gives a spirit treasure of this level.

Although it is not as broad as the Golden Immortal of Interpretation, it is not enough compared to the top, and it is more than the bottom.

Luo Xuan, the master, was very competent, and Su Jili was already satisfied.

Mana poured into the fire cover, and he held his breath, his divine thoughts were thrown into it, and he concentrated on refining.

Time is like an arrow, and the white horse crosses the gap.

Years pass in the blink of an eye.

The gate of the Spirit Fire Palace finally opened again, and Su Jili walked out in a rage.

He has already preliminarily refined this spirit treasure, and even in this process, he has a new understanding of the Dao of Fire, and the Dao is more complete, and he has reached the extreme of returning to the Void and Harmony Dao, which can attract heavenly calamities at any time.

However, Su Jili did not cross the calamity immediately, but temporarily suppressed the temptation of Chengxian, because he liked to act safely.

Seek stability in everything, safety first.

When it comes to crossing the disaster, the situation is changing rapidly, and accidents can occur at any time.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in past life novels.

For the sake of his own safety and path, Sujili decided to arrange it again.

First, it took several years to cultivate the spiritual powers to the point that there was no way to advance; After arranging the formation, set up a heavy defense.

When everything was ready, he let go of the momentum around him.


In an instant, the sky above the Spirit Fire Palace was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the silver snake danced wildly.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, Luo Xuan woke up from his practice, his gaze pierced through the void, and fell to the Spirit Fire Peak.

Seeing that his apprentice was about to cross the calamity, he smiled, and with a wave of his sleeve, the mountain protection array above the Spirit Fire Peak cracked partially.

Without the support of the large array, Sujili instantly faced the terrifying coercion of the Heavenly Tribulation, and when the time came, his eyes were sharp, extremely calm, and he was in a stern position.


The first lightning struck down blatantly.

Like an ancient ferocious beast, it exudes a terrifying momentum.

Su Jili did not dodge, let this thunder fall on his body, and tempered his body with the help of thunder.

In his previous life, he did not read novels, and naturally knew the benefits of a strong physique, both internal and external cultivation, and his strength was doubled.

To this end, as early as decades ago, Su Jili asked Master Luo Xuan for a spiritual fire refining method, often practiced, quenched the bones and forged the body, and strengthened the Dao body.

As for “Eight Nine Xuan Gong”, this is the Xuanmen Apologetic Divine Skill, the threshold is higher, not to mention that Luo Xuan does not necessarily have it, even if there is, Su Jili is not qualified to practice for the time being.

The first level of this Xuan Gong is the beginning of the Heavenly Immortals!

After several thunder refining bodies in succession, Su Jili did not continue, since his family knew his own family affairs, he had reached the limit of endurance, if he continued to resist hard, his body would be damaged, and the gain was not worth the loss.

The next moment, he sacrificed the stove lamp, and when the lamp was lit, the lotus flowers with buds waiting to be released finally bloomed, releasing many fireworks, and a faint scene of ten thousand lights appeared.

The magic weapon collides with the thunder.

The thunder is like a mud cow into the sea, engulfed by a sea of hazy fireworks.

Seeing this scene, Sujili hooked his lips and smiled.

He is also using the magic weapon of the thunder to temper the stove lamp, and improve the material and quality of the stove lamp with the help of thunder creation, so that it can accumulate more heritage, so that he can break through and stand up in the future and successfully promote the spirit treasure.

After a few thunders, Su Jili waved his sleeve and collected the magic weapon, released an endless sea of fire with a snap of his fingers, condensed into a fierce fire moth, opened his teeth and danced his claws, roared and roared, and rushed into the sky.

He used his magical powers to collide with thunder.

In this process, we not only overcome the calamity, but also use our hearts to understand the changes in the divine powers, and detect the deficiencies, so as to improve and perfect in the future.

After a few more thunders, Su Jili raised his hand and played the Dao Technique, launching the formation that he had arranged for more than ten years.

Thunder became more and more ferocious, from the thickness of the bowl to the thickness of the bucket, which made Su Jili a little frightened, but unfortunately, Thunder could not hurt Su Jili under the protection of layers of formations in the short term.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace, Luo Xuan smiled helplessly when he saw this.

This apprentice of him is good at everything, but he is too cautious, always takes one step to see three steps, is not completely sure, and will not make a move easily.


This apprentice does not lack high fighting spirit and vigorous spirit, does not cause trouble and is not afraid of trouble, but is relatively restrained, otherwise, it will give him a headache.

After the ancestors of Hongjun Dao merged with the Dao, the Heavenly Dao was more perfect, and so was the Heavenly Tribulation.

The cultivators have different foundations, and the thunder calamities they have crossed are different.

Mortals become immortals can cross the three-nine heavenly tribulation at most, transform into immortals, immortal life is in sight, and the life yuan has risen greatly, otherwise, they will have a maximum of hundreds of years of life.

When the Golden Immortal harvests the Immortal Dao Fruit, the immortal will cross the maximum six or nine heavenly calamities, and after the passing, there will be no longevity and no more life; Can’t survive, the body is dead.

When achieving the Great Luo Golden Immortal, the cultivator will cross the ninety-nine heavenly tribulation at most, and if he succeeds, he will live forever, and from then on, he will jump out of the river of fate and be at ease.

Su Jili is a disciple of the third generation of the Jiji Sect, with a solid foundation and deep roots, he wants to become an immortal, and the thunder tribulation he crossed is naturally the strongest immortal thunder tribulation: the Three Nine Heavenly Tribulation.

After the twentieth thunder disappeared, the last formation set up by Sujili also disappeared.

In the face of the menacing next thunder, his mind moved, and he sacrificed the fire cover.

The killer tool comes out, and it is very important.

Above the firmament, the sea of fire was raging, and several fire dragons rushed up, carrying several thunder calamities.

When the twenty-fourth thunder disappeared, the thundercloud was temporarily silent, and did not continue to fall thunder, Sujili did not relax because of this, and his expression became more solemn.

All because they know that this is Thundercloud brewing a big move.

The longer it takes, the more terrifying it gets.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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