A ray of light cut through the sky and rushed towards the East China Sea, and the person inside was none other than Sujili.

Shang Guo’s subsequent series of operations, he does not know for the time being.

After leaving Qingyang Mountain, Su Jili flew straight towards Fire Dragon Island without the slightest pause along the way.

Years later, looking at the familiar scene close at hand, feeling the fire aura rushing to his face, a bright smile bloomed on his face, and a trace of excitement and remembrance appeared in his eyes.

From the beginning of his journey to the Flood Wilderness, Fire Dragon Island carried most of Sujili’s time, where he practiced, enlightened, and grew, and this was already another home in his heart.

Speaking of which, this trip to Terran Kyushu is the first time he has left Master Luo Xuan, how can he not miss the difference of nearly a hundred years?

Fire Dragon Island, Divine Fire Palace.

Luo Xuan had a feeling, woke up from the practice, his eyes pierced through the void, and he looked at the beloved disciple who was gradually approaching, and suddenly he was overjoyed and laughed heartily.

The entire Fire Dragon Island was excited, and thousands of fire birds soared into the air, spread their wings and soared, hovering over the island, making pleasant sounds, as if they were welcoming Sujili, and all kinds of exotic beasts in the mountains also roared and rushed, and the scene was warm.

In this atmosphere, Sugili fell from the sky and landed on Fire Dragon Island.

At the same time, a fiery red streamer flew out of his arms and ran towards the mountains and forests, it was the Little Calamity.

Looking at the spirit beast that made the mountains and forests jump, Su Jili did not stop it, it followed him in Qingyang Mountain for nearly a hundred years, suppressed for a long time, and now returned to its own territory, so he let it spread joy.

A moment later, inside the Divine Fire Palace.

Looking at Luo Xuan, who was sitting on the gimbal, Su Jili saluted excitedly.

“Buxiao disciple Su Jili meets Master!”

Luo Xuan was equally excited.

Especially after seeing that the cultivation of the beloved disciple has greatly increased, the achievement of Xuan Immortal, and even the faint merit god light in the back of his head, he is even more overjoyed.

After the master and apprentice reminisced, Su Jili returned to the Spirit Fire Palace and immediately retreated.

He needs to digest the merit blessings as soon as possible, so as not to affect his own strength and miss the best opportunity to improve his combat power.

The apprentice returned safely, and made great progress, meritorious body, Luo Xuan was happy, and soon he also retreated.

The apprentice is contending, and he, the master, cannot hold back.

At the very least, he must also achieve the Great Luo Golden Immortal in order to better support his apprentices and protect their growth.

Even if he is not as good as Senior Brother Duobao, he can’t let the beloved disciple be too far behind the fire spirit in terms of teacher.

As the two masters and apprentices retreated one after another, Fire Dragon Island soon fell into calm, and occasionally there were a few movements of small calamities and flame horses that were plague the mountains and forest beasts.


Terran Kyushu, Land.

It has been several years since Sujili left Qingyang Mountain.

Shang Guo and Daxia have completely fought each other, and each other has won and lost, on the whole, although Shang Guo is in a weak position, it seems that it cannot be compared with Daxia because of the popular will, but it is actually a very difficult hard bone.

Over the years, the strength of the Shang Kingdom has continued to increase, gradually growing from passive defense to the point where it can compete with the Great Xia Dynasty.

In this process, not only mortal soldiers are fighting, but immortals are also involved.

First, the Terran immortals enshrined on both sides made a move, each with their own damage, and then the dragon clan and the phoenix clan went head-to-head.

The grudges in ancient times, coupled with the fact that in order to become the totem of the Terran dynasty and divide the luck of the Terran race, the two ancient overlord races fought several times, fighting you to death and me to death, there were real dragons falling, and phoenixes dying.

Then came the introduction of the Interpretation Sect and the Interception of the Immortals.

Although due to the friendship between the two religions, they hide behind the scenes, many times through the support of scattered cultivation fights, occasionally personally attacked, but the two religions have a long-standing grudge, even so, the contradictions between the two sides are still accumulating.

This year, under the mountain of Qingyang.

Shang Tang led hundreds of civil and military officials to personally enter a magnificent shrine to worship the god of Vesta.

Since the temple was built, he has come here every year.

Since the temple of Vesta was built, it has been continuously incense, worshiped and believed by hundreds of people, with the growth of the kitchen road, the god of Vesta has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and shrines have appeared one after another in various parts of Kyushu, even other princely states, and the god of Vesta is gradually becoming the common faith of the people of Kyushu, and SenseTime’s move helps to win the hearts of the people;

And because the intercept immortals who came to help knew that the god of Vesta was Sujili’s matter, because of this incense and Shang Guo’s respect for the Jie Sect, the Jiejiao immortals had a better attitude towards the Shang Guo and supported it more.

In other words, SenseTime’s attitude towards Vesta has become one of the ties between the Sect and the Shang Nation Alliance.

Shang Guo wooed the Jiao Sect through the sacrifice of the Vesta God, and the Intercept Sect judged the sincerity of the Shang Guo through the strength of the belief in the Vesta God, and took this opportunity to continuously run-in, communicate and exchange, and have a tacit understanding.

For various reasons, SenseTime’s sacrifice to the god of Vesta became more and more grand year by year, constantly contributing to the spread of the belief in Vesta.

In this regard, the Terran Holy Land Fire Cloud Cave had no objection.

The way of heaven is constant, the way of the earth is stable, and the humanity is changeable, which is the way of the three talents.

Humanity is the most complex and changeable, providing infinite wonderfulness and many possibilities for heaven and earth, the change of the Terran dynasty is the general trend of humanity, and it is also the result of long-term discussion within the Terran race, whether it is the Great Xia Dynasty or the Shang Kingdom, they will not provide help, and the humanitarian struggle can only rely on themselves.

During this period, as long as the two sides did not cause great harm to the Terrans, they did not care what the means were.

For example, the dragon race and the phoenix race, no matter which race is the totem of the Terran race, they can each take what they need, mutual benefit and reciprocity, which is beneficial to the Terran race.

Although the position of Vesta is important, it is not impossible to give Sugili.

Not to mention that he was born into the Terran race and received humanitarian merits, he was a true Terran sage, even if he was shining in ancient times, he was not inferior to the ancient sage.

Coupled with the ability to befriend saints, Sujili is the perfect choice for Vesta.

Not only did they not stop it, they also secretly contributed to it.

After all, Vesta’s homing is good for humane evolution!

As a result, the belief in Vesta gradually blossomed all over the Terran Kyushu.


Fire Dragon Island, inside the Spirit Fire Palace.

Su Jili woke up slowly, and there was a mysterious rhyme flowing in his eyes.

After a hundred years of retreat, I thought that it would be quite good to be able to completely consolidate and digest the gains, but I didn’t expect that at the last moment, he was blessed with his soul, inspiration burst out, and he had a new understanding of the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and his cultivation went to a higher level and entered the late Xuan Immortal period.

Thinking of this, Sugili was pleasantly surprised, concentrating on the calculation, and deducing the cause and effect.

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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