East China Sea, unnamed Immortal Island.

After knowing the cause and effect of the matter, Su Jili suddenly realized, and played a magic power to temporarily put away the innate schisandra tree.

The innate spirit root can gather and suppress qi luck, and comb the spiritual machine of the cave mansion, and he is particularly satisfied with this.

However, Sugili did not leave immediately, because his telepathy did not disappear, but continued to exist.

In view of this, he searched around the Immortal Island again, but found nothing, and finally, he stayed on the Innate Spirit Lake.

The entire Immortal Island was only inside the Spirit Lake, and thinking of this, Sujili Yuanshen went deep into the Spirit Lake, and a moment later, he waved his hand towards the depths of the Innate Spirit Lake.

The next moment, a streamer was ingested into his hand.

This is a lower-grade innate spirit treasure, which has the same ability to change as the heaven and earth pot, and it is the first kitchen knife in heaven and earth, and it is sharp and sharp.

It is one of the reasons for Sugili’s whim.

Like the innate Schisandra tree, because Sujili was promoted to the Golden Immortal, he was qualified to generate induction and would not be unworthy of the position, so he joined forces with the innate spiritual root to send out a summon.

After temporarily putting away this innate spirit treasure, he stayed on the island for half a year, removed most of the spirit root fairy grass in the island, and took away the innate spirit lake and a congenital spirit root to ensure that it would not destroy the ecology of the island, and Su Jili left with confidence.

As for the Innate Great Array, without the Innate Spirit Root and Innate Spirit Treasure, it will disappear in a few years, and the Immortal Island will truly appear.

At the moment when he left the Immortal Island, he suddenly became creepy, and immediately made a decision, and immediately sacrificed the Hengyu furnace.


A deafening collision sounded, and ten thousand huge waves were set off in the sea.

Looking at the steel fork that flew out upside down, Sujili’s face showed a hint of happiness after the disaster.

Good risk!

Fortunately, he reacted in time, otherwise, under this blow, he would have suffered heavy damage if he did not die.

The next moment, Sujili was furious, staring ahead, and glaring angrily at the attacker.

It was a golden immortal.

His expression was gloomy, he was dressed in black, and his whole body exuded a bone-chilling chill.

“Daoist, this place is the territory of my Black Water Xuan Snake clan.”

“This Immortal Island is even left by my ancestors and elders for future generations.”

“It is rude for Daoist friends to break in without permission, please hand over all the things on the island, and then make amends for the spirit treasure in your hand.”

“The poor road can open up the net and let the Taoist friends go.”

“Otherwise, I will blame the poor Dao to gather the clansmen, and when the time comes, I am afraid that the Daoist friends will be fierce.”

The black-clothed golden immortal said greedily.

Although this sea area belongs to the Black Water Xuan Snake clan, it has always been barren, and few clansmen come here.

He passed by by chance this time, was attracted by the huge movement, and came to check it out out of curiosity.

Just saw that the red-clothed Daoist in front of him disappeared in the innate formation, but he hated him for coming one step late, plus he didn’t understand the formation, in order to avoid scaring the grass and snakes, he had to stay here, wanting to wait for the red-clothed Daoist to come out, with a mind to calculate and have no intention, he shot with all his strength and gave him a fatal blow.

Unexpectedly, he hid and fell short.

When Sujili heard this, he smiled angrily.

Being able to say that killing people and taking treasures is so brazen and high-sounding, it really opened his eyes to the other side.

Wine is less than a thousand glasses of confidants, and the words are not speculative for more than half a sentence.

For the existence that wanted his own life, Su Jili was lazy to say anything, and his body bloomed with brilliant immortal light, and then he shot with all his strength.

The heaven and earth pot in his hand moved with his heart, turning into a pan shape, and with the injection of mana, it turned into a thousand zhang size, like an ancient sacred mountain, smashing towards the black water Xuan snake.

At the same time, the Hengyu furnace, which had long been sacrificed, rose to the wind, rotated at an extremely fast speed, and released immeasurable true fire.

The void was burned through, and the clouds disappeared in an instant.

The sea of fire was monstrous, covering all directions, blocking the retreat of the Black Water Xuan Snake.

If the opponent wants to retreat into the sea, he must break through the blockade of the sea of fire.

And that’s not all.

Although Su Jili encountered a strong enemy for the first time, his practical strength was insufficient, and he lacked combat experience, he was clear-headed, aware of his own shortcomings, and even more aware of the principle of quick victory and lion fighting rabbit, not to mention a golden immortal of the same rank.

In order to ensure victory and kill strong enemies as soon as possible, he also sacrificed a fire shield at the same time, released nine fire dragons, blessed the Hengyu furnace, and the two heavenly spirit treasures combined forces, and their power increased a hundred times.

In addition, Su Jili’s head stove lamp, with it as the center, the pyrotechnic array unfolded, and in an instant, the large array was completed, trapping the black water snake directly in the array.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, he first entangled the Black Water Xuan Snake through the Heaven and Earth Cauldron and the Hengyu Furnace, and then used the formation map to set up the formation in an instant, blocking all the retreats of the black-clothed Golden Immortal, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

The next moment, the big array moved.

The fireworks turned into endless fires.

The Agni Hood and Hengyu Furnace sit at the yin and yang poles of the array, releasing endless flames.

The stove lamp is in the center to mediate, blessing the power of the formation.

Su Jili held the heaven and earth cauldron and constantly chased and beat the black-clothed golden immortal.

In addition, he is not an ordinary golden immortal, the double cultivation of the law body, the eight and nine Xuan Gong samples have reached the fourth turn, the flesh is strong, the melee combat is sharp, and he is constantly narrowing the distance with the black-clothed golden immortal.

Although it was the first time to fight with an existence of the same rank, Sujili was strong, there were many spirit treasures, and there was an increase in formations, and his strong combat power temporarily made up for the lack of experience.

But the black-clothed golden immortal is a golden immortal in the end, although it was a little busy at the beginning, but quickly calmed down, stabilized his mentality, held a black jade glass bottle on his head, released endless black water, turned into endless waves and collided with the sea of fire, and at the same time held a pair of spirit snake swords, released a thousand zhang sword light, split mountains and seas, and fought hard.

In the fireworks array, Sujili is invincible, and in the face of strong enemies, he is unhurried and fights steadily.

Understand that if you want to win, in addition to taking advantage, mentality is important, otherwise, it is easy to get carried away and capsize in the ditch.

The black-clothed golden immortal also saw that Su Jili was inexperienced, and wanted to seize this weakness and get out as soon as possible.

As for killing the red-clothed Daoist in front of him, from the moment he saw the Shangqing Immortal Light, he had no idea.

The Sage Sect is too powerful and has many incredible magical powers, even if he wants to seal his mouth, it depends on whether the Sect Immortal agrees or not.

If they knew through deduction that the red-clothed Daoist had fallen into the territory of the Black Water Xuan Snake clan, I am afraid that the entire ethnic group would be destroyed.

Now, he just wants to escape.

As long as the red-clothed Daoist is alive, even if the Sect Immortal knows about this, he will only find trouble with him, the culprit, and will not harm the innocent.

Unfortunately, Sujili is not comparable to the ordinary truncated golden immortals.

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