The golden immortal preached, the weather is extraordinary.

On Qingyang Mountain, auspicious clouds are shrouded in thousands of miles.

Countless plants and trees compete to reveal their fragrance, bloom vitality, and absorb the rhyme; The birds and beasts in the mountains spontaneously gathered outside the Barilla Palace, quietly listening to the sermon, and being at peace with each other.

Inside the Barilla Palace, the sound of the Tao is pervasive, like Huang Zhong Da Lu, deafening and thought-provoking, and tens of thousands of living beings are mesmerized to hear it.

Because of the spiritual energy nourishing the body, even mortals have no worries about the reincarnation of grains for the time being, and they have not felt hungry for several years, but they quickly induce qi into the body, embark on the path of cultivation, and immerse themselves more fully in the mysterious rhyme.

During this period, many mortals who failed to induce qi into the body were moved out by Sujili’s magic power, they had no chance with the Kitchen Dao cultivation method, and the immortal edge was even more shallow, and if they continued to listen, they would still find nothing, so it was better to leave as soon as possible instead of wasting time.

Nourished by Reiki for several years, these human bodies have greatly increased, not only will their strength increase a lot, but they will also be healthy, rarely sick, and even live a hundred years, which is not worth the trip.

Batch after batch of creatures were moved out, and in the end, only thousands of living beings were left to successfully enter the Dao, including both human races and other races.


Nine years later, Sugili stopped preaching.

The sky above Qingyang Mountain suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

A figure flew out of the Barilla Palace and faced the firmament thunder.

All the listeners were awakened by the thunder, looked up at the thick black clouds, except for the seven Kitchen Immortals and some Scattered Immortal Old Gods, the other creatures were stunned, full of envy, even if the creatures who had just entered the path were unknown, they were quickly puzzled by other cultivators, knowing that this was someone who was going to cross the Immortal Tribulation.

Once successful, they will become immortals, have a long lifespan, and greatly increase their divine powers, and truly stand on two levels with ordinary practitioners, the former is like the moon in the sky, and the latter is like mud on the ground.

How could this not be the envy of them?


The people who crossed the calamity had limited resources, and they only crossed nine thunders to successfully become immortals.

Looking at the Kitchen Immortal bathed in the light of creation, and seeing the reaction of the sentient beings under his eyes that he couldn’t replace it with his body, Su Jili smiled and was satisfied in his heart.

This is a link that he has designed for a long time.

A spiritual chef in the Barilla Palace who returned to the peak of the Void Harmony Dao was specially selected to become an immortal after the sermon, so that the cooking practice method would be more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the spread would be much smoother.

Now it seems that the effect is good!


At this time, the inside of Barilla Palace suddenly shone brightly.

At the edge of the palace, a white-haired old man who had successfully induced qi into his body got up and walked forward step by step, and with each step, his momentum skyrocketed, and the light became a little stronger, shining on people, as warm and warm as the sun.

When he came closer, he was on par with Sujili on the gimbal, his appearance had changed greatly, his face was strange, his hair was full of gorgeous hair, he was dressed in animal skins, and he stood barefoot, and his body exuded a powerful and barbaric meaning.

The main thing is that Sujili can’t see the depth of the person at all, and in his perception, the old man in front of him is as ordinary as an ordinary old man.

It is clear that this is a mighty one!

At least it was Da Luo who would give him this feeling.

Sujili did not dare to slacken and immediately got up to salute.

“Su Jili, a third-generation disciple of the Intercept Sect, has seen his predecessors.”

“I don’t know if the seniors have arrived, there are many snubs, and I still look at Haihan.”

Looking at the young man in red who had been saluting for several weeks in front of him, the old man in animal skin said with a smile.

“Your kid is clever, and he actually knows how to take the Qing Saint to suppress the old man.”

After all, who didn’t know that the Intercept Sect had the backing of saints.

Seeing the old man’s smile, seemingly reproachful, but in fact there was no half anger in his heart, and even pointed out the name of the saint, so that the saint felt it, so that he had no worries, it seemed that he came with good intentions.

Because of this, Sujili was relieved and his attitude was a little closer.

“The junior is rude, I hope the senior will forgive me.”

The old man waved his hand nonchalantly and smiled, “It’s okay! If the two of us exchange identities and meet the strong man who met for the first time and came uninvited, the old man would make the same move as you. ”

“Be careful in everything, it’s human nature.”

Saying that, the old man in animal skin changed his voice and continued.

“Xiaoyou’s contribution to the Terran is obvious to all, and the old Immortal Flintstones specially thanked the Terrans.”

As soon as these words came out, not only Su Jili was surprised, but the other knowledgeable creatures in the field were even more stunned.


This is the oldest existence of the Terrans.

It was he who led the Terrans to take root in the flood and desolation, from nothing to become strong!

It was also he who led the Terrans through countless difficulties and dangers, and truly had a place in the Terrans in the flood waste.

It was he who drilled wood for fire and lit up the Terran civilization.

Even the three emperors and five emperors are juniors in front of him.

No one expected that it would be this old ancestor!

Sujili was the most shocked in his heart, coming from the Truncated Sect, he knew far more than other creatures.

Knowing that the old man in front of him not only had a respectable status, but also a powerful one, he was a true quasi-saint power!

The next moment, Sugili immediately said modestly.

“The ancestors of the people are praised, the younger generation is from the Terran race, and naturally they have to contribute to the Terran race.”

“No one should be thankful.”

After a brief conversation, the Flintstones went straight to the point.

“Without further ado, the Terrans have clear rewards and punishments, and will not treat meritorious people badly.”

“You worship in the Truncated Sect and are named the god of Vesta, I don’t think you will stay in the Fire Cloud Cave, and you will often be out of the house.”

“Old Immortal came uninvited this time, both to see you and to give you a reward.”

“I can’t imagine that it is better to come early than to come by chance, and it hit a good time.”

“Your Spirit Chef method is kind of interesting.”

The words fell.

The Flintstones pointed out a small flame.

It seemed faint, as if it might be extinguished at any time, but Sujili’s expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

He could feel the horror of this flame, and even a trace of it was enough to burn the mountains and boil the sea, causing it to disappear in an instant.

“Don’t put out the fire!”

Sugili exclaimed.

Whether it was the memories of his past life or the teachings of Master Luo Xuan in this life, he was deeply impressed by this flame.

The immortal fire is the first flame born when the Flintstones drilled wood for fire, representing hope, symbolizing the future, and the fire of Terran civilization.

Terran history begins the moment the flame burns.

Terran luck also began to gather at the moment of the birth of the flame.

This flame endures, the Terrans do not die, and the flame endures.

Because of this, this flame contains terrifying power, and it is a supreme true fire that can be compared to the Sun True Fire, the Nine Immortal Divine Fire, the Purple Fire of the Dragon, and the Southern Ming Separation Fire.

Inside the Barilla Palace.

Looking at the torch in front of him, a trace of reminiscence appeared on the Flintstone’s face, and then his gaze fell on Sujili.

“Boy, the firefire is both the flame of civilization and the first fire.”

“Today, the old immortal will give you a wisp of fire, I hope you will make good use of it, and continue to work hard to continue to benefit the human race and all sentient beings in heaven and earth.”

“Endless years ago, Old Immortal once created the method of roasting, opened the precedent of Terran cooking, and controlled the Terran residence, clothing, and food with the Chao Clan and the Ziyi Clan respectively, but later, Old Immortal majored in the Fire Avenue, focusing on civilization, and this stove part was pulled down.”

“Racial hope, first and foremost, inheritance.”

“If one day, you become a Daluo Golden Immortal, but you can gift the Fire Cloud Cave to find old age, and you will not be disappointed.”

The words fell.

The Flintstones dispersed like smoke and drifted away.

Above the Barilla Palace, only a wisp of fireworks remained.

On the gimdome, Sujili bowed and saluted, giving the gift of the flintlock clan, as well as for his virtue and dedication to the Terrans.

“Congratulations to the ancestors!”

He did this gift sincerely.

Sober and witty, how could he not see that this Terran ancestor intended to help himself.

It not only gives a torch to help on the way, but also shows up on the spot to give prestige support.

Otherwise, this ancestor can wait for an opportunity to meet privately and come low-key, why should he be so high-profile?

All living beings in the field also stood up and saluted.

Needless to say, the Terrans are out of admiration for the strong.

Subsequently, seeing that the torch was put away by Sujili, the creatures in the field were envious, and there was more layer of awe and worship.

Being rewarded by the ancestors shows that the ancestor of the Chef Dao in front of them is far more amazing than they imagined.

Not to mention, they also heard about the Truncated Sect and the Saints!

For a while, they strengthened their belief in practicing cooking.

At the same time, above the gimbal, Sujili spoke in a deep voice.

Feilu’s 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)


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