After eating and drinking and connecting with feelings, the banquet finally ended.

After bidding farewell to the two brothers of the satisfied Shen Yulei, and sending away the reluctant cheap Dao brother Bian Zhuang, Sujili turned back to the bedroom and meditated.

The next day, he rode a ray of light towards the South Heavenly Gate.

As the most closely connected existence with the human world, Vesta has many conveniences that are difficult for immortals to have.

For example, without asking the Heavenly Emperor, you can go down at will, and come and go freely in the heavenly court and the world.

For example, the god of Vesta can not only have a mansion in the Heavenly Court, but also have a palace in the world, and the Heavenly Court will specially grant the blessed land of the Immortal Mountain and send the Tiangong Divine Craftsmen to build the Immortal Mansion of the Divine Palace.

Yuntai Mountain is the earthly dojo given to Sujili by the Heavenly Emperor.

On the blue sea and green sky, thousands of mountains and mountains are reflected.

This place is located in the center of Terran Kyushu, with green and majestic mountains, extending in all directions and radiating in all directions.

The palace was placed here so that he could manage the fireworks on the earthly stove.

In addition, Yuntai Mountain is also a cave heaven blessed land, although it is not a top-grade cave sky, but there is a congenital spiritual vein panhuan, and there are several acquired spiritual veins arches, which is good in the middle grade cave sky.

This mountain spiritual vein and qi luck can fully withstand the cultivation needs of several Taiyi Golden Immortals or a Da Luo Golden Immortal.

Sugili came to Yuntai Mountain for the first time.

The immortal attendant who was in charge of taking care of the Yuntai Immortal Palace immediately came to greet him.

After sending away these immortal attendants, he walked alone in the mountains, watching the grass and trees, watching the flowing water, and enjoying the scenery of his dojo.

All kinds of spiritual grasses and flowers can be seen everywhere, and rare birds and exotic beasts wander among them.

In particular, Sujili saw a Houtian Spirit Root in the back mountain: red jade sour jujube wood.

This spiritual root is red all over, whether it is the trunk or the branches and leaves, it is like glazed red jade, emitting red light under the sunlight.

One hundred and fifty years blooms, one hundred and fifty years one fruits, one hundred and fifty years one matures.

It takes five hundred years to produce seventy-two sour dates.

It can not only consolidate the essence and cultivate the essence, lay a strong foundation for practitioners, but also prolong life.

The most important thing is that this Houtian Spirit Root has been channeled and enlightened for three hundred years, and with its qualifications, once it takes shape, it will definitely become an immortal soon.

It is not easy for grass and wood elves to open their minds, let alone spirit roots.

In addition, this spiritual root took root and grew on the gimbal, swallowing the spiritual machine, which can be regarded as a relationship with Sujili.

He also had the intention of receiving the five flavors of the gods, and the red spirit sour jujube wood just corresponded to the acid, so Sujili specially injected the Kitchen Dao practice into this spiritual root to help him practice, while also hoping that this tree spirit could grow into the form he wanted.

After that, Sujili placed a large array on the cloud platform to gather and absorb the incense of the land of Kyushu, and in the center of the large array was a majestic statue of a nine-zhang tall god.

This is the statue of Vesta that Sujili has built long ago, replacing the Buddha-figure to absorb incense, and at the same time, it will also be the core of the incense God Domain.

If, one day, the god is psychic, he will be able to completely replace the Buddha-figure, exercise the authority of the god of Vesta, scrupulously fulfill his duties, and fulfill his duties, Sujili will be completely liberated, become a dispenser, enjoy luck, and wholeheartedly seek the Tao.

In the following years, he successfully opened up the Qianzhang Incense and Fire God Domain and planted many spirit root immortal grasses before leaving Yuntai Mountain.

Coming to the palace is just a passing way, and the place where Sujili really wants to go is Qingyang Mountain.


The fiery red light cut through the sky.

It was shocked and landed quickly.

The light dispersed, revealing Sugili’s slender figure.

He did not immediately go to his old place, but changed into a mortal appearance, dressed in cloth, and walked forward.

It is better to read ten thousand books than to travel thousands of miles.

On paper, I finally realized that I had to do it.

Although the world has changed, the world has changed, but the truth is the same.

Over the years, although he has made a lot of contributions to the way of cooking and has achieved the god of Vesta, he has always been high and has never completely gone to the bottom and witnessed the fireworks of various houses.

Fire Dragon Island, Qingyang Mountain, Heavenly Court!

He wandered between the three places, rushing for the kitchen, busy on the road, but lacked the experience of really going deep into the world.

This time, Sugili is going to complete this step.

Shuttling and walking steadily, he walked among thousands of households, stepped into the city and cottages, carefully inspected the stoves of each house, carefully collected the fireworks of the world, and patiently observed the good and evil of the world.

See people’s emotions through the square inch stove, and peek into the seven emotions and six desires with the help of color and fragrance.

He’s on the sidewalk!

As the god of Vesta, only by traveling thousands of miles and walking through countless homes can we know the evolution of the cooking path and gain insight into the true meaning of the stove.

He’s watching!

The square inch stove seems small but carries the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and the pots and pans seem ordinary but have something inside.

The stove reflects the heart, and the meals convey emotions.

Sugili’s Word is in heaven and earth, and even more on earth.

The world is the flavor, and the vegetable rice, oil and salt see the yin and yang.

Red dust is a ceramic, and there are five flavors of cold brewing.

He walked for five hundred years, observed the Tao for 500 years, walked for 500 years, and created the Tao for 500 years.

Five hundred years later, Su Jili came to Qingyang Mountain a hundred miles away.

At this time, he has become an old man full of vicissitudes and frost, and he staggers into a village: Baiwei Village.

The village is poor and few outsiders visit.

The villagers work every day at sunrise and rest at sunset, living a simple and simple life.

All they want in life is food and clothing.

In the eyes of these villagers, the stove is life, the meal is survival, the fire is hope, and life continues in the meal.

The villagers were curious about Sujili’s arrival and welcomed them warmly.

Both because he is an elder who has seen the world, and because he is an old man over 100 years old.

Snacks that were usually reluctant to eat were taken out, hens carefully fed and kept to lay eggs were slaughtered, and villagers who searched took out money to buy meat and came back…

In the eyes of the villagers, Sujili is a distinguished guest.

Since you are here, you must do your best to entertain.

The plain stove shimmers brightly, and the farmhouse meals cooked with heart are filled with joy and warmth.

Sugili understood another meaning of the stove fire.

After eating and drinking, he got up again.

Before leaving, Sujili left gold and silver for this village, which was not much, but it was enough for the whole village to eat.

The steps changed from faltering to steady, and by the time Sujili reached the vicinity of Qingyang Mountain, he had changed from a white old man to a vicissitudes of youth.

At this time, there were only ten miles left from Qingyang Mountain.

And he also entered a village called Shili Village.

Because it is at the foot of Qingyang Mountain, every family here is excellent at cooking and can have one or two skills.

As a result, the village is very rich.

For outsiders, they have long been commonplace.

No one wanted to entertain Sugili for free, and in the end, he settled in the house of an old man.

No big fish, no big meat, no mountain and sea delicacies.

The old man received Sujili with only a bowl of white porridge.

The old man used to be the best cook in the village, and there were many guests who came every day.

However, after old age and infirmity, his physical strength declined, and his cooking skills fell with him.

What’s more frightening is that he injured his arm in an accident, and since then he can no longer wield a spatula and spend his days cleaning porridge and side dishes.

Life is dull, in stark contrast to the rest of the village.

But the old man was happy to know his fate, and did not lose hope in life due to suffering.

In his heart, white porridge also has a thousand tastes.

Eat delicious food, eat coarse tea and light rice.

This is the way of cooking!

Sujili felt that the white porridge was very fragrant.

Simple is true!

At the beginning of the birth of the way of cooking, wasn’t it for food and clothing?

After traveling in the world of fireworks for 500 years, seeing all kinds of delicacies and tasting the delicacies of the world, at this moment, he felt that a bowl of white porridge was the most delicious and touched his heart.

Walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, looking for the true meaning of cooking, and returning, only to know that the world’s precious food is no match for a bowl of human fireworks!

From Barilla Village, Sujili saw the heart of the kitchen and did everything he could to treat customers, which is the truth and complexity of the kitchen way.

In Shili Village, Sujili saw the soul of the kitchen road, the life of white porridge and small dishes, which is the purity and simplicity of the kitchen way.

Waving his sleeve and shooting a mana, healing the old man’s injuries and leaving a pot of body spirit wine, Sujili got up, laughed and left.

With each step, the wind and frost on the body subsided a little.

When he returned to Qingyang Mountain, he had already recovered his immortal body, and he was even more permeated with an inexplicable mysterious rhyme.


ps: Thanks for the big 100-point tip.

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