Time is gone, the seasons are flowing, seven hundred years later.

East China Sea, Fire Dragon Island, inside the Spirit Fire Palace.

A powerful aura suddenly burst out, and the innate aura surged in one direction like a tide.

A few days later, Sujili opened his eyes, and there were flames dancing in his eyes, and mysterious rhymes flowed on his body.

When the vision gradually converged and disappeared, a bright smile bloomed on his handsome face.

Jinao Island listened to the sermon for a thousand years, and he benefited a lot.

Not only did the mana, divine power, yuan god and physical body soar, but the Taoist practice and cultivation increased step by step.

In the first five hundred years, he was promoted from a heavenly immortal to a true immortal.

In the next five hundred years, he took advantage of the special environment of the Biyou Palace on Jinao Island to go one step further, successfully breaking the bottleneck and cultivating to climb to the middle stage of the True Immortal.

After returning to Fire Dragon Island, Su Jili quickly retreated and concentrated on refining the Heaven and Earth Cauldron.

The biggest difference between the innate Lingbao and the acquired Lingbao is that the former has laws and contains Dao fragments, in addition to its infinite power, it can also assist the cultivation of the Dao of Living Souls.

This is one of the reasons why the Flood Wasteland creatures are particularly enthusiastic about the Innate Spirit Treasure.

Although the heaven and earth pot is only a lower grade innate spirit treasure, where is the essence, it can also help people cultivate.

It took Su Jili two hundred years to initially refine a prohibition, but he benefited from it and realized some of the true essences of the Dao, and because of this, he retreated for another five hundred years, cultivated to a higher level, and successfully promoted to the late stage of true immortals.

Thinking of this, Sujili flipped his palm, and there was an extra object in his hand, only an inch in size, shaped like an iron pot, and between the rotations, the spirit was extraordinary.

It is the heaven and earth pot!

Looking at this spirit treasure, the smile on his face became even brighter.

Although it is good to know that innate Lingbao is a good thing, but relying only on past life memories, Sujili only knows half about this kind of Lingbao.

Fortunately, Master Luo Xuan is reliable.

Before the retreat, I specially introduced him to one or two.

Fifty days to perform, one of them to escape.

Therefore, the limit of the Flood Barren Innate Spirit Treasure is forty-nine prohibitions, and because the number of heaven and earth poles is nine, the number of prohibitions contained in the Innate Spirit Treasure is related to nine.

Specifically, the innate spirit treasure was conceived and created by heaven and earth, and was divided into four levels.

The limit of the lower grade innate spirit treasure is eighteen innate prohibitions.

The limit of the middle grade innate spirit treasure is twenty-seven innate prohibitions.

The limit of the top-grade innate Lingbao is thirty-six innate prohibitions.

The limit of the ultimate innate spirit treasure is forty-five innate prohibitions.

And the innate spirit treasure beyond the limit of this range is the innate treasure.

Among them, the three treasures of the heaven-opening sky, namely the Taijitu, Pangu Banner and Chaos Bell, are the most powerful, all of which are forty-nine semi-forbidden innate treasures, followed by the four swords of the immortals in the hands of the sect master saint, once combined, with the power of the formation, it can also burst out a terrifying power far beyond the general innate treasure, and the four saints are unbreakable.

As for Yijiu, it is a prohibition that ordinary innate spirit materials have, which is also one of the differences between them and acquired spirit materials.

And Sujili got the heaven and earth pot!

It is the first pot between heaven and earth, with eighteen prohibitions, and it is superior among the lower grade innate spirit treasures.

More importantly, through refining this spiritual treasure, he had a new understanding and understanding of the Stove Avenue and the Kitchen Dao.

The pot is full of everything.

The Dao fragments contained in the Heaven and Earth Cauldron are rich in content, both in terms of creation and stove fire, as well as devouring the true meaning.

In other words, the Avenue of Stove and Fire is a composite avenue, not a pure Avenue of Fire, and it should contain branches such as creation, devouring, yin and yang.

Just like cooking, fire is the foundation and main force, cooking is the means of creation, the pot is the devouring carrier, and cooking is conditioning the five elements of yin and yang.

Because of this, Sujili’s understanding of the avenue is clearer, and he has also strengthened his belief in taking the fire avenue.

After taking a look at the Heaven and Earth Cauldron, he put away the spirit treasure, got up and walked out of the quiet room.


Outside the Spirit Fire Palace.

A red streamer rushed towards Sugili, and it was the scourge.

Although the divine beast grows slowly, over the past thousand years, this calamity has also grown a lot, its body size has become larger, and its aura is stronger, and in time, it will definitely become his right arm.

After teasing the calamity and feeding him a thousand-year-old elixir, a ray of light rose under Sujili’s feet and flew towards the highest peak of Fire Dragon Island.

However, Master Luo Xuan had not yet left the customs, and he returned to his residence after staying at Divine Fire Peak for a while.

In the years that followed, Sujili practiced with peace of mind, either refining spiritual treasures, or visiting the Avenue of Enlightenment, or practicing magical powers, tempering the flesh, or cooking himself, studying the way of spiritual cooking, and collecting human fireworks.

Over the past five hundred years, he has successfully refined the three innate prohibitions, controlled the heaven and earth pot to a higher level, and improved his magical power and physical body, and the biggest gain is the way of cultivation and spiritual cooking.

In terms of cultivation, his Dao practice increased day by day, and he successfully reached the perfection of true immortals; In the spirit kitchen, he has already started in the path of creation, using alchemy as a reference, rationally blending all kinds of heavenly materials and earth treasures, and can cook basic spiritual food.

Although it is not of great use to immortals, it is of great benefit to the cultivators of the four realms of metamorphosis, and there is no erysipelas scourge, which is a veritable food supplement.

On this day, Sujili flew towards the Divine Fire Peak again.

Inside the Divine Fire Palace.

Luo Xuan has already cleared customs.

After Sujili bowed and saluted, he explained his intentions.

“You’re going out on a trip to the mountains?”

Facing Luo Xuan’s disapproving expression, he was unhurried and said his prepared words.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“The road to the road is long and arduous, and it requires not only qualifications and understanding, but also a matching state of mind.”

“Disciples have less experience and shallow experience, they are not suitable for long-term retreat practice, and they can smoothly practice to the perfection of true immortals, and they are already protected by Master and Master Fuze, and they are much luckier than other cultivators of the same generation.”

“If a disciple wants to walk more steadily on the road of the avenue, it is best to travel in the world, broaden his horizons, increase his knowledge, see the situation of people, observe the heat and the world, and watch the rise and fall of the flood and desolation.”

“In this way, we can polish the Dao Heart, consolidate the foundation, reduce some calamities in cultivation, and at the same time withstand the test of wind and rain, promote Xuan Immortal in a more perfect state, and be alone as soon as possible.”

These are Sugili’s heartfelt words.

The blade of the sword is sharpened, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

Jade is not a vessel.

He was clear in his mind and knew that his practice could not be smooth sailing.

Being able to soar from the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal to the True Immortal Perfection in just over two thousand years is already a great creation.

It is only a closed-door cultivation, and it is difficult to make great progress in a short period of time.

Now, the world is the last year of the Great Xia Dynasty, not far from the Great Tribulation of the Gods, there is not so much time for Su Jili to waste and wait, if at a normal speed, I am afraid it will take a thousand years for him to be promoted to Xuan Immortal.

In the future, it will only take more time to become a Golden Immortal, or even a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

One slow step, one slow step.

Sugili didn’t want to sit still, so he had to take the initiative.

What’s more, there were many disasters on the way to cultivation.

Hiding under the protection of the elders can only be stable for a while, and the longer the time drags on, the more terrifying the future calamities will become.

It is better to block than to loosen, take the initiative to go out, even if you encounter a disaster, it will not be too outrageous, and you can calmly deal with it.

In addition, Sujili also wants to accumulate merit in the world.

He had already planned to go to the Heavenly Court after achieving Xuan Immortal to seek the position of Stove King.

Prior to this, if he could obtain some merit, not only would he make his Heavenly Court’s actions twice as effective, but he would also greatly increase his luck, which would be of great benefit to his own cultivation.

Above the gimbal, Luo Xuan sighed, and his gaze towards Su Jili was reluctant and gratified.

If he can cultivate into a Taiyi Golden Immortal, he is naturally not a fool.

What the apprentice said, Luo Xuan knew it, and even felt it.

It was only in the calamity that he grew up step by step in the calamity, and only then did he stand out among the ten thousand immortals of the Sect and become an elite disciple of the outer sect.

But because of this, he did not want his disciples to suffer the hardships he had endured before.

However, Luo Xuan was well aware of his apprentice’s temper and knew that once the latter made up his mind, he would definitely stick to it.

In desperation, Luo Xuan could only give a few spiritual treasures, teach a few magical powers, and patiently instruct, and only then agreed to Su Jili’s request.

A few years later, seeing the back of the apprentice drifting away, Luo Xuan’s expression was complicated.

I thought that if the apprentice was not motivated, it would be a headache.

It is also annoying to think that the apprentice is too motivated.

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